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53 Votes

C'est La Vie [6.83 Update] (In-Depth Slithice Guide) - By: Tsuna, Hina and Crisis

February 1, 2015 by Hinakurinchi
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lovefoxxx | July 18, 2014 6:04am
One of the most detailed guides I've ever read. Congratulations!
rocky (4) | January 23, 2014 7:36pm
It doesn't even discuss micro farming with illusions or shift-cloning?
Hinakurinchi (3) | January 23, 2014 2:58am
Yes the net as you says get stretchy. When Pudge hooks the netted target, the target will be pulled towards you but they can't move. This is similar to Leap, too. And Force Staffed heroes.
PumpkinSeed (1) | January 21, 2014 4:15am
I like this guide :D much detailed. I like it how if Pudge hooks the 'netted' victim it gets stretchy.
Peppo_oPaccio (70) | November 19, 2013 10:17am
The Ghost Scepter gives pure stats which benefit every support; it also makes you able to dodge every kind of physical damage while being in ethereal form and costs a miserable amount of gold for a mid-game item. The main problem is that it's a big item without components, so it's a bit difficult to get it unless you do really well in the laning phase and jungle with your illusions when possible.

Also, you're welcome!
Hinakurinchi (3) | November 18, 2013 10:32pm
Good point, since her range of Rip Tide is reduced, Drums can offer her good survival and extra speed, gonna add that in!

I have though about Force Staff. I sure I should add it.

But Ghost Scepter, I don't understand how it benefits Naga since she does rely on auto-attacks to dish out her damage. Will investigate on that. Thanks!
Peppo_oPaccio (70) | November 18, 2013 10:41am
No Drum of Endurance in the mid build? I think it's one of the best items in this case since, if you go mid, your build should be good for both ganking and pushing: while a fast Diffusal Blade is perfect for solo killing Heroes and works wonders for your illusion, the Drums help in teamfights and give you some sustainability and mana points.

Also, you could list other items for the pure support build instead of the Mekansm such as, again, the Drum of Endurance or the Heaven's Halberd, which looks very popular in these days. Ghost Scepter and Force Staff are somehow decent too, depending on the situation.

It's a good guide though, I can almost feel all the time you spent on it. :D
Yasutsuna (51) | August 6, 2013 8:03am
Not really. If you have a good supporter who can harass, enemies will think twice about attacking you. Furthermore, your Rip Tide, which is primarily used as a harassing tool, doesn't need you to target people which will not cause the creeps to attack you.

As a squishy carry, you should not surround yourself with creeps and only move forward for the last hit. Furthermore, I will be making a Wraith Band and a Ring of Aquila so getting a Stout Shield doesn't seem worth it.

If you need more defense for early on, getting ring of protection will be better for naga.

I might be missing a point on why Stout shield is a must for carry, maybe you could also give a reason?
mak1rby | August 6, 2013 7:45am
Can you give me one reason why you didn't get stout shield at the beginning of the game ? Having one is essential for a melee carry
Yasutsuna (51) | July 31, 2013 8:33am
Depends. Because your Rip Tide have a fairly high damage, PL illusion won't be much of a problem to you. Worst come to worst you can pick it up for the damage block. However, I would prefer PMS and Tranquils.
Destiny Shiraishi (6) | July 30, 2013 8:24am
Very nice and in-depth guide. I can feel my Naga's skill becoming better!

It's true that Vanguard isn't all that good, but shouldn't it be picked up if you're against illusions heroes like Phantom Lancer?
Yasutsuna (51) | July 29, 2013 2:30am
C0L0NEL999 wrote:

Very nice guide :)
Up voted.

I must point you out to 2 mistakes:
1- In her stats near the lore, her damage is 23-25 ?!?!
2- In Riptide's description, it is written that it deals 220dmg, while later when mentioning the Riptide - Insnare - Riptide combo it's written that it deals 300dmg, which is false.

Thanks for pointing that out. =D Will ask Hina to change it as soon as possible.

EDIT - Due to some rather strange problems, whenever Hina logs in to edit the guide, all the builds will disappear. Because of that, we will put the edit on hold for time being. Strangely enough, I can see the builds with my account. But, when Hina showed me her account, it is as it seems, the builds doesn't appear.

By the way, the image of Naga Siren's data was taken from some dota website, we might need to edit it by photoshop.
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