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Spectral Nightmare

Faction:The Dire
Primary Attribute: Intelligence
Attack Type: Ranged
Role(s): carry,disabler

Muerta's Stats

STR 79 at 30 (19 + 2/level)
AGI 101 at 30 (20 + 2.7/level)
INT 125 at 30 (23 + 3.4/level)
Health 2020 at 30
Mana 1671 at 30
Damage 47 - 55
Range 575
Armor 3.3
Movement 295


Muerta can always attack when she is ethereal. Muerta can always attack ethereal targets. When...

Dead Shot

Muerta fires a ghostly trickshot at an enemy unit or tree. When the bullet strikes, it damages...

The Calling

Summons a group of 4.0 revenants that slowly circle the targeted location. Enemies within the...


Toggleable. When toggled on, Muerta's attacks have a chance to fire a second shot at another...

Pierce The Veil

Muerta transforms, becoming immune to physical damage. All of her attack damage is dealt as...

Muerta's Talents

+25% Magic Resistance
+20% Gunslinger Chance
The Calling summons 2 Additional Revenants
2 Dead Shot Charges
+55 Gunslinger Damage
+3% Max HP Regen while inside The Calling
+150 Health
+300 Dead Shot Cast Range

Muerta's Facets

Dance of the Dead

The Calling becomes stronger when heroes die inside it.


Muerta can place an Ofrenda on the map to respawn there instead of the fountain.

Muerta's Lore

There are as many stories about Muerta as there are graves in the Carrion Fields of Gorm. Some tell their children ghost stories of a young peasant girl returned from the dead to punish the bandits who killed her family. Others, drunk in dark taverns, slur conspiracy theories about kidnappings and phantom guilds of killers.

One constant bleeds through every tale: of a woman so consumed by hate for those who killed her that she refused to die. And of Death, so impressed by whatever hate-filled engine that drove this woman that he gave her Mercy and Grace — twin ethereal pistols — and made her his second in command. Now she hunts down wayward souls whose last grains have tumbled from their hourglass, and drags them kicking and screaming to their eternal reward.

Muerta Builds & Guides
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Hero Questions
Dota Hero  guide
Muerta Carry
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Dota Hero  guide
Muerta Support
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Muerta newbie build
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Dota Hero  guide
muerta dmg melter
9 Votes
Dota Hero  guide
Muerta as SUPPORT
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