January 11, 2015
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Pro Pub Player's Perfectly Perturbed Plebs.

Hey ho, peasants. The lord of Pub games has arrived once more to introduce you to the mind-numbing events that occur in the wonderful world of Dota 2.

Today I have a special treat for you, as this is one of those times when it's a whole cluster**** of failure. Not by me though. Nah. Never by me.

Rule #1 of this series: none of the fails displayed here are ever my fault. Ever. Don't even consider it.

On with the story!

All was quiet in the hero selection screen. Not a single person was making a sound, trying desperately to find the hero they wanted to fail at- I mean play. Eventually the enemy got the first pick, and a Russian by the name of *Insert Russian characters here* instalocked a Pudge. Always a good sign.

I was gifted the godlike power of the second pick. Do I counterpick the pudge for an easy lane? Do I set the course for the rest of the picks? Infinite choices, packed into a 40 second segment. I needed to decide. The fate of t…
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