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Forum » General Discussion » 6.87c 28 posts - page 1 of 3
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Hamstertamer » May 7, 2016 2:10pm | Report

* Infernal Blade base damage reduced from 40 to 25/30/35/40
* Armlet armor bonus when activated reduced from 5 to 4
* Essence Aura now uses Pseudo-Random Distribution
* Wind Lace cost increased from 225 to 235
* Wind Lace is no longer available in the Side Shop
* Silver Edge now has a 300 gold recipe
* Arc Warden base damage improved by 4
* Vengeful Spirit Intelligence reduced from 15 + 1.75 to 13 + 1.5
* Super Creep gold increase over time reduced from 2 to 1.5 per upgrade cycle
* Beastmaster's Boar Poison no longer pierces Spell Immunity
* Greevil's Greed no longer benefits illusions
* Storm Spirit Intelligence increased from 23 + 2.6 to 24 + 3.0
* Slardar base movement speed reduced from 300 to 295
* Metamorphosis no longer increases Base Attack Time
* Conjure Image damage taken reduced from 425% to 400%
* Stifling Dagger base damage increased from 60 to 75
* AoE Bounty Gold based on level reduced from 8/7/6/4/4 to 6/5/4/3/3 per level
* Grave Chill cast range increased from 600 to 650
* Jinada slow reduced from 18/22/26/30% to 15/20/25/30%

Quick version :

- Phantom Assassin and Arc Warden got completely insignificant buffs and are still unplayable
- Silver Edge is 300 gold more expensive, but still gives the same ******** stats. Insignificant nerf.
- Terrorblade got big buffs for some reason, 1.5 BAT on ult form instead of 1.6 and less damage taken on illusions. He was already super good in this patch, go figure.
- Radiance/ Manta Style on Alchemist is dead. RIP. Not even a single buff to make up for it.
- Big Beastmaster nerf, can't slow through BKB anymore.

Pick Terablyat win dotka. What a hero.
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Dimonychan » May 7, 2016 2:15pm | Report
Storm Spirit Intelligence increased from 23 + 2.6 to 24 + 3.0

Quality buffs here 4Head. I don't know why'd he need any though, safelane Strom is strong as ****.

Edit: also I hope some pubstar starts playing Storm safelane because I'm getting tired of ppl making big eyes when they see me pick him safelane. Like, at 4k you are expected to have at least some cerebrum and understand that a hero who needs a 4k+ item to not be trash and who is one of the best carries in the game can be played safelane.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Sanvitch » May 7, 2016 3:41pm | Report
Rip Alch's manta build. I'm sure no one will miss it. Might still see Armlett -> Radiance -> AC -> win game but that's better.

I didn't even realise that Beastmaster Boar slow pierced BKB. That is a change I am happy to see because the slow is crazy as it is. The hero should still be more than viable since he brings a lot to the table.

Yay Doom nerf. That's all I have to say really. Infernal Blade did way too much damage at level 1 before, and was a good enough spell you'd see it maxed before Devour.

Can anyone crunch the numbers on Astral Imprisonment now to see if it lowers the amount of INT he needs to be self sufficient? It's still gonna be higher than the old 1000~ but would be nice to see it lowered a little.

Since you just can't have enough Chaos Breaker.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by YellulzQuiet » May 7, 2016 4:13pm | Report
Well deserved nerf, as Roar already pierce bkb (to its full duration) and his Throwing Axe too, at least the permaslow from 650 range can be stopped by bkb.

But i want Icefrog to buff him though, especially his aghs, why do i want to have a slow CD Aghs if my Necromicon has an absurd CD and i cant do my combo ? it just works if you dont do the miniom master build, more alied focused, but then Offlane Void is far better at this.

Maybe give him as aghs upgrade a new pet, or make his Hawk Deal some kind of dps ( maybe armor reduction or Area lifesteal like WK)


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by ChiChi » May 7, 2016 5:34pm | Report
You forgot Armlet of Mordiggian nerf, which was the most expected one in this patch filled with Slardars buying it and people like PPD complaining about it. Also nerf on the Bounty Hunter which is a fricking strong support that has seen some nerfs in his early game constantly now to make up for it. But yea, Doom nerf was way necessary too, this way maybe we see less that hero in every single high skill game (I like diversity).

The buffs seem really cautious, but I guess in such peculiar heroes it's hard ot just straight up buff them with at the same time making sure they are not out of hand. So slowly Phantom Assassin and Arc Warden will get there, hopefully. I also won't be missing Alch's naga that much, more farmey, less interesting.

Beastmaster nerf is really curious. I guess they don't want the hero to be able to manfight cores with BKB just because he has an army of minions and kiting at the same time. Not sure if it was needed, but oh well, hero is still fine I guess.

I think that one trait I see regularly here in dota fire when we talk about patches is the despise for the subtle changes, which I don't completely understand, tbh. Ofc stuff like this 2 points in a stat can seem insignificant at first sight, but this game is actually so complex it is made of subtleties like this one. Like the nerf on my Vengerino, just because she's so stronk (I still approve of it anyways) :P We seem like those younger kids that can't do deep analysis and just scream "are we lol now", when we should know better.

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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Cuttleboss » May 7, 2016 6:02pm | Report
BH nerfs are finally adding up. VS got nerfed early too. Screw roaming! Go sit passively in lane and get exp!

Arc's laning might actually be good enough to mid now, not sure. 4 more damage and 80 mana spark wraith at least gives him a chance.

Armlet nerf, right when I was enjoying my CK games! I know it's not that big a deal for him, it's more for LS, WK, and Alch.

But wait, Beastmaster nerf, a buff to all kitable magic immunity carries, especially LS. That guy is getting quite strong it seems.

Storm buff, he now has a slightly better late game. It also translates to another LS buff.

TB buffs, because Icefrog really wants people to pick him with SD I think. I wanna see that become a thing.

Essence Aura now uses PRD. I'm so glad. There was no benefit at all to it being random, since you get no benefit at all from it proccing when you're at full mana, not like bashes, which are always useful. Hero still got overnerfed and probably still sucks, but this is a nice little fix.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by masaaki14 » May 7, 2016 7:14pm | Report
No wonder venge seemed a little weaker when I last played her. I'm sad now T.T


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Terathiel » May 7, 2016 8:07pm | Report
Oh GOD those TB buffs. Not what I expected to see in a .c buff at all! Not that I'm complaining. 1.5 BAT in Meta is going to be silly and now I can go 3 skadis without any guild at all :)
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Safecyn » May 7, 2016 8:37pm | Report
Don't forget the Dragon Lance first! :D


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Terathiel » May 7, 2016 8:42pm | Report
Safecyn wrote:

Don't forget the Dragon Lance first! :D

I figured it out, by the way. Go Dragon Lance in a situation where you'd have previously gone Drums since they now suck for agi heroes. FeelsGoodMan.
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