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Very few gankers in DotA have a good late-game. Because it would be pretty OP if some heroes could own both the mid-game and the late-game. That's why late-game
Why does late-game
- His only contribution to a teamfight is
Essentially, Riki's skillset is really strong for ganking single targets but is terrible for teamfighting. The only thing a 6-slotted
U should add an orb of venom as an early item because it allows u to attack and move easier at early levels.
I get a gem as core, or extension because if they can't get down sentries and you can blink strike away from dust then you are really hard to kill, also saves your supports from having to buy as many sentries. I don't think tranquils are a great item on riki, power treads are far better, however the certainly are not the worst boots you can get, as for skull basher being nooby, AHEM whoever said that, just be quite skull basher is a perfectly ok item.
On the other hand battle fury I really think is a huge waste of gold, illusions and what not...really. if your up against pl then get a gem and go after the invis one chilling behind the rest.
Finally, when I play riki I like to get other things when I am fairly far ahead, I get AC sometimes, -armor is great for taking down heavy armor enemies or even low armor(more damage, good) and makes you less squishy, I also like to get linkens sphere, more nice stats to keep me alive and of course the spell block stopping nasty hexes, stunlocks and all kinds of dastardly things
The miss change increase is significant. It nearly doubles at level 4. Having a 70% miss chance is great to have early on (since you are a squishy hero early game). Without agility boosting items,
I'll not argue on this because I guess it's blind luck whether or not you catch supports in your smoke. Just keep in mind that one
I understand your logic for the
As for
Also your argument of
is possibly one of the cases where you absolutely should not get a rapier. The thing is, a Rapier isn't an item that you get when you are farmed more than the enemy and are already dominating them. A rapier is a last-ditch, come-back item. You get it when you are two rax down, and the enemy team is winning. In this situation, when you have nothing to lose, you grab a Rapier and go for a "Hail Mary" play. If you manage to teamwipe the enemy with a rapier, you win the game. If you die and feed the rapier, well, you were losing in the first place, so nothing has changed.
Getting a Rapier when you are ahead of the enemy team is the worst thing you can do for your team.
Generally I pick up backstab level one because farming on Riki is your number one priority.
Treads is probably the best item on Riki in the early game because (as you mentioned) Tranqs don't give stats and unless your positioning is awful and/or your enemies can abuse you from long range (Lina, Lion, etc.) you don't necessarily need more regen than a set of tangos + a salve.
I personally like rushing
Starting items:
Tango, Salve,
I sincerely disagree with
The regen is nice and bonus damage is always swell, but considering you have to be standing behind the enemy to get the bonus damage from
1. I have justified the use of
2. About
4. Thanks for pointing out the slow part. Somehow i missed to mention that
5. That's why they are in the "situational/luxury" tab.
Does this website really need Riki guides... I think plenty of noobs know how to play him
The problem though, is that, the newbs' way of playing
I actually think we need proper
@Timminator: I still think BKB is core on the hero.. Reason being, in a teamfight, all it takes is about one to two maxed out nukes (one if you are already semi low on hp, two if you are high on hp).. And teams WILL focus
Here are my comments:
2. I don't quite agree with your skill build.
3. My eyes burn, not seeing a
4. It's funny that you mention
bkb is reallt good on riki and i will get it a lot, but its not as crucial as a gyrocopter or shadow fiend BKB.
i still agree with getting often it but i wont put it in ABSOLUTE core.
2. I don't quite agree with your skill build.
3. My eyes burn, not seeing a
4. It's funny that you mention