Blood And Sacrifice - A Guide to Huskar (7.20c)
November 29, 2018

Emerging from the throes of the sacred Nothl Realm, Huskar opened his eyes to see the prodigal shadow priest Dazzle working a deep incantation over him. Against the ancient rites of the Dezun Order, Huskar’s spirit had been saved from eternity, but like all who encounter the Nothl he found himself irrevocably changed. No longer at the mercy of a mortal body, his very lifeblood became a source of incredible power; every drop spilled was returned tenfold with a fierce, burning energy. However this newfound gift infuriated Huskar, for in his rescue from the Nothl, Dazzle had denied him a place among the gods. He had been denied his own holy sacrifice. In time the elders of the order sought to expand their influence and Huskar, they agreed, would be a formidable tool in their campaign. Yet becoming a mere weapon for the order that denied him his birthright only upset him further. As the first embers of war appeared on the horizon, he fled his ancestral home to find new allies, all the while seeking a cause worthy of unleashing the power his total sacrifice could bring.
Skills Overview
Inner fire
In a fiery rage, knocks all nearby enemies away from Huskar to a fixed distance, dealing damage and disarming them.
Disarm Duration
Knockback Range
Mana Cost
- Huskar can use Inner Fire while airborne with Life Break
- Unlike other sources of disarm, Inner Fire's disarm is dispellable.
- Does not knock back Roshan icon.png Roshan, but damages and disarms him.
Notes are brought to you from
Ok let's talk about this new ability.
Inner Fire is an AoE Nuke/Disarm ability that knocks enemies back. This ability allows
Huskar to kill many heroes that used to kill him easily before his rework. Heroes like
Phantom Assassin,
Troll Warlord,
Templar Assassin,
Ursa and many other right click heroes. The down side of
Inner Fire is that it can be dispeled and once your enemies build
Black King Bar, neither
Inner Fire nor
Heaven's Halberd can disarm them. So the more you and your team pressure enemy carries to keep them under farmed and delay that BKB, the more you can kill them and not be killed by them.
Inner Fire +
Heaven's Halberd is like nightmare for heroes who can't counter it fast and properly.
Inner Fire's knock back is probably as good as it's disarm.
In teamfights you can cast it right after
Life Break to separate your enemies and confuse them. You can push melee heroes who are chasing you away and make your run easier. In chasing scenarios after you
Life Break take half a second to go in front of the slowed enemy and knock him back towards your allies.
If not careful, You will save an enemy hero by pushing it away from your self and allies. So think before you act.
Inner Fire can push
Riki and
Sand King out of their
Smoke Screen and
Sand Storm. Pretty handi in laning and fights.
Inner Fire's damage is not enough for getting kills or to flash farm and because of it's long cooldown and
Huskar's low mana pool, Flash farming with
Inner Fire is not recommended.
Depending on the game and lanes, you can put a point in
Inner Fire at level 4,7,8 or 9. Just one point because we max it last. Why?
Burning Spear deals magnificent damage if leveled and
Berserker's Blood gives you enormous amount of health regen and attack speed. Longer disarm is nice but the other two skill are superior.
Burning Spear
Huskar sets his spears aflame, dealing damage over time with his regular attack. Multiple attacks will stack additional damage. Each attack drains some of Huskar's health. Lasts 8 seconds.
5 20
10 25
15 30
20 35
Health Cost
Cast Range
450 625
450 625
450 625
450 625
- The health cost (15) is direct HP Removal.
- Uses Huskar's 400 (Talent 575) attack range when using autocast. Manually casting it uses the 450 (Talent 625) cast range.
- Burning Spear stacks additively when used multiple times on one target.
- Every instance's duration is completely independent from other instances. They do not prolong or refresh each other.
- Deals a total of 40/80/120/160 (Talent 160/200/240/280) damage per Burning Spear instance (before reductions).
Burning Spear is you main source of damage throughout the game. In laning phase it allows you to harass enemy heroes especially melee heroes without spending mana, it removes 15 health from you each time you cast that feeds
Berserker's Blood. Therefore if you want more attack speed for better farm in lane use
Burning Spear to reach the amount of health you want.
Burning Spear is better to be casted manually almost always to have that sweet extra 50 cast range that allows you to hit a target several times more.
While farming jungle always keep
Burning Spear active to boost your farm and learn to calculate the number of stacks you need on each creep before you switch target. While you are taking care of another unit or camp, the poor creep is burning to death. This makes your clear speed faster.
Blade Mail carriers attacking with active
Burning Spear before building a
Black King Bar is a death wish, You may kill the target after you die but he gets the exp.
In mid lane
Burning Spear is leveled first to help you win the lane and kill and since the pressure on you is less than what it could be in safe lane or off lane,
Berserker's Blood is leveled second.
Berserker's Blood
Passive |
Huskar's injuries feed his power, giving increased attack speed and health regeneration based on missing health. Health Regen is a percentage of your strength.
Max Attack Speed Bonus:
Max Attack Speed Bonus:
Max Attack Speed Bonus:
Max Attack Speed Bonus:
Max Health Regen:
Max Health Regen:
Max Health Regen:
Max Health Regen:
- No bonuses are applied at 100% health and the maximum is applied when strictly below 10% health.
- The health percentage is checked periodically and the effects adapted instantly.
- Huskar's size increases the closer he gets to the max bonuses of Berserker's Blood, up to 35%.
Berserker's Blood is
Huskar's signature skill, It's what makes
Huskar who he is and it's probably the most poetic skill in the game:
The more they hurt me, The stronger I get. My weaknesses will become my strength and my enemies with burn one by one.
Berserker's Blood provides massive amount of health regen and attack speed which helps you stay in lane, last hit and deny efficiently and not die. The regen is amplified by strength that's one of the reasons we build 2, 3 or even 4
The ideal HP for being efficient as
Huskar throughout the game is 50% in laning phase, 75% in hard laning phase, 10% while jungling, 100% right before a team fight, 75% before manfight. It takes time and practice to master health manipulation but once you master it, you'll see the difference.
Strength has never been this important to
Huskar and it's all because of bonus regen. 150 HP regen in the middle of fight is simply amazing. Early game
Heaven's Halberd,
Satanic, Heart,
Holy Locket,
Dragon Lance these items boost your health regen and make you very hard to kill in fights.
There are also few problems with
Berserker's Blood.
So as you read if you want to be a good
Huskar, You should put full health out of your dictionary and not having full health makes you vulnerable to
Burst Damage and the heroes who can pull it off.
Legion Commander,
Queen of Pain,
Skywrath Mage are the heroes who can abuse your play style the most.
I'm gonna explain how to counter them in Foes chapter.
Life Break
Huskar draws upon his health to break an enemy's life, leaping at a target within attack range to inflict a percentage of that hero's current HP, and slow at the cost of his own vitality. While leaping, Huskar is magic immune. Slow lasts 5 seconds. Upgradable by Aghanim's Scepter.
Slow Duration
Cast Range
550 950
550 950
550 950
34% (65%*)
39% (65%*)
44% (65%*)
12 (4*)
12 (4*)
12 (4*)
- Applies a basic dispel on Huskar upon cast.
- Upon cast, Huskar receives the Life Break Charge buff, which lasts for 5 seconds or until reaching the target, whichever is shorter.
- This modifier turns him spell immune, disarms him, forces him to face the target and is responsible for the leap animation.
- Since the modifier has a set max duration, it can expire while leaping, continuing the rest of the leap without its effects.
Huskar can use items and spells during the leap. However, position changing effects like
Blink Dagger can cancel it.
- The self-damage is not lethal, no matter how strong it gets amplified. Huskar cannot deny himself with Life Break.
Life Break is your gap closing ability which is kinda a nuke based of your enemy's health which also makes
Huskar an anti tank specially with an aghanim's sceptre. The self damage is magical and it is reduced by MR (Another reason for stacking
Bracers). If target has magic immunity
Life Break will only slow him which is still good.
While Farming jungle cast
Life Break on natural creeps time to time to keep your health low enough because
Berserker's Blood keeps regenerating it.
Life Break on a target with active
Blade Mail hurts you beyond imagination so as what I said about
Burning Spear, Attack
Blade Mail carriers when you've built BKB.
When you get extra
Life Break cast range talent you can actually use it as an escape mechanism, Just be lucky to find a creep around.
Sometimes you immediately regret
Life Breaking a target. What can you do? Remember that
Huskar can use his skills and items during the leap so you can just blink away with
Blink Dagger or you can cast
Hurricane Pike on your target and cancel the leap (Works great against
Shadow Fiend and baits.)
Well that's enough for skills let's analyse talents shall we?
+20 Damage OR +225 Health
It is always better to get the damage cause
Huskar lacks
Physical damage, It boosts your farm, Killing and lifesteal. However if your team need tank or you feel like being tanky is better pick health talent.
+20% Lifesteal OR +15 Burning Spears DPS
It all depends on your build, in most cases you are investing on
Armlet of Mordiggian, boots,
Heaven's Halberd or BKB that you can't buy a
Morbid Mask and because of
Berserker's Blood rework, your survavbility it pretty good even without lifesteal so you can play with out life steal till level 15 then get it from talent.
In some games a level 7
Burning Spear is crucial specially against agility carries like
Weaver, PA, TA,
Terrorblade. This talents melts these heroes. So since this talent choice is build wise you must have a morbid mask before you get this talent, and if you see you can't get all your items and a morbid mask, simply don't upgrade brown boots and buy the mask.
+20 Strength OR +400 Life Break Cast Range
Strength is great, More Hp, More regen, More MR and more damage but extra cast range for
Life Break is very very good. It makes it almost impossible to run away from
Huskar if you are in sight. If your team needs a tank badly or you are struggling and if you have gap closing items like
Blink Dagger,
Hurricane Pike or
Shadow Blade that helps you get close enough to cast
Life Break, Extra strength is great. If not Extra cast range of
Life Break is good.
+175 Attack Range OR Burning Spears Pure and Pierces Immunity
Pure damage
Burning Spear is a must against those right click heroes that you used to kill during early-mid game that now have BKB. It really hurts them and since most of them don't build
Blade Mail you don't need to worry about that part. If you're not facing
Blade Mail carriers (Which you do most of the times) pick this talent.
Why I mentioned BKB.
Blade Mail's damage return does not work if you have magic immunity and source damage doesn't pierce magic immunity. So if you
Life Break on a target and attack him with normal
Burning Spear while you have immunity and the target has active
Blade Mail, the only damage returned is your
Physical auto attacks which is not much but if you modify
Burning Spear and attack a target with active blade mail, immunity won't help you at all.
Attack range is nice it stacks with
Dragon Lance and it's useful for killing enemies who want to stay away from you.
Item Analysis
Bracer is so good for Huskar that even building 4 of it and delaying armlet is viable. Bracer provides stats and strength that increase your regen by Berserker's Blood and give you good amount of magic resistance. The more regen and magic resistance you want, the more Bracers you need to build.
Tango is handy for sustaing health in laning phase and it covers up your low regen in level 1 to 4. Don't forget to cast it on an Iron Branch tree for double healing.
Armlet of Mordiggian
Warning! Wall of text incoming cause armlets is very freaking important
Armlet of Mordiggian is Huskar's most important item, it provides, armor, regen, attack speed and damage and while activated it gives even more armor, damage and provides strength.
Once you get armlet, you can gank and kill, clear whole jungle, push towers, cheat death, can solo kill Roshan and basically everything that you want to do is possible with this item.
Kills, Jungling, Pushing and Roshing is going to be explained later in guide but we want to focus on cheating death.
When armlet is active you receive bonus strength and strength gives health and you can't die when the bonus health is gone (Armlet life drain can't kill you either.) So every time you are close to death, you can toggle armlet twice to have free HP.
This technique is crucial for solo Roshing and is kinda easy against projectiles.
But Masked Man It's hard to hit the button twice fast enough to prevent death.
Well how about instant armlet toggle?
The key for instant armlet toggle is using quick cast. For example I put armlet on V button and for quick cast, I bind the V slot to one of my mouse side buttons. When the armlet is active and I want to toggle, All I need to do is to press V and the bound mouse side button for instant armlet toggle. This method is so good that it even works in the madness of team fights.
If you have gaming mouse do this trick and feel the difference.
If you don't have a gaming mouse then you have to click on the armlet and press its button at the same time but it's really hard.
Magic Wand
Magic Wand provides stats and gains charges every time an enemy hero cast a spell, these charges restores health and mana and can save your life in early-mid game. Because of Huskar's massive regen, burst healing can save him in fights or provide enough health to tank a burst damage.
Power Treads
Power Treads provide chosen stat and damage, a good choice against teams with not much Physical damage. It also allows you to tread switch to save mana (INT) or run faster (AGL).
Phase Boots
More defensive choice against Physical damage. Phase Boots provide attack speed and armor and its passive makes chasing a easier.
Heaven's Halberd
Heaven's Halberd should be built on Huskar in 90% of his games. It provides Good strength, damage, evasion and status resistance and it give Huskar and additional disarm. Bring hell to right click heroes.
One thing that I saw pro players have done and I tried it in several matches is building two Heaven's Halberds! That's right two halberds provide: 40 Strength, 90 Damage, 43% Evasion and 26% status resistance!
Just look at those numbers and tell me it's not worth it I dare you!
When you should build two halberds? In games which you don't need a fast BKB or a situational Item right after Heaven's Halberd and against pure right click heroes like Phantom Assassin, Templar Assassin, Ursa, Troll Warlord, Weaver, Legion Commander, Lifestealer, Faceless Void, Riki.
The evasion makes you very hard to kill for these heroes specialy with your double disarms. Once they build Monkey King Bar your evasion bonus is gone so it's wise not to go for double halberd while there are heroes in your team that automatically make enemies build MKB like Broodmother, Phantom Assassin, Troll Warlord.
Black King Bar
Building BKB is more about not being disabled specially stuns, silences and breaks. The second reason for building it is to avoid burst damage (Keep in mind that many spells pierce magic immunity.)
Against teams with scary number of spells that can ruin your game, building BKB is a must.
Blade Mail
Solar Crest
Solar Crest provides good armor, nice stats, mana regen and movement speed. it's a great armor buff and a handy tool for saving a focused ally or boosting your hard carry in late game with everything it provides plus attack speed.
casting it on enemy weakens its armor and slows its movement and attack speed. So against strength carry heroes who lack both armor and attack speed it works perfectly.
Somehow the lost armor cannot be dispelled with Life Break but Medallion of Courage's debuff can be dispelled with Life Break. Keep that in mind.
Hood of Defiance
3 Bracer's magic resistance is not enough and you need more MR? Then firstly ask your self does enemy kill me with Magical damage in one second or in 3. If it's one then you're facing heroes like Lion, Lina, Necrophos, Lich, Zeus but if it's three then you're probably facing Leshrac, Jakiro, Invoker, Storm Spirit, Pugna, Sand King, Luna.
Against burst damage BKB is always a must build but it's not always enough.
in one second scenarios build Hood of Defiance. Hood provides 25% MR and HP regen and has a spell shield active which is good against burst damage.
Holy Locket
The item for three second scenario. It provides less MR than hood but it has health, health and mana regen and amplifies Berserker's Blood regen by 25%. The extra regen is enough to survive that 3 second and fight back and the good thing is it scales throughout the game.
Linken's Sphere
Hurricane Pike
Hurricane Pike provides nice stats, more attack rang and an initiation and escape tool. In games that requires fast positioning, Hurricane Pike is a very good item.
Satanic my love! The reason I really love this item on every right click hero is it's active that allows you to restore your health with 2 attacks, it provides Strength, damage and 30% status resistance.
Always consider this item as a late game game breaking item for Huskar. A stunned or disarmed Huskar can not use Satanic so be sure you have the items to counter those then build this beauty. The best thing about Satanic on Huskar is...It works in every single game if you have built him well.
Heart of Tarrasque
Wanna get REALLY tanky and amplify Berserker's Blood's regen by 50%? Then build Heart of Tarrasque.
Heart of Tarrasque is probably the best last item for Huskar but not before that. Why? Cause it keeps your health always full and slows your farm. So after you built like +20 armor, evasion, other goodies, you can build heart and become incredibly tanky.
Assault Cuirass
Assault Cuirass is a lovely item. very good armor and attack speed for you and your allies and an armor reduction aura for your enemy units and buildings. Number one armor option against cleave heroes like Sven and Magnus.
Totally an aggressive defensive item for you and your team.
Shiva's Guard
Ok before you scream "WHAT?" hear me out.
Shiva's Guard provides very nice armor, another AoE nuke that slows enemies and an aura that reduces enemies attack speed and INT that give you mana pool and new Huskar loves mana a lot more than the old one.
Shiva's Guard has every thing you want total 465 AoE nuke, More problem for right click heroes, and armor.
It's not as good as AC, and in many terms Solar Crest can do the job better but if you have heroes in your team that have build AC and SC, Shiva's Guard is the way to go.
Mjollnir provides damage and a lot of attack speed and lighting procs. If that Broodmother haven't finished the game or killed you for the 10th time then two procs of Maelstrom and level 4 Inner Fire is enough to kill her spider army.
Mjollnir is all about having more Magical damage by stacking more Burning Spears and lightning proc. consider buying this against Broodmother and other minion based hero.
Moon Shard
Monkey King Bar
Aghanim's Scepter
siver edge
Nullifier provides armor and damage and mutes enemy heroes, making them unable to use items. Great for killing BKB carriers.
Situational Items
Boots of Travel
Boots of Travel boosts your farm and allows you to have global presence. suitable for split pushing and joining fights as soon as possible. A luxury Item for late game.
Lotus Orb
Answer fire with fire has never been this ironic. Lotus Orb provides armor, mana, mana and health regen and echo shell which returns any single target spell casted on you. Just Life Break and see who dares to cast spells on you.
Rod of Atos
Radiance is one of the best farming items in the game and provides damage and burning aura that also damages enemy units and makes them miss 17% of their attacks that works perfectly with evasion from Heaven's Halberd. Since Huskar is more durable in team fights, he can deal much damage with Radiance and make more problems for right click heroes.
Blink Dagger
Blink Dagger is very very underrated on Huskar the reason is players use Hurricane Pike or just Life Break to reach their targets. Blink Dagger boosts your farming speed, improves your initiation and with it you can pick +20 strength talent, makes positioning easier and allows you to cancel Life Break during the leap. Give this bad boy a try.
Pros & Cons
- Great presence in lane.
- Can snowball in mid game and keep it up till late game.
- Has very good attack speed and life regen.
- Can deal tremendous amount of single target damage.
- Can Solo kill Roshan.
- Great anti tank.
- Scales very well with items.
- Has AoE disarm.
- Weak against burst damage.
- Needs items to dominate early-mid game.
- Falls off in late game if not built well.
- Needs to keep his health at 50% or lower to be efficient.
- Takes much time to be mastered.

The game begins.
Ideal lane for
Huskar is mid lane because with the extra gold and exp he gets in mid lane he is able to dominate mid game better. In mid lane we level
Burning Spear first because the pressure in mid lane is not as much as other lanes then we level
Berserker's Blood and put a level for
Inner Fire when we need it. If you're facing ranged heroes like
Sniper and
Viper who can not be harassed with
Burning Spear and put too much pressure on you, level
Berserker's Blood first. In lane try to constantly harass your opponent and keep last hitting. Getting solo kills is hard before level 6 if you want to go for it but if the enemy is tempted by your 50% HP and wants to try to kill you, use this opportunity and stack as many
Burning Spear as possible and don't forget to cast
Inner Fire in the right time. Because of your health regen you can risk it and go for the kill under towers.
When you should go for safe lane or off lane?
When there are allies who can help you get many early kills. Current meta is all about kills, Kills now give more exp and gold and if your lane partner have decent disables, you can get many early kills and snowball in mid game.
In safe lane and off lane we level
Berserker's Blood first because of the health regen that prevents death in laning pressure which is going to be a lot.
Off lane is not the ideal side lane for
Huskar but if safe lane is already taken go for it. Heroes like
Sand King,
Centaur Warrunner are great lane partners for you because of their disables and burst damage. Stuns, heavy slows and taunts are great cause you can stack many burning spears on the disabled target.
Safe lane is great if you have a support with disables. Heroes like
Shadow Shaman,
Vengeful Spirit,
Dark Willow,
Crystal Maiden,
Witch Doctor can lock the down enemies long enough for you to kill them.
Last Hit, Harass, Kill
Huskar is pretty decent in laning phase. Great single target harass with no mana cost, decent regen and disarm and knock back gives him enough tools to win the lane. Focus on getting last hits and harassing enemy heroes until they waste regen or retreat. That's why laning against
Huskar as a melee hero with no skills for providing life regen is very hard (
Dragon Knight and
Bloodseeker can tank your harass in lane without being bothered much.)
Keep farming and getting kills, build your
Bracers and then get either boots or armlet. Both of these boosts your killing potential, one by giving you movement speed which allows you to reach your targets and stack
Burning Spears and the latter allows you to hit harder and survive better.
If in mid lane gank other lanes once you think you're ready then come back to lane and continue farming. Don't run around the map just to get few kills farm matter as mid laner.
Once you build
Armlet of Mordiggian you can clear entire jungle very fast. Keep
Burning Spear active and clear camps one by one while armlet is active. Use armlet toggles to keep your self alive.
Huskar rework you built a
Soul Ring to spam inner vitality and keep farming jungle with this method to keep it safer but now that
Berserker's Blood regenerates your health, this jungling method is more efficient.
Things to consider before using this method are two heroes and warding.
Thirst reveals you while you are jungling with this method and sometimes a lucky
Zeus ult can kill you while jungling. If these two heroes are in enemy team consider buying a
Morbid Mask.
While you are jungling you have very little HP so if your jungle is warded or your support have not warded crucial paths, You can be ganked and killed.
Few minutes of jungling after laning phase for getting enough gold for needed items is necessary.
You can solo Roshan once you get armlet, Keep
Burning Spear and armlet active and cast
Inner Fire to disarm Roshan (You can cast it at least twice). You need armlet toggles in order to stay alive and kill him by your self which takes practice and dying usually means free
Aegis of the Immortal for enemy team. So if you are not experienced enough, don't solo Roshan with only an armlet, Build some armor, evasion or lifesteal which makes the whole process less risky or do it with a partner.
Armlet of Mordiggian's damage and
Berserker's Blood's regen and attack speed let you push towers. While doing it try to tank the tower damage while hitting it. you will regenerate enough health to stay under tower as long as you want also n early game you can use armlet toggles for solo pushing which is risky but in right times it's worth it.
Fighting plus a very important note
In laning phase before hitting level 6 you get kills by stacking
Burning Spear and since you have no slow or lock down, in side lanes the mentioned allies help you a lot.
After reaching level 6 killing process is mostly
Life Break, auto attacks,
Inner Fire if needed, retreat or push. Take your time to revise the skills chapter for detailed explanation about how to use your skills. Sounds simple enough? Yes it does that's why
Huskar is easy to learn but what makes it hard to master is staying alive after starting the fight.
Huskar has one of the highest average kills per matches in dota he also has one of the highest deaths per matches in dota. It takes good draft and practice to keep
Huskar alive in matches. Not having strong counters covers up 60% of your game. The other 40% of it comes from laning, farm and draft.
Dota Alchemy calls
Huskar a Trump pick, which means if he is picked against teams whose heroes can not strongly counter him, he can dominate the game and end it fast. His rework made him less of a rare pick but he is still nothing against illusions and mass player controlled units,
Viper, AA and burst damage. The most important part about mastering
Huskar is learning when to pick him that's why I believe
Foes chapter is the most important part of my guides. So let's talk about it after we analyse Friends who can help you snow ball and win.
Chaos Knight &
Phantom Lancer
Just Don't Pick Huskar Against Illusion heroes (Except TB he can do nothing against you!) These heroes eat you alive in less than a second. If one of these heroes is in enemy team and you have picked Huskar already then you gotta pray someone in your team has picked a counter against illusions and finish the game fast before late game.
In team fights you can help your team by disarming all illusions and revealing the real hero (Cause illusions take more damage.) Building Radiance and Shiva's Guard if possible is a good choice.
Broodmother &
Nature's Prophet
Don't you just hate minions when you can't do much against them? Yeah me too.
All these heroes spawn minions and have other qualities that turn them into a nightmare for you.
How to counter?
Firstly it's not your job to slay their minions but you can build Maelstrom, Radiance, Shiva's Guard after completing your core and building halberd. These three items + Inner Fire damage can help you and your team to get rid of their cancerous army. These are what you desperately need to get in order to have a chance against them but if you've got heroes in your team that can take care of their minions then focus on killing them.
Building MKB against Broodmother for her miss chance debuff and silence for NP.
For talents go for health, Burning Spear dps, Strength, and Pure damage Burning Spear and kill them in teamfights cause you have no chance against them in man fights.
He didn't use to be much of a threat to you but after Feast rework he out damage and out lifesteals you in fights. Rage makes hims immune to your disarms and Open Wounds grants him even more lifesteal.
How to counter?
Buy Blink Dagger or Hurricane Pike and run! Not a manly option but the point is to run away from him until Rage ends then double disarm and kill him.
Ancient Apparition
Two words: Ice Blast. Ice Blast prevents you from regenerating life and kills you when reaches its threshold and Huskar plays around that threshold.
How to counter?
Be fast enough and dodge Ice Blast with Hurricane Pike. play with 75% of your health and focus on not taking damage from other heroes. So BKB and double HH (for massive evasion and status resistance.) are good.
Death Prophet
DP has life drain based on your max HP, a Magical damage nuke, AoE silence and ulti that deals tons of damage to you if no other unit is around.
How to counter?
Hitting hard and fast is the best option and avoiding tanking is another, invest on attack speed and raw damage and if possible a Satanic for instant life restoration and don't forget BKB for her silence and Spirit Siphon.
BB has better laning pressure and can ruin your early game if you're facing him so in case there's a BB against you, go mid or off lane. He can deal tons of Physical, can slow you and reduce your armor, tank a lot of damage and proc even more Quill Spray and deal massive right click damage.
How to counter?
Go for HH,BKB (In case he builds Blade Mail). Satanic and silver edge. He needs farm to be efficient even more than you so if safe laners don't feed him and you manage to farm, he won't trouble you much.
She can trash your attack speed and deal tons of Pure damage while she heals her self and her allies.
How to counter?
Enchantress deals more damage the further her projectile attacks travel so stay close to her to take less damage and to be able to double disarm her. A Silver Edge breaks her passive and allows you to attack her normally. She builds Hurricane Pike to maintain distance so a BKB is also handy.
Drow Ranger
Drow Ranger can silence you, slow you and attack you with piercing arrows that also pro 120 Physical damage that ignores armor.
How to counter?
Same as Enchantress, You need to stay close to her in order to be able to kill her, She use's Gust's knock back and Hurricane Pike to stay far so build bkb and don't forget your halberd.
Riki aka the invis bastard can deal tons of Physical damage to you, silence you and right before you react, cast his ult and finish you in it.
How to counter?
Hurricane Pike is the first item you must build in order to get out of Smoke Screen and Tricks of the Trade or to get your team mates out of it. the second item is Shadow Blade for not taking damage during Tricks of the Trade. Upgrade the Shadow Blade to break Cloak and Dagger.
You can build BKB and cast it under smoke, knock Riki out with Inner Fire and kill him.
Last Words
Well this is end of the guide's rework.
As I said
Huskar is an easy to learn but hard to master hero who needs to be picked when no strong counter is around.
Enjoy playing, Practice, Keep your KDA sky high and have fun.
If you want to read my other guides come here.
And if you have any questions ask me in comments or via my Instagram @soroush_s77
Masked Man's out.
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