Passive: Reincarnation
Brings you to life with full health and mana 5 seconds after you die, at the location where you died. Reincarnation must be used within 5 minutes or Aegis of the Immortal disappears. If it expires, it will heal you over 5 seconds (dispels on damage).
Effect Delay: 5
Expire Max Health Restored per Second: 20%
Expire Max Mana Restored per Second: 20%
Expire Restore Duration: 5
The Immortal was said to own a shield that protected him from death itself.
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Meaning 100% over 5 seconds
LEL the guy who put down that note.
Let me frame it for you:
Aegis disappears :
From the owners nventory if he dies within the time aegis was not reclaimed.
Within 5 minutes from the time Aegis was PICKED UP by the hero if said hero has not died.
From the ground if has not been picked up by any hero and roshan respawned.
There will never be two aegis at once.
A courier can not pick aegis.
Can not be picked by summons such as spirit bear, Familiars and Warlocks' golem or brewmasters'
Roshan spawns in 8-11 minutes and aegis gets reclaimed in 5 minutes.
So the only possibility where aegis is reclaimed when roshan respawns happens when everyone decide to LEAVE aegis at the roshan pit. Pretty much impractical imo.
Add the damn things!
There is also a item in League of Legends named Guardian Angel, you always respawn then every 5 minutes so this item isn't OP at all. It is perfect or Gem carriers, Divine Rapier carriers or carrys that get focused on too much :p
(Imagine Skeleton king + reincarnation + refresher orb + aegis XD)
Or Lycan/naix/fury can solo at like 7 xD
I used to do it with Nightstalker.
Just to make everything clear:
Not every item in the database is from the base shop. There are "hidden" shops too, + one really epic mob you can fight for this specific item. The latter is called Roshan (spell the LOL slug, Nashor backwards... makes sense huh?). He requires several heroes/champions of decent level to kill. Drops the aegis. Only one person recieves the loot. He may resurrect ONLY ONCE upon death, unless the item's duration has expired (yes, it has a max time). If that happens, the item disappears. Roshan also has a relatively long respawn time. His loot is only dependant on who PICKS IT UP.
So if anybody has a serious argument this item being op, keep it to yourself and play DotA first :)
ps: I dont know much about the upcoming changes for DotA, I only wanted to explain the way this item worked until now.
Have fun with it. If you can get it.
Or Lycan/naix/fury can solo at like 7 xD