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4 Votes

Magical damage and Physical damage Ember Spirit

September 5, 2017 by Phsc
Comments: 3    |    Views: 43958    |   

Build 1
Build 2

Go-to magic build

DotA2 Hero: Ember Spirit

Hero Skills

Immolation (Innate)

Searing Chains

2 4 8 9

Sleight of Fist

11 12 13 14

Flame Guard

1 3 5 7

Fire Remnant



10 15 17 18

Hero Talents

-12s Remnant Charge Restore Time
2 Sleight of Fist Charges
+50 Sleight of Fist Hero Damage
+60 Searing Chains Damage
+1s Searing Chains Duration
+100% Flame Guard DPS
+165 Flame Guard Absorption
+12 Damage

Magical damage and Physical damage Ember Spirit

September 5, 2017


Hello and my name is Phsc, I'm a 5k player which plays mostly mid but all other positions, and Ember Spirit is one of my favorite heroes.
In this guide, you're going to be playing him as a "solo" middle, as probably depending on your MMR there's going to be supports mid helping you.
Ember Spirit is a really hard hero to play in the lane most of the time, as he gets harassed a lot, he's squishy and has no damage early on, don't go on your ranked games with him at first, learn how to play him, also, this build is the magical damage one, which has the focus around mid-game, which you will stomp allowing your carry to carry the game, but it is also strong late-game, not as much tho.


Q- Searing Chains:Stuns two people near you and also does magic damage per second.
W- Sleight of Fist:Hits everybody in an area, doesn't dispel projectiles and also activates critical strike, Maelstrom's and Mjollnir's passives.
E- Flame Guard:Makes a Radiance like field around you, and allows you to absorb magical damage, if you absorb the max damage possible, it turns off.
R- Fire Remnant:You create a remnant of you which you can teleport to, it works with a charge based system and when you arrive at it, it does damage, also if you have 3 on the map, and activate at one, you arrive at the one nearest to your mouse cursor at the activation time.
D-Active Fire Remnant:You teleport to one of your remnants.


LEVEL 10-8% spell amplification is really a lot, it used to be 15% tho, still really strong, makes this build viable, pick it, always for this build.
LEVEL 15-Both are bad choices, they both suck, I pick the move speed as you will be running at people with your Flame Guard and maybe Radiance active quite a lot.
LEVEL 20-Both are good, pick the armor most of the time, but if the enemy team has a lot of magical damage, pick the Flame Guard upgrade, the armor is better unless you're going Shiva's Guard early, which means you wouldn't go for Linken's Sphere in that game for slot issues.
LEVEL 25-Both are great, but the cooldown reduction is just better, as you're going to do more damage, with a really big cooldown reduction with Octarine Core.

Items, magical damage build

Poor Man's Shield: You really need it or you're going to get insane harass with your ****ty armor.
Magic Wand: You're squishy, this also allows FOR SOME HARDC0RE SKILL PLAYS 11K MMR
Bottle: Well, you're a midlaner which goes for runes to get kills and also needs a lot of mana and health regen... so... yeah.
Veil of Discord: This, you need it, gives armor, you need armor, gives stats, you need stats, also gives an AoE magic damage buff, and you're a hero that... has a lot of AoE magic damage!
Boots of Travel: If you use your Fire Remnants, teleport base, and activate them, you're full life/mana again and it's really fast, really good, also you can split push by doing the opposite.
Maelstrom: It works with Sleight of Fist, and does magic damage, a good way to improve your damage in teamfights.
Radiance: If you have the slots to, pick this up, really a lot of damage and farming potential, but it's a expensive item which you might not have a slot to pick it up.
Linken's Sphere: Good stats, and mana regen, allows you not to die, because you're a squishy hero that does a ton of damage...
Octarine Core: 45% cooldown reduction in a magic damage hero, this is really a lot of damage...
Blink Dagger: A good way to initiate with your Searing Chains, also a good way not to die after using your Sleight of Fist.
Shiva's Guard: Ember Spirit is squishy, you need to survive, it gives an AoE slow and damage... hmm... pretty good heh?
Mjollnir: A late-game upgrade for Maelstrom, not really useful, you can activate it on some creep or initiator like Axe.
Bloodthorn: If you have the gold and the slot to pick it up, really great, you're not really a bad right-clicker with this build, and the amplification is really strong with the end of silence damage.
Refresher Orb: Six Fire Remnants which 300 damage each, not considering the spell amplification, really good, and if you get it with...
Ethereal Blade: Which is a good late-game upgrade for Veil of Discord, you can just kill people really easy.
Moon Shard: Not the best item for you, if you want to win give it to your hard-carry which hits people more than you, not bad tho.
Black King Bar: Are you dying to magical damage? get this, I consider it a bad item tho.
Blade Mail: Used to be really good when spell amplification worked with it, right now it doesn't work but some pro players still go for it as you're a squishy agility hero.
Eul's Scepter of Divinity: If you need a dispel and mana source get it, later in the game you can go for...
Manta Style: Which gives better stats, still would get Eul's Scepter of Divinity.

Items, physical damage build

Poor Man's Shield: You really need it or you're going to get insane harass with your ****ty armor.
Magic Wand: You're squishy, this also allows FOR SOME HARDC0RE SKILL PLAYS 11K MMR
Bottle: Well, you're a midlaner which goes for runes to get kills and also needs a lot of mana and health regen... so... yeah.
Ring of Aquila: You need cheap stats, armor and mana regen, this gives it to ya.
Boots of Travel: If you use your Fire Remnants, teleport base, and activate them, you're full life/mana again and it's really fast, really good, also you can split push by doing the opposite.
Battle Fury: Cleave works with Sleight of Fist, making you a one button team wiper.
Daedalus: It gives more damage, and yeah, you need damage, critical strike allows you to one shot entire teams.
Blink Dagger: A good way to initiate with your Searing Chains, also a good way not to die after using your Sleight of Fist.
Desolator: You need damage, with the cleave from Battle Fury ignores armor, and Desolator removes armor, if you use Sleight of Fist in two heroes, one being a squishy no-armor support and another one being a full-agility morphed Morphling, the attack on Morphling is going to do no damage, but the one on the squishy support, is going to do a lot of damage on the support and also on Morphling, good if you're going to change it later for a better item.
Divine Rapier: You're really hard to kill, and you need damage, isn't it perfect? there's even a badass cosmetic of it!
Linken's Sphere: Good stats, and mana/health regen, allows you not to die, because you're a squishy hero that does a ton of damage...
Moon Shard: You hit people hard, helps farming, late-game it isn't that bad as some time you're going to auto-attack someone, also helps pushing.
Aegis of the Immortal and Cheese: You can't die, you need to survive, and it gives immortality and instant HP regen!
Monkey King Bar: Do they have evasion? it gives a good amount of damage, get it then.
Maelstrom: A good AoE damage but not as good as when you're going for the magic damage build.
Getting multiple Battle Furys, Daedaluses and Divine Rapiers might be good, if you're versus someone like Meepo, go for multiple Battle Furys, is it ultra-late-game? go for multiple Divine Rapiers, does anyone on your team have Desolator and you don't need items like Linken's Sphere, get multiple Daedaluses and crit them to death!

Friends and Counters

-Heroes that help you in lane, Treant Protector, Crystal Maiden, Riki, any support.
-Heroes with teamfight disabling spells, Enigma, Magnus, Tidehunter.
-Heroes that just save you, Dazzle, Chen, Io.

-Heroes with a lot of physical damage, Phantom Assassin, Sven, Anti-Mage, as they build Black King Bar or just have a lot of magic resistance/have evasion/are tanky.
-Heroes with long disables, Spirit Breaker, Earthshaker, or heroes with silences, Earth Spirit, Silencer and Nightstalker.
-Tanky heroes, Axe, Centaur Warrunner , Tidehunter.

Ember Spirit is a great hero, but you need skill to play him right, I would recommend watching pro players like Ana, Miracle-, Sccc, and you know, every pro mid player which has a few games of Ember Spirit, beucase he's not really easy like Wraith King and Phantom Assassin.

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