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6.86 Wishlist

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Forum » Theory Crafting » 6.86 Wishlist 52 posts - page 4 of 6
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by YellulzQuiet » November 15, 2015 2:31am | Report
Timminatorr wrote:

Why not BOTH
BOts, blink,bkb,guinso,Refresher, octarine new meta


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by TheSofa » November 15, 2015 8:56am | Report
Focus Fire changed to a debuff on the target (instead of buff on WR).

- can be dispelled by greater dispel
- does not persist through aegis of the immortal


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Hamstertamer » November 18, 2015 11:37am | Report
Hey let's make some unplayable heroes playable :

outworld devourer

- Arcane Orb can no longer miss (even if the attack misses, the orb still deals its damage)
- Base HP regen increased from 0.25 to 1.5

Evasion is one of the main reasons why he's unplayable right now. Sheep no longer disabling evasion killed him. And regen to buff his lack of sustain as a mid


- Adaptive Strike base damage increased from 50/60/70/80 to 50/100/150/200
- Skilling morph agility gain now gives 3/4/5/6 of each stat, not just strength and agility

Shotgun Morphling sucks. Makes it viable again to compensate for the unfair projectile nerfs on adaptive and eblade. Maybe it's still disjointable but it's more damage and now on a 20 second cooldown with eblade.


- Open Wounds mana cost reduced from 110 to 105/95/85/75
- Consume now transfers any mana the devoured creep had to Lifestealer's mana pool

The hero has big mana costs for skills that aren't even that good. 110 mana for a slow? There's no reason for this. He's supposed to be a snowballer, so fight often, and you can't do that if you have no mana. Now you can go items like Silver Edge on the hero without being constantly out of mana.


- Nether Blast now pierces glyph of fortification
- Night vision increased from 800 to 1100

What's the point of being able to suck 1200 range away if you can't even see that far?
Strategy guide : Anti-pubstomper guide.
Hero guides : Spectre , Windranger and Clinkz
== Broodmother guide out! ==


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by RmM_oo » November 19, 2015 3:22am | Report
Man you guys take theorycrafting to serious rolf

But lets be serious now. Windranger and Tusk slightly nerfed (just a minor thing)

Terrorblade continuous rework

I'll be happy with just that.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Califocus » November 19, 2015 3:28am | Report
I'll be happy when land mines get buffed.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Terathiel » November 19, 2015 4:19am | Report
RmM_oo wrote:

Terrorblade continuous rework

plz no more

Just give like +0.2 or 0.3 strength or something
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Sando » November 19, 2015 1:27pm | Report
Hamstertamer wrote:

Hey let's make some unplayable heroes playable :


- Open Wounds mana cost reduced from 110 to 105/95/85/75
- Consume now transfers any mana the devoured creep had to Lifestealer's mana pool

The hero has big mana costs for skills that aren't even that good. 110 mana for a slow? There's no reason for this. He's supposed to be a snowballer, so fight often, and you can't do that if you have no mana. Now you can go items like Silver Edge on the hero without being constantly out of mana.

I'm fine with most of your other heroes buffs...although Morphling is in a funny place when we're talking about buffing a 4.25 second stun that costs 100 mana...on a carry. I think this needs taking down, and his other skills improving.

On to Lifestealer, I agree with a little buff to his mana regen like the one suggested...but his "slow" is extremely good. It good nerfed a number of times due to just how good it was. It's a 70% starting slow that lasts 8 seconds, and allows 50% lifesteal on all damage, including spells. It's VERY good.

Combined with the free BKB of Rage, built in lifesteal, built in ability to hitch a ride with very mobile heroes, and you've got a core who can come online very early.

Not saying he doesn't need a little more buffing, but be careful, he's a hero who could easily rise very high, very fast again.
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Wulfstan » November 19, 2015 2:10pm | Report
I'm fine with most of your other heroes buffs...although Morphling is in a funny place when we're talking about buffing a 4.25 second stun that costs 100 mana...on a carry. I think this needs taking down, and his other skills improving.

A carry with a 4.25 second stun that deals 30 damage a-pop while he has that stun. I think it's more than fine.

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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Hamstertamer » November 19, 2015 2:47pm | Report
Sando wrote:

Morphling is in a funny place when we're talking about buffing a 4.25 second stun that costs 100 mana...on a carry.

It's not a 4.25 second stun on carry Morph. Carry Morph is always full agility and pretty much never uses the stun, he only uses the nuke. Only offlane Morph or support Morph use the stun.
Carry Morph can only use the stun if he takes a lot of damage and has to morph full strength. It's very rare...and he only does it to save his own life anyways at that point.

Offlane Morph is still going to be terrible even if you increase the damage by a bit.

Adaptive Strike on a full agility Morphling is pretty much garbage right now. Low damage and easily dodged.

Sando wrote:

I think this needs taking down, and his other skills improving.

All of Morphling's other skills are awesome! Only his W sucks on an AGI Morph. It's a low-ish damage nuke, kind of a waste of a skill slot really.

Sando wrote:

On to Lifestealer, I agree with a little buff to his mana regen like the one suggested...but his "slow" is extremely good. It good nerfed a number of times due to just how good it was. It's a 70% starting slow that lasts 8 seconds, and allows 50% lifesteal on all damage, including spells. It's VERY good.

Naix can slow from 70% to 0% every 12 seconds (slow amount decreases with time) for 110 mana. Meanwhile, Slark can completely stop movement for 3.5 seconds every 8 seconds on a skill that is also a Blink and a nuke...for 75 mana.

Open Wounds was overpowered a long time ago when the cast range was 600 at every level. Simply because it was a free first blood. But now that it's 200 range on level 1 and the hero's early kill potential is a joke...pls :)

Especially since offlaners generally have escape skills, making slows kind of useless early.

Sando wrote:

Combined with the free BKB of Rage, built in lifesteal, built in ability to hitch a ride with very mobile heroes, and you've got a core who can come online very early.

He can come online very early and has a free BKB. Yes. But :
- He can't farm. Especially since he wastes lots of time on the taxi.
- He can't solo kill because he can't initiate on his own.
- His laning stage is terrible
- He has problems carrying at any point in the game because he's completely single target and has no mobility in fights (even a farmed naix will only kill one hero in a fight)

Pretty much 3/4 of the things that make a good carry are in the red on the poor dawg.

Sando wrote:

Not saying he doesn't need a little more buffing, but be careful, he's a hero who could easily rise very high, very fast again.

The highest I've seen in 2 years is LodA's Radiance Lifestealer infesting ancients. It still sucked...but at least it had class.
The hero just hasn't existed since TI3. And since he's the only carry with a free BKB which should make him at least a niche pick...that's saying something.
Currently : 1.7% pick/ban rate. 30% winrate.
When you can't go down anymore the only way you can go is up.
Strategy guide : Anti-pubstomper guide.
Hero guides : Spectre , Windranger and Clinkz
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Dokurider » November 19, 2015 9:59pm | Report
I think Lifestealer is very close to being viable, he just needs an extra push in the right direction. What needs to happen is a slight rework of his Ult.

His Burst deals less damage on all levels, but now the target he is Controlling during Infest gains both a damage and an attack speed bonus.

Why do this? Once Lifestealer hits level 6, he gains a free ranged splash attack from the Dragon Ancient. The problem is that even once you get Vladimir's Offering, farming is still a slow process because the damage output of the Dragon is so weak.

Allowing Lifestealer to farm faster in an Ancient will turn him into the most ungankable farmer in the game. It probably needs to be compensated for by limiting the amount of time he can infest a creep or increasing the cooldown of level 1/2 Infest.


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