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DotA 2 Item: Silver Edge

Recipe Cost: 250
Total Cost: 5450

Item Details

Silver Edge

+60 Damage
+35 Attack Speed

Active: Shadow Walk

Makes you invisible for 14 seconds, or until you attack or cast a spell. While invisible, you move 25% faster and can move through units.

Attacking to end the invisibility will deal 300 bonus physical damage to the target, disable their passive abilities for 6.

Fade Time: 0.3
Damage: 300
Move Speed Bonus: 25%
Invisibility Duration: 17
Break Duration: 6


Additional Information

Once used to slay an unjust king, only to have the kingdom erupt into civil war in the aftermath.

Applies damage on spell immune enemies. Does not apply debuff on spell immune enemies.

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Muush (1) | May 19, 2016 5:28am
I think this is slightly outdated. Silver Edge no longer has lesser maim or anything related to Sange now.
MiracleFan | May 19, 2016 1:59am
Best counter for Phantom Assassin
UltraSuperHyper (12) | June 1, 2015 11:08am
Break disables Borrowed Times activation threshold. Learned it the hard way :(
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