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Cogliostro Kettle

Faction:The Radiant
Primary Attribute: Intelligence
Attack Type: Ranged
Role(s): lane-support,disabler,escape

Ringmaster's Stats

STR 95 at 30 (23 + 2.4/level)
AGI 55 at 30 (13 + 1.4/level)
INT 115 at 30 (25 + 3/level)
Health 2452 at 30
Mana 1587 at 30
Damage 48 - 58
Range 575
Armor 3.2
Movement 310

Dark Carnival Barker

Ringmaster receives a random single-use Dark Carnival Souvenir whenever an enemy hero dies within...

Tame The Beasts

CHANNELED - Ringmaster twirls his whip for up to 1 second then cracks it. Whipped enemies are...

Escape Act

Ringmaster packs himself or an allied hero into a mobile, extradimensional box. Boxed units gain...

Impalement Arts

Ringmaster throws one of his daggers to a precise point of his choosing. If he strikes an enemy,...

Wheel Of Wonder

Ringmaster rolls the Wheel of Wonder to the targeted location, knocking aside enemies along the...

Ringmaster's Talents

Escape Art Grants Strong Dispel and Flying
+100 Wheel Radius and Range
+75/+300 Tame The Beasts Min/Max Damage
+1s Impalement Arts Bleed and Slow Duration
Debuff Immunity While Channeling Tame The Beasts
Impalement Arts Penetrates One Target
+200 Escape Act Cast Range
+75 Tame The Beasts Radius

Ringmaster's Facets

Center Stage

Ringmaster is still new to the spotlight. This facet doesn't do anything... yet.

Ringmaster's Lore

Welcome, welcome, one and all — to a stage-lit extravaganza for the ages! Prepare to have your senses shattered! Your expectations demolished! Your Ancients smashed to ruins!

Witness the impossible feats and derring-do of the one and only clockwork marvel, the Great Cogliostro Kettle — Ringmaster, torture artist, genius in his own time — here now for the sole agony and entertainment of any hero bold enough to draw back the crimson carnival curtain and behold what mysteries await inside.

The mistake most maestros make is waiting for the public to come to them. The Ringmaster knows you need to go out and find your audience! Drag them to you. And make them watch.

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