In what may be a series (if people find it useful) I'm going to be talking about some of the "basic" DOTA skills that are often overlooked, or only understood on an unconscious level.
These are "mechanical" and "instinctive" skills that you rely on to execute plays. For example, accurately clicking the right parts of the screen, hitting your combos, dodging incoming projectiles, body blocking, and many others.
These skills need to be learnt, and internalised to become fast and reliable enough to survive in a fast paced game of DOTA. Simply put, you need to be able to just think about what you want to do, and your hands to do the rest - not about what keys you're pressing.
The first part is going to be around positional skills. They're very hard to describe in text, and the game is so situational that it's not something you can understand through a few easy points. There are so many dif…
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