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39 Votes

Blood And Sacrifice - A Guide to Huskar (7.20c)

November 29, 2018 by Masked_Man98
Comments: 24    |    Views: 221251    |   

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djseraphim | May 26, 2018 3:04pm
I tried some of the items on Epic boss for huskar made it to lvl 44 slacking / phase boots,scepter,pike etc..used blazz... and some other one u need over about 27-80 G to get these items.
Sernyx (3) | January 31, 2018 8:07pm
Did you seriously write that lifesteal works under AA's ultimate? ._.
It prevents literally ANY health gain except for Sunder.
Masked_Man98 (20) | May 27, 2018 6:37am
I never said that mate. Just remember in some cases right before AA cast his ulti on you you can active Satanic and hit one or two units if lucky and prevent death. everyone know about AA's unique ult so you really thought me with this amount of experience would say sth this stupid? think before you write a comment
DerrickZoolander (4) | January 31, 2018 2:06pm
Just stopping by to see your updates. You should redo all of your Diffusal Blade mentions. It no longer purges. Also, your Roshan is spot on. It is possible, but is very difficult to do with just armlet. I have found that it is much easier to do after getting a Talisman of Evasion right after you are done with your armlet. You should try and see if it works for you.
IIIFogIII (2) | July 9, 2017 12:38am
Great guide and +1 from me for making note of Broods superior power 😂
Masked_Man98 (20) | July 12, 2017 12:46pm
Thanks man I really appreciate it.
DioX (1) | May 6, 2017 1:23pm
this works if your a suicidal huskar.
Masked_Man98 (20) | May 10, 2017 11:44am
At which part exactly? I actually tried to convince people to leave that suicidal play style and play safer by emphasizing on DOT much much more than Life Break
DerrickZoolander (4) | April 21, 2017 2:47am
You commented on my guide, so I wanted to give you something you can add on yours. Medallion of Courage is not a double edged sword on Huskar. You can use the reduction of armor and then Life Break to remove the debuff. This does not work with Solar Crest though. Hope it helps!
Masked_Man98 (20) | April 22, 2017 12:16pm
Damn I totally forgot it.
deathstroke8585 | March 16, 2017 1:05pm
That double armor suggestion was AMAZING I used it against PA and TA in some matches and it was great.
Great guide.
Masked_Man98 (20) | March 18, 2017 3:08pm
I know you would like it. It totally makes right Click heroes cry.
And thx for feedback.
samthefab | February 9, 2017 4:04pm
why does your skill build prioritise life break over inner vitality? each point in life break is a tiny amount more slow while inner vitality is more regen to keep you alive in fights. Apart from that, it's a good build
Masked_Man98 (20) | February 10, 2017 11:43am
you know i'm considering all of MMR brackets and all situations you may see inner vitallity more viable than life break at a cetain moment it's your choise any way you should not only rely on a guide for playing a hero right?
ArthurDent | January 30, 2017 2:15pm
Overall Great guide, emphasizing dot damage is new to me, so far early game it was just too slow to kill(i often died with the enemy), i'l give it a shot in the next opportunity. So far i couldn't find the time for dragon lance, i usually rush either Satanic or heaven's halberd.
I think you should add tiers for the foes, so that lesser\situational threats may have a place, such as agh lina(850 pure damage is not to be understimated at any point), as wel as the already mentioned no-go ones such as AA. might want to add Bane with his 6 sec disable and mana drain with the same ability and pure damage nuke to enemies, at least for early game, and Axe with Counter Helix and blade mail tendency. Note that Oracle can dispel your heal, and immoblize you on 6 sec cd, twice of your (non-agh)Life Break. Diffusal blade can dispel as well.
Also, one thing was missing - ROSHAN. Especially in light of the new patch changes to him(high armor, torch position seems to be useless now). Pre-7.0, huskar could solo Roshan with armlet(and did almsot always), now it seems much more difficult.
Masked_Man98 (20) | January 31, 2017 11:46am
yes i will update the guide right after finishing the chapter 2 of my short story called blizzard and about the roshan, yeah it's a little harder now and you may not be able to take him down only with armlet but it's still possible for him to solo rosh i prefer to solo him on lvl 9 when i have max Burning Spears and at least 2 lvls of Berserker's Blood that will make it pretty easy.
any way good comment thx
Mystikal | January 14, 2017 10:17am
Solar crest in late game options???
Masked_Man98 (20) | January 14, 2017 11:48am
Yes. Everyone thinks that Solar Crest is a ****ty item, i think against strength right-click heroes like Slardar, Solar Crest is hell of an item it gives +5 more evasion than HH and since most of right click strength heroes lack a good armor, shine makes them really weak.
The eternal boner | January 11, 2017 12:01pm
God i just love it when they try to run away while they are slowed af and burning like hell.
Love your guide man
Masked_Man98 (20) | January 11, 2017 12:23pm
I know right and thank you for being supportive i really appreciate it.
WhosNuker (7) | January 10, 2017 10:27am
Bloodseeker doesn't die out whatsoever if you are able to play him properly. He has a very strong late game if you build in correctly and you have a gold advantage. I main bloodseeker and I destroy every game with him until my team feeds the enemy but I am still able to do a huge deal of damage. You just need to know how to build and play him.
Masked_Man98 (20) | January 10, 2017 12:11pm
Yes Bloodseeker can be good in late game if you build proper items and tank him a little BUT many people work on his damage a lot and ignore the fact that Bloodseeker is a squishy hero, that's why he falls off in many matches. He was the 5th hero i mastered and i max Thirst first then Blood Rite and then Bloodrage. I see you build Radiance after core items in your build, i personally prefer Mjollnir instead of Radiance because of its amzing attack speed and active that works really well with Blade Mails active.
I think your guide needs a little more love, go in depth and add rat push build to it. any way good luck.
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