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Also, you're welcome!
I have though about Force Staff. I sure I should add it.
Also, you could list other items for the pure support build instead of the
It's a good guide though, I can almost feel all the time you spent on it. :D
As a squishy carry, you should not surround yourself with creeps and only move forward for the last hit. Furthermore, I will be making a
If you need more defense for early on, getting ring of protection will be better for naga.
I might be missing a point on why Stout shield is a must for carry, maybe you could also give a reason?
It's true that Vanguard isn't all that good, but shouldn't it be picked up if you're against illusions heroes like Phantom Lancer?
Very nice guide :)
Up voted.
I must point you out to 2 mistakes:
1- In her stats near the lore, her damage is 23-25 ?!?!
2- In Riptide's description, it is written that it deals 220dmg, while later when mentioning the Riptide - Insnare - Riptide combo it's written that it deals 300dmg, which is false.
Thanks for pointing that out. =D Will ask Hina to change it as soon as possible.
EDIT - Due to some rather strange problems, whenever Hina logs in to edit the guide, all the builds will disappear. Because of that, we will put the edit on hold for time being. Strangely enough, I can see the builds with my account. But, when Hina showed me her account, it is as it seems, the builds doesn't appear.
By the way, the image of Naga Siren's data was taken from some dota website, we might need to edit it by photoshop.