oh look, another 6.89 wet dream that'll never come true
Views: 2340 DimonychanSome of these heroes I'm not sure are balanced at all, so I put a trigger warning next to them.
- Mist Coil cast point from 0.35 to 0.3
- Aphotic Shield cast point from 0.452 to 0.3
- Aphotic Shield now deals damage equal to actual absorbed damage upon bursting
- Acid Spray radius from 625 to 375
- Acid Spray duration from 16 to 8
- Acid Spray damage per second from 15/20/25/30 to 30/40/50/60
- Acid Spray armor reduction from 4/5/6/7 to 3/4/5/6
- Unstable Concoction cooldown from 16 to 10
- Unstable Concoction maximum damage from 150/220/290/360 to 100/170/240/310
- Unstable Concoction throw range from 775 to 800
- Greevil's Greed no longer provides extra gold bonus per stack
- Greevil's Greed base gold bonus from 6/8/10/12 to 7/8/9/10
- Greevil's Greed now can be cast on an enemy creep, ward or mine to provide 120 gold bounty and 50 or 1.2x/1.3x/1.4x/1.5x experience, whichever higher. Has a cooldown of 125 seconds. (Grants 58 e…
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