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Wulfstan's Blog
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October 03, 2015

Salt Rehab

Views: 3980 Wulfstan
+Rep Report
So as you may or may not have noticed, I've been away (and still am - thank God for my cellphone so I can keep an eye out on you miscreants) from teh Internets for a pretty long time already. Don't worry, I ain't gone forever (yet). It actually feels good not playing video games.

College life is awesome except the fact that you have to read(a lot more than I used to normally - and not always what you want to read). Group's ok, grills are more than ok(hell, plenty to chose from).

Living on your own is awesome as well. Having to manage your own money and all is super exciting. I'll probably think differently 1 month later, but for now, I feel just like this. It feels good meeting all these people with common interests where you can act like yourself (not entirely, I'd probably tie down a couple of them and torture them till they plead for mercy if I'd be fully myself Kappa).

So hell, if you have any questions(like what's up with the sudden Jeff Hardy fanboyism, feel free to ask). Cons…
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April 03, 2015
+Rep Report
Begginings  |  Dota


Hello everyone! By now you probably all know me, but just in case this makes it ouside the boundaries of this community, my name is Wulfstan, and I'm proud to call myself a member of the DotaFIRE community.

Why am I writing this? I see so many people feeling discouraged when they first play this game, so I'd like to share some insight on my point of view on this. Starting out is really hard for everyone. DoTA/DOTA 2 has a really high learning curve. You can't even think how hard it was for me to learn on how to play this game at a decent level. There's still so many things to learn, because Valve/Icefrog kind of keep the game fresh with all the balance patches and the new heroes added to the game.


So, without further due, let's go on with it. Back in the old days, we had no DOTA 2. DoTA was not a standalone game. It was a mod/map in WC3(Warcraft III). It is based off of Aeon of Strife, an old SC (Starcraft) map that revolv…
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