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53 Votes

C'est La Vie [6.83 Update] (In-Depth Slithice Guide) - By: Tsuna, Hina and Crisis

February 1, 2015 by Hinakurinchi
Comments: 20    |    Views: 245330    |   

Build 1
Build 2
Build 3
Build 4
Build 5
Build 6

Hina's Style (Carry)

DotA2 Hero: Naga Siren

Hero Skills

Eelskin (Innate)

Mirror Image

10 12 13 14


1 4 8 9

Rip Tide

2 3 5 7

Song of the Siren

6 11 16


15 17 18

Introduction To The Guide: C'est La Vie

To begin with, this guide was a joined operation of three different people. Namely, me (who unfortunately have to do most of the typing), Hinakurinchi, one of my friends in DotA and probably one of the few that I can match my style with and finally, Crisis. All of us have tournament-ranked experience though we couldn't be like Na'Vi Dendi, claiming the 1 million dollar price. That aside, some might have noticed that I have wrote a guide on Naga before "Aria's Requiem - Guide to Slithice". Some of the builds each of us use will be brought here. Think of it as merging.

This guide focuses on the playing style and roles that Naga Siren is able to play effectively. The additional sections are more of the "for fun" type, but some people might find it useful.

Anyway, let the guide begin.

- Yasutsuna

Naga Siren is one of the most versatile heroes, but, this will also cause her to become the reason why she is so unpicked in competitive matches. Let's go over the list shall we?

She is very squishy early game and to burst stuns (ex: Fissure) in mid game. That's the reason why she has Song of the Siren


  • Her Mirror Image is multi-purpose (like Phantom Lancerss's, it can be dangerous in the right hands. Note that some inexperience players might clog themselves between trees. Don't worry I did it before.
  • Her Ensnare is possibly one of the best disable since it goes through Magic Immune.
  • Rip Tide lets you harass people and push, scales well into teamfight even in late game. Thanks to armor reduction.
  • On the other hand, her Song of the Siren can be quite sabotaging if used wrongly. Good use = End of enemy team. Bad use = Self-Sabotage of your team.

Game Presence:
Her presence is there due to her Rip Tide. Early to mid game, she can act as a supporter with Ensnare and Rip Tide. Mid to late game, given enough farm, she can tear enemies down with her Mirror Image.
  • Versatile.
  • One of the fastest Base Speed.
  • Ensnare possibly the best non-stun disable.
  • Highest starting armor.
  • Possibly one of the DPS with good equipment.
  • Item dependent.
  • Ultimate can be self-sabotaging.
  • Illusions are easily shattered.
  • Squishy early game.
  • Horrible starting base damage.


Among the high-sworn of the Slithereen Guard there is a solemn vow oft repeated before battle: No Slithereen may fail. In truth, these words are equal parts oath and enforceable covenant, for those who fall short of their duty are banished from the order. To fail is to be other than Slithereen. Once most highly esteemed of her race, Slithice for many years commanded a battalion of her fellows, using her formidable voice as her greatest weapon. Powerful, sinuous, serpentine, she lead her deadly Guard in defense of the Deep Ones, and the great wealth of the sunken cities. But in the final battle of Crey her forces were driven back by a marauding army of levianths intent on finding tribute for their god Maelrawn. After the long and bloody onslaught, as the bodies were cleared from the sunken halls, a single jeweled chalice was found missing from the trove. Of her hundred Guard, only a handful survived, but their bravery and sacrifice was of little consequence. What mattered was that the treasure was taken. Honor destroyed. And so Naga Siren was cast out. Banished to search for the stolen chalice. Though she might add a hundred times her weight to the golden trovem she is doomed to live apart until that day she returns that which was taken. For no amount of gold is equal in honor to the honor she lost.

Major Patch 6.83

Nothing much about this update that affects Naga Siren, except for Diffusal Blade.

Diffusal Blade not an orb effect?
Oh, yeah, time to build another orb effect.





Skill I: Mirror Image


The Naga Siren creates multiple copies of herself, confusing enemies. Images take more damage.
































Deals 30% damage, takes 600% damage.

Deals 35% damage, takes 500% damage.

Deals 40% damage, takes 400% damage.

Deals 45% damage, takes 300% damage.

Summary of Usage:
Early Game
Avoid this at all costs. It's too weak to be useful. Rip Tide will be better at pushing.

Mid Game
Can be use to dodge projectiles that will otherwise kill you. If you're playing a hard support, this can be used to scout the jungle. Can also be used to drain enemies mana.

Late Game
Just flip it on and watch your enemies mana fade away. Use as a blockage if you can.

Analysis And Tactics:
Now, we know that Naga Siren will be invulnerable for 0.3 second when she is forming her images. Exploit this to dodge those projectiles that will otherwise stun or possibly kill you. You need to time this perfectly though.

During the laning phase, they take 600% of damage which is freaking a lot, considering how squishy Naga Siren initially is. Therefore, it is unreliable for pushing. There is one exception which is when you're going against annoying people who attempts you troll you with Battle Hunger and the such, then it is taken for a defensive purpose.

During the middle game, your illusions become more durable and this is the time where ganking and teamfights fast. Unluckily, Mirror Image is still a little to weak to be utilized properly. Therefore, a single level would be enough. As the duration remains the same at all levels, you can use this for scouting the jungle, if you're playing the hard support. Otherwise, same them for dodging projectiles and debuffs. Once you get Diffusal Blade, this can be a good ganking skill.

Thankfully, Mirror Image doesn't fall off that easily late game. At this point, you should have a few AGILITY increasing items, which also means easier pawning coupled with Diffusal Blade. At late phase, there's nothing much to say about this except for using them to gank. If you feel you're walking into an ambush, just cast this and walk over to check it out.

For easy purposes, I have three control groups:
  • Control Group 1: Hero only.
  • Control Group 2: Illusions only.
  • Control Group 3: Hero and Illusions.

Normally people use Control Group 1 as F1, but to make it easier (for me, I dunno about you), I set the three control group side-by-side.

P.S. Due to Naga Siren's small collision size, it is close to impossible to block a ridge so you can run pat.

Skill II: Ensnare


Enemy Units
Interrupts the target and traps them in place, preventing movement or blinking.
































Locks a target to the ground, hindering movement.

Locks a target to the ground, hindering movement.

Locks a target to the ground, hindering movement.

Locks a target to the ground, hindering movement.

Summary of Usage:
Early Game
You need one skill of this to prevent an early attempt of FIRST BLOOD. If you're laning with an offensive-orientated supporter, you might get an early FIRST BLOOD.

Mid Game
Use this to stop those from trying to chase you. Alternatively, throw this on heroes that can go invi or Blink (ex: Riki, Bounty Hunter, Anti-Mage). You can use this to secure kills too.

Late Game
Like Mid Game, use this to secure your kills and prevent pesky heroes from going invisible or blinking around the battlefield.

Analysis And Tactics:
Note that this goes through magic-immune, this is what makes Ensnare such a strong disble, to the point she can be a supporter. I have notice that some people might Force Staff themselves, leaving the net behind. But, don't fret, just follow the blue lines and you will meet them again. You can trap a spinning Juggernaut with this too. He will still spin, but stationary only.

In the early games, try to trap those enemy heroes that come too close at the tower's range. This will allow you to kill them quick with the tower's help.

Ensnare also cancels channeling spells, which proved to be good. Because of the quite long range of Ensnare, you can stop someone from using TP scroll to run away. You can also use this to dis-channel Dismember, possibly saving your ally and Epicenter, possibly your whole team.

Ensnare still works fine in the late game, though the using style must be altered slightly. In the mid game, enemies are generally squishier, so netting them before a fight is still okay while you go in for the kill. In late game, however, everybody will be more tanky, therefore, netting during the combat will be a better choice. But, it's your call in the end. We need to change according to the situation.

Range Of Net:

Skill III: Rip Tide


Enemy Units
The Naga Siren and her images hit all nearby units with a damaging wave of water that lowers armor.
































130 damage, -2 armor.

160 damage, -3 armor.

190 damage, -4 armor.

220 damage, -5 armor.

Summary of Usage:
Early Game:
First thing to be maxed due to its damage output. With the help of a ganker that backdoors, your opponent most likely will be swatted down in no time.

Mid Game:
Your primary damage output since Mirror Images are still relatively weak.

Late Game:
The damage falls off but thankfully, the armor reduction doesn't.

Analysis and Tactics:
First off I must say, do not cast this during the Song of the Siren period. It doesn't affect invulnerable targets. Same goes for magic-immune targets. With Arcane Boots, it can be used as a harassing tool in the early games.

In the mid game, avoid using this against creeps unless you need to clear waves fast. Thankfully, it only have 10 seconds cooldown compared to the previous 19 / 16 / 13 / 10 seconds cooldown. This means you will most likely have it ready for a gank. Just beware of the high mana cost (for Naga). During a gank, try to spit it out as much as possible. Because of Ensnare's bizzarely long range, you can simply do this combo (mirror image at will):

-> ->

Because of the relatively high damage (220 at level 4), it is primarily used as a nuke.

At late game, the damage falls off quick because people will start walking around with 2000 hit points so a shot of Rip Tide is barely considered "painful". But, it is still vital to cast it as much as possible thanks to the armor reduction.

Armor Reduction: (Just a small section for you guys if you want to know)
This chart below shows how armor reduction works. Credits go to the site named: DotA Mathematics. (no kidding)

Song of the Siren




Enemy Units + Towers
All enemies in range of the Naga Siren are put into a magical stasis where they cannot act or be attacked. Using Song of the Siren again will end the duration early.


























Sleeps all enemy units and towers.

Sleeps all enemy units and towers.

Sleeps all enemy units and towers.

Summary of Usage:
Early Game:
Primary used to prevent Naga Siren from getting ambushed. Do not randomly use it as the cooldown is long.

Mid Game:
Used as an escape mechanism during ganking. Can be used to initiate or counter-initiate enemy teams.

Late Game:
Same as Mid Game except can be used more frequently.

Analysis And Tactics:
If you're playing as an initiator, getting a Blink Dagger and casting it in the middle of the enemy team is a good idea for your allies to pick their targets and prepare their stuff. Although, this shouldn't be done unless your team really has a dumb initiator or have none.

It affects everything in its radius. While it may look like the best escaping mechanisms, it can be dangerous if you cast it for your own purpose as you might cause your team to waste their skills especially those that doesn't have targets (ex: Hoof Stomp).

Because the song moves with you, it is essentially impossible to ambush you while you're in this mode unless your enemy has a global attacking range skill like Call Down. To use this skill effectively, you'll need a team that have good communication, which is one of the main reasons why Naga Siren isn't such a popular pub play.

There's a section about good synergies in the Additional Section B: Friends section.


Release enemy units from your song so they can be targeted again.














Ends Song of the Siren before the duration.

Sometimes it is good to end the Song prematurely although you normally wouldn't.

Use it if they are channeling skills that are about to be channeled out. (ex: Epicenter)

There is nothing much to say about this skill except you must know when and when not to end it.

Here we have a video is the Internationals 2, where Na'Vi fought against LGD. In this video, we see how Naga Siren effectively stole Aegis of the Immortal from Na'Vi.

Items: The Fairly Basic Setup

Cores of the Cores:

Diffusal Blade

You'll see in every build (well, most of it), Diffusal Blade is one of them. Why? Because illusions can use the MANA BURN it provides. The math can be found below. You're basically hitting 315* damage per hit (without armor reduction). Furthermore, it gives Agility primarily, so you'll get bonus damage, armor and attack speed to go with it. The PURGE will also comes into good use if you want to help your allies Rikimaru run away, or slow an enemy target down.


It as not as much as a core of ol' Diffusal Blade but it does grant stats to Naga Siren. This should be one of the must-buy items that fills up your third or forth slot. First being your boots, second be Diffusal Blade. Best part is it offers more movement speed which allows Naga Siren to further fulfill her role as a chaser. Later on, when upgraded to Manta Style, you'll get two extra hands, or rather, four extra.

Boots of Preference

Personally, my favorite pair of boots would be the Arcane Boots since it allows more spamming of Rip Tide. However, if you are laned with a supporter who brought Arcane Boots already, you're better off with Power Treads. This will allow you to swap between the preferred stats of your choice.
  • Running away with low hit points? - Get Strength
  • Want to last hit better? - Get Agility
  • Suddenly have a craving to spam spell? - Get Intelligence
It's crucial you know that swapping stats will cancel your TP scroll and break you out of Shadow Blade, if you're carrying it for some bizarre reason. Normally I don't get Tranquil Boots unless I'm really harassed until there is no tomorrow. It falls off quick but could be made into a quick Vladmir's Offering.

Boots of Travel is obviously the late game boots. Once you get it, Naga Siren can effectively be the best pushing machine in the game with Rip Tide and Mirror Image.

Other Items

Normally I would always build of Ring of Basilius due to the spamming of Rip Tide. It does help to a certain extend. Upgrading it into Ring of Aquila is pretty standard, giving her more Agility at her disposal. Remember to change the aura to Heroes Only if you don want to push so fast.

Only, and I mean, only grab Urn of Shadows if no one is carrying it. In competitive matches, it is very likely that Pudge or Night Stalker be the one carrying it, so you need not waste time on this. In pub matches, people rarely get Urn of Shadows, so it is a good early extension that can be considered buying.

Come on, guys. Tell me whether you have experience a good game that doesn't have spells flying about? This little stick can save your *** move times you can count. Furthermore, the +3 stats will save up your inventory slot, which is very important to you.

Offensive Purchases

Preferably we grab a Manta Style before anything else. It gives Agility, which brings us back to where we start where Agility = more damage etc. etc. Now, after this, everything else is strictly situational. If your enemy is tanky like Doom Bringer, grabbing a Daedalus will help you finish him off faster.

If you want to push fast, grabbing a Mjollnir will help you with the burst lightning. The increased attack speed will also aid you in teamfights where sudden bolts of lightning will shoot all over the place. Radiance, although it is mainly effective ~25 minutes, grabbing it after that can still work, albeit not so worth it anymore. A Naga Siren's illusion with Radiance can clear a jungle in no time. Furthermore, it can prevent people like Centaur Warrunner from blinking in and Hoof Stomping your petite body.

A Butterfly is a pretty standard late-game item. Depending on the situation, I prefer to get Eaglesong first. Unless my enemies are those heroes who are right-clickers, or worst those that carry Battle Fury about (ex: Phantom Assassin), I would then get Talisman of Evasion first so I can bash their faces in before they bash mine.

Thanks to the new update where Diffusal Blade is not considered an orb-effect anymore, you can now get another orb effect to use with Diffusal Blade. Obviously, the most preferred choice is Eye of Skadi. It makes every of your attack slow people as a bonus to the massive amounts of stats it gives. Although the built path is horrible for a last item (takes up to 3 slots in the most), it is still one of the best orb-effects for Naga Siren, now that Diffusal Blade is not one anymore.

Satanic is another choice that you could go with. (Kinds of remind me back in DotA1 where you can stack lifesteal and feedback and the illusions will deal feedback while the original will lifesteal). It allows you to get a massive amount of tank for your illusions and you if your health goes low. However, this is not as preferble as the lifesteal is kind of lackluster for Naga Siren and the Heart of Terraque is normally more than enough. Good pick if your illusions are still getting wrecked.

* - Consult Math Chart Here
Original Naga Siren: 100 damage
Image Naga Siren: 45 damage
Mana Burn: 20 Mana per hit
(100 + 20) + (3 x (45 + 20) = 315
So you deal 315 damage per hit!


And Tsuna Presents: Vanguard

Ignoring the fact that Valve says that Vanguard is a core item on Naga Siren, I can't agree with that. As stated above, her main core items are Diffusal Blade and possibly Yasha too. Why do I not agree with Vanguard?

It is because, for Naga Siren, you need the stats to benefit her images. If you want survivability, you're better off with Poor Man's Shield with Yasha. It's a tad more expensive, but the components are easier to get and Yasha scales great later on. Vanguard only gives survivability and delays your Diffusal Blade by too much.

Furthermore, Vanguard loses out ~30 minutes, so you're gonna be dumping it about 15 minutes after you build it which is not cost effective for Naga Siren at all. Not to mention it doesn't benefit her illusions a bit. There are better items Naga Siren can opt for.


As we all know, Bottle is normally taken by people who takes the mid-lane so he/she can 'rune-*****'. Naga Siren is no exception.

In the early game, take it if no one else needs it so you can get a couple of easy last-hits. In the mid to late game, gankings and teamfights will start breaking out and since you do rely on your illusions for DPS, taking this is no longer important. If someone needs it, they take it.

Situational, unless you're really running from someone that is about to kill you, it's quite pointless to take it since your movement speed will out match nearly everyone. If someone else needs it more than you, they take it.

This is a no-brainer, especially after acquiring Diffusal Blade or Crystalys. It increases your DPS by a lot. Bottle it or use it on sight.

Another situational rune. If you are about to enter teamfights and you want to counter-initiate, using this rune will be good. Or, if you're about to die and Song of the Siren is on cooldown, grab it. If not, leave it for people who need it more.

Like all heroes, this rune is situational. Grab it if you really need to use it. Note that this rune dispels on damage.

As seen above, Naga Siren doesn't really get much from the runes. However, she have a solid control over runes since her Ensnare allows her to tie down enemies when racing to the rune. Not to mention her fast base speed.

Build: As A Carry

This part is where all the justifications come in. For this section, we'll be using Hina's Style (Carry), along with its skill build.

Carry Naga Siren is a hero that should be played safely for the first few minutes. Once you get a decent level of Rip Tide (around level 2), you can start attacking back your enemies. Carry Naga Siren is weak in the early game and very vulnerable towards ganks, so some wards and map awareness is important.

Carry Naga Siren will get stronger during the middle game phase where all her skills, along with her items can work at best. At late game, her items require massive upgrading, like acquiring Butterfly and Manta Style. Her Rip Tide damage, alas, also drop off around here. So, it is best you make the best out of your middle game.

Clarification of Do's of Naga Siren:
  • Like most carries, you're weak at early, strong at mid and late.
  • Get luxuries during the late-mid and late game.
  • Aim for the space - Don't let the sky be your limits!

Starting Items:

Quelling Blade - Grab to get last-hit easier. (Optional)
Tango - To prevent you from playing a Huskar-like Naga Siren
3x Iron Branch - Gives you slightly more survivability with stats.

If you're very, very confident in your last-hitting skills, you can swap the Quelling Blade for a Ring of Protection. Iron Branch can also be swapped for Healing Salves and Tangos or even Clarity Pots.

Core Items:
Ring of Aquila - Gives more survivability and minor mana regeneration.
Diffusal Blade - Explained in the section above.

Arcane Boots - Allow more spamming of Rip Tide.
Power Treads - Allows you to micro between the three stats. Take this if you have an Arcane Boots supporter.

Magic Wand - Someone please tell me whether you have participated in a game where spells don't fly nilly-willy. Also can be used to tell if Bounty Hunter goes invisible. (As long as he does it close to you)

If you're lined up with an awesome team that does each of their jobs well, your game should end about now, if not...

Luxuries on the run...
Diffusal Blade Upgrade - Normally the first thing I get after Yasha. It allows more burning of mana, not to mention I like the level 2 icon better. It gives 80% more mana burning, along with some minor stat increase, a worthwhile investment.

Ultimate Orb - A good extension that grants you more stats, which also means stronger illusions. Although a tad expensive, this can be quite a good investments.

Talisman of Evasion - Another good item that can be well-used by Naga Siren. Know that Naga Siren is relatively squishy so getting extra evasion will be good. Furthermore, this can be upgraded to a Butterfly which is a late core on Naga Siren.

Skill Build

As you know, this skill build focuses on maxing Rip Tide and Ensnare. But, this is all situational. If there's a Pudge on enemies' team, getting Mirror Image at level 1 is fine if you want to scout. That being said, I wouldn't get more than 1 point in Mirror Image before maxing the other two because of their horrifying abilities to deal damage and tank.

Rip Tide will act as a very good harassing tool, especially against melee heroes. But, as far as competitive matches are concern, it's very rare we see this happen. With some levels of Ensnare, it is possible to acquire FIRST BLOOD.

Game Stages

Early Game - Laning + Survival

  • Last-Hit like a boss.
  • Try not to overpush.
  • Harass with Rip Tide as required.
  • Survival games start.

Deeper Analysis:
Pretty much just farm your way through. It is your choice to go with a supporter (whether offensive-orientated or defensive-orientated) or do a solo lane. As Naga Siren, never go with a carry unless you're going to act as a support. Furthermore, she cannot go on a suicide lane, due to her lack of escape mechanisms (a 180 second long stun isn't considered one).

Try to get your levels as soon as possible, with Rip Tide having the highest priority. Due to the high damage and armor reduction, it is possible to first blood with Naga Siren if you have a offensive supporter. Never do tower-diving at this stage, she won't survive.

Your first priority will be getting the Ring of Aquila and the Arcane Boots.

You'll be pretty mana-starved at this stage so don't use Rip Tide excessively. Try to hit as much units, preferably enemy heroes in one shot. Against melee heroes, you can fare pretty well. The problem begins when there is one ranged hero and one melee hero. Whenever you try to get close to harass the ranged hero, the melee will definitely punch you once or twice.

Avoid getting blocked by your own or enemy creeps since you depend on walking to get away from early-attempts of first blood. Just try to survive at this point.

Mid Game - Ganking + Pushing

  • Participate in teamfights.
  • Don't neglect pushing, especially before Diffusal Blade
  • Catch any runners.
  • KS with Rip Tide (Optional)

Deeper Analysis:

At this point round, you can gank, preferably with a supporter since you're still quite fragile at this point. Your DPS is still quite ****ty so your main damage source will be from your supporter and your Rip Tide. Main items to aim for at this stage:

Once you get your Diffusal Blade, you can pretty much go ganking alone since your DPS should be relatively good. Another good point on ganking alone is, if you screw up, you can cast Song of the Siren and run, without the fear of sabotaging your team in the process. The order of ganking will go as following:
  1. I see the target! ( Mirror Image)
  2. Rip Tide him!
  3. Punch his face in!
  4. Ensnare (most likely his gonna try running)
  5. Dice him!
  6. His back at where he's suppose to be!

If ganking isn't your concern, then push. Your Mirror Image, as fragile as they are, can still grant you some massive pushing power, along with Rip Tide. Bombarding the level 1 and level 2 towers won't be much of an issue now. Just beware of people who love popping up from nowhere (ex: Queen of Pain).

If all your enemies disappeared somehow, or you feel something evil is coming your way, don't hesitate to Mirror Image and scout the area. (I manage to cheat death a lot of times, thanks to this)

Late Game - Teamfight + Positioning

  • Keep bashing people!
  • Chase
  • Counter-Initiate whenever possible.

Deeper Analysis:
At this point of game, your items should be as you need it. This will make you a potential threat to the enemy team, especially with your Rip Tide. Just continue to be offensive and synergize with your team, especially those harder to land skills (ex: Sonic Wave).

Try not to abandon your team unless you are sure they can hold the fort. Or, at worst, all of you should run together. Not all in one direction, though. Preferably split up to a three-member squad or a two-men party.

Your combo will stay the same. Just beware of massive summons like Chaotic Offering. Your Diffusal Blade PURGE can kill them instantly but the problem starts when two appears.

Fulfill your role in chasing and keep those illusions up with Mirror Image and Manta Style. Destroy those towers as needed and guide your allies to the way of victory!

P.S. You must always stay alive. A carry's death is always catastrophic.


With this, we will conclude the joint project 'C'est La Vie'.

If you have gone this far, we will thank you for reading and possibly supporting us.

Below are additional sections that are not-so-important but sill fairly important.

Info on the other builds (apart from Hina's Carry) can be found in Additional Section A: Build 2 ~ 6.

Remember to give your feedbacks and comments. Cheers.

The picture above was taken at Angel Falls, Venezuela. Be warned, Angel Falls is now populated with Creepers and Pedobears. You should be able to guess which is Yasutsuna. Crisis, our Photoshop editor, is the Pedobear.

Additional Section A: Build 2 ~ 6

- Build II: Hard Support
- Build III: Initiator
- Build IV: Mid Laner
- Build V: Carry + Semi-Support
- Build VI: Armlet Setup

Build II: Hard Support

Focuses on being a support, obviously. You'll get the wards and the courier. Here you can choose to go with a carry and you assist them in getting kills, not ks-ing. Rip Tide makes an awesome support skill since you can reduce enemies armor. Use Mirror Image to scout around the places, especially the jungle to prevent ambushes. Use Song of the Siren if your carry is in a pinch and is about to die.

Getting Medallion of Courage to help your carry get kills is your main priority. Apart from that, you can also act as the aura-giver, getting Mekansm or Vladmir's Offering.

Basically, you're just fulfilling s pure support role.

Build III: Initiator

There's not much difference between this and the carry build, except this build is more defensive-orientated to prevent Naga Siren from dying. Normally, Naga Siren should counter-initiate, rather than initiate.

The major difference about this is you'll be taking Blink Dagger. If you decide to troll with Shadow Blade, no one can stop you. If there are better initiators like Tidehunter, it is better to let them do their job, rather than slacking off.

Build IV: Mid Laner

Focuses on a mid lane Naga Siren. This build offers more early survivability, but your core is delayed due to the money spent on getting defensive items.

Major difference, get the Bottle and rune-*****. Crystalys is taken over Diffusal Blade because it is cheaper. Normally, I'll take Arcane Boots, but if your life is depleting insanely, get Tranquil Boots instead.

Normally, ranged heroes will go to the middle lane and they are normally quite squishy. You have a nuke which is Rip Tide. Here I suggest not taking any skills until you find out who you're laning against. To compile the list:

A small guide on what you should do in the mid lane against ranged heroes: ( Shadow Fiend example)
Grab a lot of Clarity Pots, you might need to take Quelling Blade off, too. Head to the mid lane. You need to block your creeps as close as possible. Rip Tide the enemy as soon as you can. Keep repeating until they run to their tower to heal. Then, repeat again. In this case, Shadow Fiend will not be able to harass you back because he has no souls from your constant harassment. The idea is to force him away from the farm so you can deny/last-hit while he can't get anything.

Build V: Carry + Semi-Support

Normally used in pub games where supporters often don't want to play the supporter role. Because not many heroes will babysit you in pubs, I decided getting an early Headdress is good, because it increases your survivability. Followed by the Arcane Boots.

You'll still pick up Carry items, but just slightly later. Mekansm and Arcane Boots are the reason why you play as a "semi-support".

Build VI: Armlet's My Friend?

This build focuses on using Armlet on Naga Siren although it is rarely seen.

Why an Armlet of Mordiggian? It is because it is very cost efficient item. Activating it and using Mirror Image will grant illusions bonus STR, even when you switch it off. Now, this will grant you extra stopping power, especially when you acquire Diffusal Blade.


Additional Section B: Mid-Laning with Naga Siren

This will be rewrited.

So, in International 3, you have seen Naga Siren taking the mid-lane. In truth, she actually does pretty damn well on it, given this conditions:

The best people for you to go against are heroes that are generally squishy like Shadow Fiend. Since they can easily get intimidated by your Rip Tide, you can force them to pull back, allowing you to gain access to easier last-hitting, denying.

The problem now is that Naga Siren's Rip Tide range is reduced so she is not such a variable choice is mid-lane anymore. If she does get the mid-lane, you should only harass when you can get away with it and take as little damage as possible. Getting Arcane Boots is your main priority as it lets you harass more. After that, you will need your Drums of Endurance, thanks to Arcane Boots' reduced movement speed. If also does provide survivalbility. If the situation calls for it, I build a Bracer before Arcane Boots.

After this you will be going to get your Diffusal Blade. Prepare to march on to other lanes to murder people!

Additional Section C: Friends + Enemies

And now we see it.


Silencers are awesome partners with Naga Siren, especially those support orientated ones (ex: Silencer). During a gank, they have no chance to land spells that might otherwise severely cripple her. Burst damagers like Jakiro are also good partners in the early to mid section, that is before you get your Diffusal Blade. Their nukes will help take care of the enemy health pool and you just need to get the last hit.

Babysitters that heal you (ex: Undying) are also awesome since they can save your squishy self in the earlier times, letting you stay in lane longer. Although the next one might be slightly irrelevant, you can assist those with hard-to-land skills. Fancy getting blast by all Invoker's skills? Those that can stun (ex: Slardar) also make good partners since you have an extra disable with you.


This section cover some of the combos that are pulled off with Song of the Siren.
With good communication, you can pull this off. Naga Siren will lock enemies in place as Sand King prepares his ulti. Right before it finish channeling, Naga Siren can end the song prematurely and let the enemy suck down all the damage, killing or severely damaging them in the process.

These two probably are the best friends. Weave can be activated while under Song of the Siren. Dazzle, who is most likely getting Medallion of Courage can cut off even more armor with Rip Tide. These two can be a beast with Shadow Wave and Mirror Image. Ensnare not long enough? Let Poison Touch fly!

While Song of the Siren is in play, Mass Serpent Ward can be easily planted around the much hated heroes and once it is released, the target will be blast to death, especially if he can't get out fast enough.

Not a very amazing combo, but it'll do. Fancy getting hit by Laser and a level 5 Dagon twice? While she used Song of the Siren, Tinker can just Rearm himself for another assault.


Oh... ****.

On the other hand, your enemies are those who can deal AoE damage that will destroy all your illusions (ex: Earthshaker). Once your illusions are down, your DPS is greatly reduced so you need to be careful, very careful. Silencers are also your worst counters, they can Silence you, which takes away all you're worth for. You can't run or deal enough damage to kill a single target. Want to try getting Doomed by Doom Bringer? He's ulti will completely wipe you out.

Cleavers like Sven and Battle Fury] users can be quite annoying when they start hitting you, your illusions will be gone in no time. Magic immune units are not really a threat since you can hold them down with Ensnare while waiting for their magic immune to wear off. Though, you should know all your skills, except Ensnare doesn't work of them, includes Diffusal Blade's MANA BURN. Burst damagers also can kill you, thanks to your squishiness. (ex: Lion)

Special Mention:
Normally Ember Spirit doesn't post as much problems. But the problem arises if Ember Spirit caries a Battle Fury or worst, three Battle Fury. Ember Spirit's Sleight of Fist hits every target in the area. And, if we assume the four Naga Sirens are moving together and Ember Spirit is armed with two Battle Fury, he will hit you of a total of 400% damage as the cleave will cause the damage to hit on each target. Your only counter to this is try not to pick Naga Siren if you're up against an Ember Spirit. If you're unlucky and got such a pick, try not to launch your Mirror Image too soon or spread them apart so you can minimize the damage taken.

Additional Section D: Naga Siren's Food


Bounty Hunter is definitely considered as Naga Siren's food because he relies on invisibility to perform a hit-and-run. If you're fast enough, you can pretty much Ensnare him before he goes invisible again. Since he is fairly squishy, no matter what stage of the game, you and your allies will be able to kill him with ease.

Although Templar Assassin has her Refraction to help her, you and your illusions can shatter the buff within 2 seconds. After that, she is pretty vulnerable to any form of attack. Her Meld is also pretty much disabled by Ensnare.

Lycanthrope relies heavily on speed to perform his kills. If he is somehow forced to stop moving with Ensnare, he's pretty much dead. He can be pretty squishy and you can finish him off quickly.

Clinkz has the same deal as Bounty Hunter. Clinkz is naturally very squishy. Coupled with your armor reduction, he have no chance of escape at all. Furthermore, you can drain mana, which also means less flaming-butt arrows from him.

Likewise, Skeleton King can't revive without the mana, yes? His stun can be easily be dodged by Mirror Image. Main problem is when he grabs a Battle Fury. Although you might be able to kill him if he doesn't crit very often (or you crit an insanely amount of times).

Additional Section E: Countering Naga Siren

Because I'm writing about Naga Siren, I will also write how to counter her. It's fairly simple, actually and a lot of heroes can do it effectively. The main problem starts when she gets too fat and spells won't do much damage.

Do note that Naga Siren's DPS mainly comes from her illusions so it is vital to wipe them out first. This can be done by:

If you're lucky enough and caught sight of a Naga Siren without her illusions up, stun her first than follow by a silence. Then, you start beating her up.

During the laning phase, Naga Siren can be a pain to lane against. Because of her Ensnare and Rip Tide, she can literally push you off the lane. Solution:
  • Get Blade Mail, activate it when you're Ensnared.
  • Get your laning partner (supporter) to buy Ring of Basilius. The armor aura won't cause your armor to be a minus.
  • Constantly harass her, Naga Siren is relatively squishy early on.
  • Do not get too close to the tower. You don't want to get Ensnared there.
  • Swap lanes with an orb-walker (ex: Clinkz), they can really harass her to the point she is pushed off the lane.

Credits + Changelog + To-Do List

Well, this is the official end of this the guide - "C'est La Vie". Obviously, credits will go to those who assist us (even those indirectly).

Dr. Dre - Thanks for his formatting guide.
Nubtrain - For his tips on guide writing.
Us! - For typing this guide and the builds.


After much pastering by Yasutsuna, I decided to update this guide to suit the new Diffusal Blade or he will throw me to my death as Tiny.

Updated to 6.81 and working on shift+cloning (dunno what you guys call it tbh. Gonna make a guide on it)
Changed the mid-lane build a bit.
Removed section 'Major Patch 7.79'
Removed section 'Mini-Guide'
Removed section 'Tri-Laning' (Rewriting this part)
Moved section 'Enemies' to Friends
Moved section 'Changelog' to the bottom
Moved section 'Add. Sec. H - Armor Reduction'

I did an update earlier this year but didn't record it. Oh well.

The guide is updated to match the 6.79 meta. Edited Mid-laning section and Tri-laning section.

Inserted Mid-Laning naga guide.

Inserted Mini-Guide and Additional Section on how to counter Naga.

Inserted a small section on how to mid-lane with Naga.

Added 'Additional Section B: Tri-Laning with Naga Siren Section and Build.

Added 'Bottle...' Section.

Added Build 7: Defensive-Orientated Skill Build and changed the damage beside LORE. Thanks to C0L0NEL999 for pointing that out.

Added Stout Shield in most of the Defensive Purchases.

Added Pictures for Introduction, Skills... All which are previously working on. Still trying to find font to match the image beside LORE.

Edited the RIP TIDE damage. Currently Editing the image beside LORE.
Finished Slithice's Food.

Finally published! Just realized this guide is half as long as my school projects.

Nothing much to say about this day, though. It's just the draft of the guide.

To-Do List

  • Need more replays!!
  • Constantly update this.
  • Add a section of 'Runes'.
  • Add a section for 'Tri-lane'.
  • Finish the section of shift-cloning
  • Finish the section of Support (it'a becoming popular these days)

Do note that Hinakurinchi and Crisis are not active members on DotAFire.

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