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Dimonychan's Blog
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July 06, 2016
+Rep Report
Do you think I'm worse than you?

Some of these heroes I'm not sure are balanced at all, so I put a trigger warning next to them.


- Mist Coil cast point from 0.35 to 0.3
- Aphotic Shield cast point from 0.452 to 0.3
- Aphotic Shield now deals damage equal to actual absorbed damage upon bursting

- Acid Spray radius from 625 to 375
- Acid Spray duration from 16 to 8
- Acid Spray damage per second from 15/20/25/30 to 30/40/50/60
- Acid Spray armor reduction from 4/5/6/7 to 3/4/5/6
- Unstable Concoction cooldown from 16 to 10
- Unstable Concoction maximum damage from 150/220/290/360 to 100/170/240/310
- Unstable Concoction throw range from 775 to 800
- Greevil's Greed no longer provides extra gold bonus per stack
- Greevil's Greed base gold bonus from 6/8/10/12 to 7/8/9/10
- Greevil's Greed now can be cast on an enemy creep, ward or mine to provide 120 gold bounty and 50 or 1.2x/1.3x/1.4x/1.5x experience, whichever higher. Has a cooldown of 125 seconds. (Grants 58 e
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December 25, 2015

The Quest for a Perfect Pentagon

Views: 3589 Dimonychan
+Rep Report
It's almost 2016 and I don't really want to dive in RMM right before New Year, so I thought, why not put some sense in my screwing around in unranked and add a challenge of sort and maybe open one of the secrets of Volvo's incredibly thoroughly thought out system.

Namely, their Playstyle Pentagon. I'll play 20 unranked games before New Year in attempt to build a perfect pentagon with different heroes and record the pentagon changes. I'll also use YASP match data to try and see how bought wards, hero healing, tower damage, KDA etc. affect the pentagon, maybe to a point of exploit(i.e buy all the wards and place them in one game on a core hero to see how warding alone boosts your "Supporting" value).

Right now my "pentagon" looks like this:

I will record my stats in the table and maybe add some notes as the "research" goes on, and hopefully, come to some conclusions.

Some observations so far:

- Fighting is not just about hero damage and hero kills + assists - in fact, it seems tha…
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