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Faction:The Radiant
Primary Attribute: Strength
Attack Type: Melee
Role(s): carry,durable

Dawnbreaker's Stats

STR 127 at 30 (25 + 3.4/level)
AGI 65 at 30 (14 + 1.7/level)
INT 80 at 30 (20 + 2/level)
Damage 55 - 59
Range 150
Armor 5.3
Movement 300

Break of Dawn

Whenever the sun comes out, Dawnbreaker reveals the whole map to allies for 5 seconds.


Dawnbreaker whirls her hammer around 3 times, damaging enemies with her attack plus bonus damage....

Celestial Hammer

Dawnbreaker hurls her weapon at a target, damaging enemies struck along the way. The hammer...


After 3 attacks, Dawnbreaker powers up, charging her next attack with a critical hit that heals...

Solar Guardian

CHANNELED - Dawnbreaker creates a pulsing effect at a location within 350 units of an allied hero...

Dawnbreaker's Talents

+80% Celestial Hammer Cast Range/Speed
-5s Starbreaker Cooldown
-1 Luminosity Attacks Required
+150 Solar Guardian Radius
-20s Solar Guardian Cooldown
+50% Luminosity Crit Damage
+20 swipe/smash damage
+15% Celestial Hammer Slow

Dawnbreaker's Facets

Solar Charged

Whenever Dawnbreaker hits a target with a powered up Luminosity, she decreases the cooldowns of...

Gleaming Hammer

Celestial Hammer heals allies and damages enemies when on the ground.

Dawnbreaker's Lore

In the aeons after the Keeper's exodus birthed the age of light, some amongst the first sun's lineage began to align against the chaos their ancestor's maker left chasing in his wake. Calling themselves the Children of Light, they saw no one else as worthy of taking up the Keeper's abandoned mantle, and they yearned to beat back the onslaught of darkness, creating glorious armies built to purge the cosmos of all creatures of primordial night.

Valora, the Dawnbreaker, most prized warrior amongst the Children's ancient creations, is the shining herald of the majesty of order and light. Molded from the heart of a young metallic star, and charged by golden breath with new life, Valora was called to spread the glow of the Children's wisdom to the darkest reaches of the universe — setting fire to the heavens with each swing of her celestial hammer amidst an endless battle to keep chaos at bay.

In time, the Children also revealed another purpose for the Dawnbreaker. They had discovered a means of permeating the entirety of the cosmos with their inner light — to obliterate all aspects of darkness forever — and they sent Valora to seize a source of great power, the final piece of their ultimate plan. But for the first time, Valora and her hammer met with failure, and the price she and her masters paid was vast. The Children of Light's spark was utterly extinguished, and the Dawnbreaker was left adrift in a black expanse, lost for untold millennia before crashing on an unfamiliar world.

There she rested, dormant, until the presence of a wandering young star gave fuel to an ancient energy forge — a relic of the Children's that, like her, lay buried for countless ages beneath a blowing red waste. Now, with a small measure of her former powers restored by the forge, Valora wakes to a land beset by war and the unrelenting forces of chaos. She knows her gods may be gone, but the heft of the Dawnbreaker's hammer remains — matched only by her will to wield it justly in the name of goodness and light.

Dawnbreaker Builds & Guides
Hero Videos
Hero Questions
Dota Hero  guide
Dawnbreaker Offlane
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Dota Hero  guide
Dawnbreaker Support
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Dota Hero  guide
Immortal Dawnbreaker Support - 7.35d
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Dawnbreaker- Sun’s out guns out
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Valora The Dawn Breaker
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Dawn Breaker Support
1 Votes
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Dawnbreaker Core - Hammer Time!
11 Votes
Dota Hero  guide
Dawnbreaker Guide
1 Votes

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JakeKolkat (2) | November 5, 2021 10:04am
I really like this hero, but whatever build I tried for her, didn't work; I lose 90% of the matches.
Can someone intruduce a guide for rising win percentage with this hero?
I have already tried the guides available.
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