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7 Votes

InviNsible RIKI

June 18, 2014 by ZyLntKyLLr
Comments: 15    |    Views: 46350    |   

Agility boost

DotA2 Hero: Riki

Hero Skills

Backstab (Innate)

Smoke Screen

2 12 13 14

Blink Strike

1 4 5 7

Tricks of the Trade

3 8 9 10

Cloak and Dagger

6 11 16


15 17 18


Riki is the most hated and annoying hero in dota 2. But its great fun to play him too. He's a real easy hero for beginners. There are several types of builds and strategy to play him. This guide is just the way I play him. If u can get more creative, you are welcome.


1. Permanent Invisibility

2. 2 escape skills other than invisibility

3. High initial agility and good agility growth

4. Aoe disable with silence, slow, miss

5. Good chasing and initiating ability

6. Most reliable ganker.

7. One passive skills that scales well into late game

8. Easy to play hero with only 2 active skills


1. Low intelligence and intelligence gain

2. Low HP and regeneration

3. Invisibility is easily countered.

4. Needs good farm to shine in late game

5. Backstab is dependant on ur position to ur enemy

6. Blink Strike is not ground-targeted


Skills Justification

1. Smoke Screen [Q]
This is one of the most powerful aoe disables on a carry. It silences, slows(both AS and MS), and blinds the enemy. The cooldown and duration are the same for all levels. Hence Only one level is sufficient until you reach level 11. It has good synergy with Diffusal Blade, Eye of Skadi and Skull Basher

2. Blink Strike [W]
This is riki's initiation + escape + chasing skill until he gets his invisibility. Hence its better to get level 4 of it ASAP. It applies a Backstab on the enemy when used.

3. Backstab
This is the skill that makes riki the amazing carry he is. Since its % based, it scales well until late game. Hence its better to boost your agility. Every runner is your food.

4. permanent invisibility
This skill makes riki the most annoying hero in dota 2. Though it is easily countered in competitive games, it can be abused well in pubgames, since no one wants to play support and no one wants to get wards.

Startup Items

Gives a slow healing in early game. Since you will be the target of harassment in whatever lane you go, It is more preferable than Healing Salve (which dispels when you take damage). Bottle is not that good on riki, since you don't have some heavy nukes to spam.

Slippers of Agility
Gives some initial agility/damage. Later it can be upgraded to Poor Man's Shield

Ring of Protection
Gives some extra armor. Can be upgraded to Ring of Basilius or Tranquil Boots

Choice of boots

1. Power Treads
It is a real good choice. 30 attack speed and 8 of selected attribute both of which riki needs in early game. and you can switch between attributes to gain temporary boost to the selected attribute. It's the standard boot for all carries

2. Tranquil Boots
My personal favorite. It gives extra regeneration and movement speed when you are not attacking or being attacked. Hence it gives you great mobility between lanes. And in case your lane is hard, you don't have to go back to your base too often. Too bad, it doesn't give any stats

3. Phase Boots
Not really recommended. It just gives 24 raw damage. Phase is not a great add-on wen u already have blink. It doesn't boost your agility either.

4. Boots of Travel
The luxury boots that every hero must get in late game. Get it wen u have all 5 of your other items.

5. Arcane Boots
Really? Keep in mind, this boot is only for casters. You have only 2 active skills. If you are running low on mana, get a Ring of Basilius or a Magic Wand in early game.

Choice of Unique Attack Modifiers

1. Diffusal Blade
This is the first item u should get on riki, right wen you have your boots. It can be upgraded once, giving 25/30 agility and burns 20/36 mana per attack. It literally leaves your enemies useless when they leave your Smoke Screen. Many people disregard this because they do not understand purge quite correctly. When used on enemy, it removes almost all the buffs on them ( Overpower and Enrage from ursa). When used on yourself, it removes almost all debuffs from u ( Track, amplify damage, Dust of Appearance). AND IT COMES WITH A VERY GOOD CRIPPLING SLOW, THAT KEEPS YOUR ENEMIES WITHIN THE SMOKE SCREEN. It has only 8 + 8 charges, so use it wisely. Once you have exploited it completely, You can decide either to keep it or exchange it for a skadi.

2. Helm of the Dominator/ Satanic
This is another good item. It gives good survivability, since riki has good damage and attack speed late game. you can farm neutrals easily, if you had a bad lane. It doesn't come with the perks of diffusal blade, but it is an equally good choice.

3. Eye of Skadi
The universal UAM. If you got the gold, go for it. Since diffusal blade can be upgraded only once, you can sell it and get a skadi in late game. it gives tons of stats and a good reliable as+ms slow. With smoke, enemies will be literally crippling

4. Maelstrom/ Mjollnir
You are an agility carry. Agility increases attack speed and armor naturally. If you feel you are slow, keep stacking that agility. Thor's hammer is definitely a waste of gold on riki.

5. Desolator
This UAM cannot be rejected completely. It's really useful when you are dealing with heavy tanks. It really boosts your damage since all of it is physical. Certain armor buffs can be removed by diffusal blade (like Warcry), hence its definitely the better UAM.

6. Mask of Madness
The holy grail of pub-stompers. They really abuse the madness+basher( Skull Basher) combo. Really useful when all your enemies try to run away. What if one of them decides to fight back. You are giving them a 30% increased damage. If the enemy is a carry, you are a free kill. Even if he is not, if they have dust, you are dead.

Agility boosting items

1. Yasha........ Sange and Yasha/ Manta Style
Gives everything that riki really needs. Loads of agility, movement speed boost and attack speed.

2. Butterfly
The most suitable item for any agility carry or in general, any carry. It gives everything you need. Agility, damage, attack speed, armor, evasion.

Get Diffusal Blade or Eye of Skadi as your Unique attack modifier.

DPS items

1. Crystalys / Daedalus , for critical strike and damage.

2. Skull Basher / Abyssal Blade, for bash and damage

3. Battle Fury, for cleave and damage, lethal against illusion heroes.

4. Monkey King Bar, if there are evasive enemies or Butterfly carries

5. Divine Rapier, 300 damage. Get it ONLY when you already have a winning advantage, and you have purchased all 5 of your other items.

All the above items give raw damage, without any stats. Hence they don't compliment well with your Backstab. But you can get them for their add-ons.

Hero counters

1. Slardar....amplify damage, (reveals you and reduces armor)

2. Bounty Hunter...... Track, (reveals you and gives extra gold to enemies)

3. Bloodseeker..... Thirst, (if low on hp, he can chase you down and kill you)

4. Zeus..... Lightning Bolt, (reveals you, even if he casts it on a nearby hero, now for 4.5 seconds)

5. doom bringer..... Doom, (reveals, silences and damages you)

6. Silencer..... Last Word, (silences and can disarm you)

7. Puck..... Waning Rift, (silences you)

8. Drow Ranger..... Gust, (silences you)

9. Disruptor..... Static Storm, (silences and damages you)

10. Death Prophet..... Silence, (silences you)

Generally any hero with a silence, nukes, stun or any type of disable is a counter for riki. Special mentions include...

1. Alchemist..... Unstable Concoction, (if he lands it on you, he will Chemical Rage you to death)

2. Legion Commander..... Duel, (disables you)

3. Bloodseeker..... Bloodrage, (long duration silence)

4. Night Stalker..... Crippling Fear, (silence)

5. Bristleback...... Bristleback, It blocks damage from back and sides, so your Backstab damage is nullified

6. Spirit Breaker..... Charge of Darkness, (Although it doesn't provide true sight on the target, he will continue to target them and stun on impact. They will also be marked by his charge icon even while invisible)

Item Counters

1. Gem of True Sight, (reveals you)

2. Sentry Ward, (reveals you)

3. Dust of Appearance, (reveals and slows you)

4. Necronomicon, (necronomicon warrior reveals you)

5. Orchid Malevolence, (silence and damage amplification)

6. Radiance, (Not usually bought as a detection item , it will still produce a noticeable heat ripple when they are within it's radius)

7. Scythe of Vyse, (disable)

8. Monkey King Bar, (that 80% miss from Smoke Screen is history)

Annoying items

These are the items you should consider if you are playing AGAINST a rikimaru.

1. Blade Mail...... riki's damage output is monstrous compared to his hp.

2. Ghost Scepter / Ethereal Blade....all of riki's attacks and skills deal physical damage. Hence you cant damage them, but they can nuke you.

3. Force Staff..... can force your victims out of your Smoke Screen

4. Eul's Scepter of Divinity.... while you are enjoying the view up from a tornado, your enemies will be lining up to take you down.

5. Heaven's Halberd.... you have only one option now, RUN


Riki is a fun to play hero. They are a variety of possibilities of item combinations for riki. Its all situational.

This is my first guide. I have tried my best to include everything necessary. If I need to add something or if I something is wrong in my guide, feel free to point it out in the comments..


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