+55 Damage
+20% Evasion
Passive: Burn Damage
Deals damage per second in a 650 radius, deals 150% damage to illusions. Toggle whether the aura is active or not.
Radius: 700
Damage per Second: 60
Damage per Second for Illusions: 35
Miss Chance: 15%
A divine weapon that causes damage and a bright burning effect that lays waste to nearby enemies.
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Can anyone tell me why you can toggle the burn on and off i mean like seriously does it also burn allies i mean it doesn't do anything to your mana or health really so why turn it off?
If you're alone hiding in the trees from 5 enemy heroes, then you don't want the burn giving away your position.
I'd argue that radiance is also good on tanky heroes that can remain in the centre of team fights since I radiance burn will cancel blink dagger and deal damage to the entire enemy team. It also helps on chases and makes juking for the enemies harder as it cancels blink dagger.
It can be picked up by Centaur. I always get it on him. And it's most useful against heroes who will purchase
I love to get this item on spectre because I can get any big item within 5~10min with that.
Edit: made post make sense
Nope, wrong again,
I think its 2 shots from a
No, because only auto-attacks can damage wards.
Nope, wrong again,
Does the AoE damage kill wards you cannot see?
No, because only auto-attacks can damage wards.
Does the AoE damage kill wards you cannot see?
No, damage doesn't affect wards from what I know.