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DotA 2 Item: Moon Shard

Total Cost: 4000

Item Details

Moon Shard

+140 Attack speed

Active: Consume - Consume the Moon Shard to permanently gain 60 attack speed. Can be fed to allies. Does not stack. Only half of the bonus night vision remains when consumed.

Attack Speed Bonus: 60

Passive: Shade Sight - Grants 400/200 (base/consumed) bonus night vision.

Additional Information

Said to be a tear from the lunar goddess Selemene.


  • A hero can consume a maximum of one Moon Shard.
  • Once consumed the item isn't factored into the hero's net worth.
  • Cannot be consumed by Lone Druid's Spirit Bear.
  • Works against Darkness.
  • Vision bonus from multiple shards are stackable.

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apaz (17) | May 5, 2015 8:20pm
Why have just 6 slots when you can have 7?

Shade sight is kinda meh, but +60 attack speed in a late game situation is awesome. You can even buy it in the midgame and consume it later, as with Tiny.
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