Active: Eat Cheese
Instantly restores health and mana.
Health Restored: 2500
Mana Restored: 1500
Made from the milk of a long lost Furbolg vendor, it restores the vitality of those who taste it.
Additional Information:
Due to the time it takes to kill Roshan three times in a single game, the Cheese is rarely seen. However, it is the best consumable item in the entire game, as it restores a large amount of health and mana instantly. In addition to this, the
Cheese can be shared with allies. The charges on
Cheese can stack. Unlike
Aegis of the Immortal,
Cheese does not despawn after a certain time.
Cheese can also be sold to the shop for 500 gold.
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So much better than the Aegis.
wtf no this is not!
aegis restores you after death without you having to activate and it heals everything 100% if I have 3k hp cheese will not do 100%
It's a rare drop of Roshan.
A lie. Cheese drops every time Roshan dies third time. And from there beyond.
i never saw this in dota 1