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Sanvitch's Blog
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August 25, 2015

6.84c and Efficiency

Views: 1910 Sanvitch
+Rep Report
Just a little frame-work before the main body of the post; This came about from one of my discussions with Hamster in Sando's 6.85 thread, where as usually we have very different view points on a subject matter.

The point was based around a statement of (This is paraphrased) 'TA farming ancient stacks costs the game in a large number of situations, because you aren't abusing the peak window of the heroes skills at 8-10 minutes when you have a Blink + level 10'

Now, before we continue I will say I am approaching this from the perspective of professional games, not pub games, which may be one reason why Hamster and I end up disagreeing a lot.

Warning; This is a bit of ranting blob of text, because that's how my thought processes work, I'll do my best to TL;DR at the end.

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July 09, 2015

To Commit or Not to Commit

Views: 899 Sanvitch
+Rep Report
So basically this is a discussion that arose from a recent game of mine; (Try to ignore the fact I did really badly in mid, if you choose to watch the game that is)

And in this game, our Tusk was very insitent on us fighting pretty frequently. Like he's always be going 'group and push mid' or insiting we chase as 5, or going in when one of us was ganked and killed.

And the issue was... after a while, I was pretty confident this was always the worse descision he could be making for us. Like, something like 20 or 30 minutes in, I got ganked by 5 due to an error of mine (I knew they had wards in the jungle, I just throught I could get a couple of creeps and get out), and then rather than having us split push mid and top and force them either back or get a trade, he insists that everyone else group up and go into fight them 4v5.

And he did this later on, saying we should go for a fight in our midlane woods with our WD out, when I was pretty s…
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July 03, 2015

The magical 60%

Views: 1453 Sanvitch
One mans quest to boost his winrate.

Essentially I felt like sharing my current in DOTA goal. Because I'm not willing to do my calibration matches as of quite yet (I'm getting there, I just still feel like waiting a bit longer before I enter the murky waters of ranked), I felt like I should have a DOTA goal I would be aiming towards.

And when I was looking at my dotabuff (Shameless plug;, I looked at my win percentage (Relatively small number of games, but hey), and so I decided upon it. I will try to both reach and maintain a 60% winrate from now till I start playing ranked, because I like the feel of the nice round number.

Now, it's very similar to the idea of hitting a certain MMR I'll admit, but it'll do the same things. Encourage me to continually get better and better ect ect ect.

So yeah, goal is set. Progress of the first day... Sad because I dropped .02 of a percent due to a poorly timed Lion pick making me go 1-1, but hey that's …
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May 15, 2015
+Rep Report
 |  Bartydoesthings  |  Imustbemad
Okay, so I don't normally make blog posts and the like, or really socialize much on here but hey DOTAfire people are nice, so I thought I'd be a little more open than normal.

So I've been playing and following this wonderful game of ours for a little over a year now (How time flies), and it's been arguably the best gaming experience of my life.

Now due to time constraints from having to balance a life with DOTA, I don't play that much, and when I do play I usually use the same few supports, since I'm at the stage of pubs where good supports are impossible to come by, and where being the teams selfless ward *****, and actually having plenty of disables is enough to help win more games than I by-rights should. And it's effective, I play a few games a week, and usually win them, and have a good win-rate whilst doing so.

And yet recently... It's been less satisfying than normal. My hero pool is feeling stale, and my mechanics are feeling a little more subpar than normal as a result, bec…
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