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Hamstertamer's Blog
Blog Posts: 5     Views: 20210     Comments: 105
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June 30, 2017

Lumen, the Energy Elemental

Views: 3166 Hamstertamer
This is my hero for the contest. Advice is welcome, just bear in mind it's not finished or properly balanced yet.

Lumen, the Energy Elemental

Hero concept

Lumen is a purely spell-based intelligence carry, or "ability power carry".

He is made to dish out high amounts of scaling spell damage, something no hero can do in the game currently. The closest thing to INT carries in dota right now are either right-clickers (Silencer, OD, Ench), those who only have one real damage spell which can be juked (Invoker, Timbersaw), or have high single target damage but lack teamfight presence (Tinker). I can also mention Skywrath, who had great potential as an INT carry with his 0 second cooldown aghs ulti, but sadly it was removed by the frog, and his 2 second cooldown Q, while being a "scaling" skill, is still terrible in the late game.

Lumen is made to have none of these weaknesses, and have both high single target damage, great skill scaling, and powerful teamfight presence. To …
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August 10, 2016

Leaving Dota

Views: 5260 Hamstertamer
+Rep Report
Hi guys,

I've got an announcement to make : I'm quitting Dota.

I've decided to stop playing this game for good. The reason for that is very simple : it's way too time-consuming, and I want my free time back because I need it for my real life.

That's really all there is to it.

So no, you won't see me rant about the MMR system (it's mostly fine).
Or buying into the "dotafire going into a bad direction" trend (complaining is useless if you don't do something about it).
Or rant about the bad community in dota.
There's really none of that here. I just came back from holidays, and I decided that I want my free time back, that's it.

Because MOBAs are actually among of the worst in terms of time sucking / addicting video games out there. Maybe even worse than MMOs. Because just like a MMO where you have to spend thousands of hours leveling up a character to get anywhere in the game, in MOBAs you need to spend thousands of hours leveling up an account to get anywhere in the game. And the g…
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July 04, 2016

Hamster's 6.89

Views: 3898 Hamstertamer
+Rep Report
6.89  |  balance  |  OSFrog  |  patch  |  wishlist
Let's make a 6.89. The general idea is to make some cool heroes playable again. And to give a *fair* nerf to the meta in very high scrub tier pubs.

- Sven

* Storm Hammer cooldown rescaled from 13 to 22/19/16/13 seconds
* Storm Hammer damage rescaled from 100/175/250/325 to 25/125/225/325
* Warcry coooldown rescaled from 32/26/20/14 to 17 at all levels

**** the 1/4/4 value abuse build. Seriously. That build is the reason why he gives a 20 armor bonus to his entire team at the 10 minute mark, which is broken as hell.

- Kunkka

* X Marks the Spot cooldown rescaled from 26/20/14/8 to 25/20/15/10
* Ghost ship rum duration reduced from 10 to 7 seconds

Yes, that's a Kunkka nerf. Because the point is to balance heroes around their actual strength, not their pick rates...Right?

- Dragon Knight

* Breathe Fire mana cost reduced from 100/110/120/130 to 105 at all levels

Makes up for the fact that bottlecrowing and even bottle is dead, so you can't even afford to use your Q in the
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March 29, 2016

6.87 wishlist

Views: 3973 Hamstertamer
+Rep Report
6.87  |  balance  |  OSFrog  |  patch  |  wishlist
Kyfrog this is for you. Dota needs fixing and only you can do it.


- Heroes in their fountain can no longer have their position changed by any spell or item controlled by enemies.
- Fountain now has true strike and can attack ethereal units as if they were not ethereal.
Death to fountain farming.

- Courier respawn time reduced from 3 to 2 minutes

- Ultimate Orb moved from secret shop to base
Why was ultimate orb removed from side shop again? Right now it's such a pain in the *** to buy skadi, linkens or whatever item based on it. Why?

- Sentry Wards no longer reveal enemy wards if placed normally. They still reveal invisible units.
- Placing Sentry Wards while holding the ALT key now places Ward Detectors, which are visually different from normal sentries. Ward detectors reveal enemy Observer Wards, Sentry Wards and other ward detectors. However, they do not reveal invisible units.
The idea of this change is to remove any interaction between dewarding and countering
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May 02, 2015

Spectre 6-slot / Skadi stacking doto

Views: 3874 Hamstertamer
+Rep Report
carry  |  item build  |  skadi  |  Spectre
Hello guys,

I've been thinking a lot lately about our beloved Purple Ghost :

and on how to optimize her item build, especially towards the late game 6-slot build, to take the maximum advantage off her hard-carryness and scaling.

Spectre is one of these carries that people tend to build wrong. One of the worst ways to build her is to focus on direct right-click damage, because Spectre doesn't have a single steroid that synergizes with right-click. If you play right-click Spectre with items such as Butterfly, Daedalus, Mjollnir, Abyssal Blade etc, you actually get a pretty poor carry who gets outcarried easily since any carry with a steroid can manfight her and win. This leads to some pretty absurd stuff like Spectres snowballing hard off the mid-game by chasing isolated heroes around with Desolate, and still losing the late game because of bad builds and misplays.

So, what makes Spectre such a hard carry is these two things :

- She doesn't need any damage items to have high …
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