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Create and share Hero Guides and Builds.

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You are free to create and save a build but will not be able to edit it after. Guest builds are not listed and can only be found by direct link.


Create/Edit Guide

To create a guide you must have a title and at least 1 chapter. If you wish to add builds to your guide click the "Add Build" button. For any guide to be complete it must contain at least 2000 characters. For a guide to be a Hero Guide it must also contain at least 1 complete build.

Guide Name

Guide Chapters

To auto insert quick chapters click the '+' beside the chapter name in the box to the right. To insert custom chapters click 'Insert Chapter' where you want the new chapter to appear. To disable the chapters feature (old style written guides) only use a single chapter and do not enter a title for it.

Guide Settings


Add Build


Quick Chapters

Introduction Ranked Play
Items Pros / Cons
Skills Creeping / Jungling
Talents Summary
Team Work

Custom Chapters

Insert Custom Chapter


DOTAFire is the place to find the perfect build guide to take your game to the next level. Learn how to play a new hero, or fine tune your favorite DotA hero’s build and strategy.

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