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Terathiel's Blog
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October 06, 2017

The Impact and Abuse of Stats

Views: 2130 Terathiel
+Rep Report
This is the first in a short series of theorycrafting blogs I'm going to be doing. It's a subject that's been on the back of my mind for a fair while now, and since we're only (or still) a couple of weeks out from the much-anticipated 7.07, it seems pertinent to do this now
and then
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Why do this now? Well, a lot of what I'm going to bring up can be easily addressed and my points illustrated in terms of what we're expecting to see in 7.07. I'm going to break down the discussion into a few key points and try to keep this structured, rather than ramble on as I am wont to do.



Foreword 1: 7.07 predictions, and "leaks"

As with any leaks, take these with a really hefty grain of salt. A while ago on 4Chan (lul), there was apparently a "Valve insider" who leaked some of the changes that would occur in 7.07. It's a high chance these are completely false, but they do look really cool. What I want to focus on now is the proposed talents chan…
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August 08, 2016

Tera's Digest - Insurrection I

Views: 1898 Terathiel
+Rep Report
Bit of a longer one now, I'm doing a writing course at uni so I figured I'd best start... well, writing, again. Brave new world, new characters, darker but less edgy. Have fun fam :)


A legend of a world far away

Z'hara tapped her foot impatiently as she waited, arms crossed, by the door. She checked the timepiece stored in her pocket. Not that she'd been waiting long - no, the dark elf was just used to things being done now.

"Quite finished in there, Ren?" she called. A snarl was her only response. Shortly thereafter, her companion emerged, shaking his head at her.

"I know you consider biology an inconvenience, but it's still a necessity."

Z'hara shrugged. "There's a time and a place to take a bathroom break."

"We're not running on that tight a schedule."

"No, but there are other things I'd rather be doing than working."

Ren snorted, flicked a lock of silver hair from his eyes. "What, like that pretty high elven diplomat? You're so very mono-dimensional, Z'hara!"

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July 08, 2016

I joined the circle-jerk - 6.89

Views: 2170 Terathiel
+Rep Report
Yeah, this is the rodent's 6.89 I suppose. I tried something new and balanced around balance as opposed to rule of cool and taking a **** on Windrunner. Though I still did the latter because **** it.

Whatever let's get into it. Nobody reads my intros anyway so nobody will read this sentence and if they do read this sentence they'll realise it's excessively long and doesn't really serve a purpose except to confuse the people that do read this intro into no longer reading the intro which makes this sentence even more pointless.


-Roshan now gives 250 (up from 200) gold to the team that defeats him. Snatching the Aegis now grants 200 gold to the team that does so. Roshan kills before the 1-minute mark award a bonus 100 gold.

I still want to see crazy risk-taking Rosh shenanigans.

-Heroes are now credited with assists if they helped with non-damaging abilities such as Overgrowth and Global Silence. Shackleshot is excepted from this rule.

-Heroes are now granted double thei…
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October 06, 2015

Tera's Digest - Fallen

Views: 2148 Terathiel
+Rep Report
This will probably be the last of these for a while since I'm busy with other stuff for casual writing.

Some context on this story... it's set in a game world I was writing for, and is the end of a long quest chain involving two angels, one of whom is evil and has been leading the player along in a scheme to topple the empire of one of the Lucifii princes of Hell. I don't *think* I need to explain much, other than the fact that these two characters used to be close friends until one Fell.

Story takes place in an arena in the depths of Hell, after the player goes through a portal. The confrontation of the angels is playing out in the background as you fight through swarms of demons, and it's all pretty epic.

Fair warning, given that the protagonist is a fallen angel corrupted by the archdemon of lust this will be a little suggestive at points. It felt pretty awkward to write it as I generally try to stay away from that stuff, but it's kind of a central plot point here.


"Is t…
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September 22, 2015

Tera's Digest - Curse the light

Views: 1554 Terathiel
+Rep Report
Yet more stuff! This story actually has two versions, both of which you'll be able to see. There are numerous key differences, but both were done under time constraints as a speed writing exercise with a visual stimulus.

Light, narrow rays of sun. Even sheltered between two high walls accursed illumination pollutes the street, falling down and being greedily devoured by the cool cobblestones. The sun heads inexorably up the east towards its crescendo in the midday sky. Impure, impure.

The night has left its mark on this little corner of a world - here a spilled drink, there someone lost their keys. The landscape stretches into the distance, winding, winding through the rise of mortar and stone that flanks the vision and yet protects from harsh light, harsh hope. The city is silence.

In shadow he stands, to any observer lost in a reverie with open eyes that yet see nothing. Although the fingers of light reach out to touch the rest of the alley, they shy away from…
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