Razor, Path of least Resistance
March 23, 2012
The bread and butter on the Lightning Revenant, this is the skill that makes and breaks him, basically a free Divine Rapier in teambattles/ganks if you manage to pull it off (gives/drains around 224 damage in ideal circumstances).
Best used on preferably tough and slow moving targets, try not to get baited into chasing an enemy too far in their territory. Works on magic immune units, gives vision of the linked unit but does not reveal invisible units.
As a solo mid player/hero you want to keep a close eye on those runes, don't hesitate to scout top or bot if you manage to push the mid lane early game to the enemy tower.
Haste is your best gank rune followed by Double Damage and Invisibility.
Haste |
Best rune you could ask for on a Razor, enemies will have a hard time focusing you down without proper disables and you can easily drain damage out of any enemy you encounter without the risk of them breaking the link except heroes with escape mechanisms, off course.
Illusion |
Just like I said in all my other guides, Illusion is simply not such a good rune to get early game.
May be used to towerdive and to scout inside enemy territory and in lategame they can be used to push rather well. Bad rune to get on a Razor, maybe leave it to an ally.
Invisibility |
If you intend to pull out a gank or roam a bit in the enemy jungles for some easy targets, this might do it for you, however if you have more position dependent heroes in your team like Earthshaker I suggest you let them take it.
Regeneration |
Excellent lane sustainability rune, good on everyone, just as good on Razor
Early game, laning phase and counterganks
I prefer
Razor as a solo mid, the fast levels he gets make for strong counterganks and decent ganks.
He can also sidelane quite easily as he doesn't get that much of a penalty from it, his ganks simply aren't that strong like that of other dedicated gankers.
If you have a stronger level dependent ganker in your team and you think your team will actually need the ganks, then I suggest you let him take mid.
A gank from a level 7
Razor is not as strong as a gank from a level 7
Pudge for example.
In mid lane
Razor doesn't have such a strong presence, his damage is little, his range is average and he relies on his nuke for proper harassment.
If the enemy mid laner does not have high damage or if he is a melee,
Razor should have no problems dominating the lane and getting his core fast.
Focus on last-hitting rather than denying.
If you are against a ranged enemy mid laner your best chance of harassing him would be if he is stuck in the middle of the lane where he loses sight of you, there, you can pull some cheap shots on him.
Plasma Field to harass him and farm creeps in the same time, if he gets ballsy and goes up the hill near your tower
Static Link him and start whipping him. You should do this once you have at least two levels
Plasma Field otherwise it will be quite useless on the 1st level.
Do not be afraid to trade hits with the enemy midlaner if he is
Static Linked, this is one of the ways how
Razor maintains his lane control wins skirmishes.
Watch how the creepwave is positioned and the number of creeps of each side, do not engage when the enemy has more allied creeps with him than you, he's still
Static Linkable in those situations but do not attack him or you will attract creep agro on yourself, either wait for your creeps to join in so that they may get some heat off you or, if he runs back, follow him a bit and then once your are out of the range of his creeps agro, hit him a couple of times.
Be careful to what type of heroes you do this to, the tide can turn just as easily if he has allies around or skills that work well on isolated targets.
Do not take unnecessary risks,
Razor is the type of hero that needs to transition safely to mid-game to have an impact.
The two sets of
Tangoes and the
Healing Salve should be enough to keep you safe from ranged harassment and lvl 3/5 nukes.
If you can be aggressive, be aggressive otherwise stay defensive, focus strictly on last-hitting and wait for the enemy to make mistakes, once he does, make him pay.
As soon as you have your
Phase Boots you can you can go gank if you are really required on one of the sidelanes and you are sure to net some kills but if the lanes are fine then continue farming, keep a
Healing Salve and a
Town Portal Scroll in your inventory and focus on counterganks.
If you do get some good runes early game, you may attempt some early ganks but make sure the lane you are ganking has enough disables/damage to actually get those kills otherwise it's just going to be wasted time.
By the end of this stage of the game you should have your
Phase Boots perhaps a
Magic Wand and a part of your
Vanguard being either a
Ring of Health or a
Vitality Booster (I suggest you get the booster first if you can). If you had some good ganks/counterganks you might even have a full
Mid game, mending wounds, ganking and pushing
If you had a bad early game you're probably standing just on a
Phase Boots, do not go out ganking like this, you are probably under-leveled and definitely underfarmed. Focus on getting that
Vitality Booster as soon as you can and take no risks, countergank only, tp in when you think you can make a difference, otherwise don't waste your time, you are probably already in bad shape anyway.
Perhaps you should put more points into that
Unstable Current instead of
Static Link if you are getting focused down fast, this is for you to decide.
Once your get that
Vitality Booster you can act a bit more cocky and maybe pull out some ganks, if you are unsuccessful in your ganks then the enemy is probably already in better shape than your team, or you ganked a ungankable lane where you don't have allies that are prepared for your ganks (no stuns, slows or nukes).
Direct your attention to farming that
Vanguard and keep safe if so.
If you had a good early game you probably already have your core items at this stage of the game, this is when
Razor turns into a mighty beast. Proceed to gank kill-able lanes.
Have your allies start off with a disable while you are nuking the enemy with
Plasma Field from the fog of war, tag one of them with
Static Link and stay close while getting in some cheap shots, don't forget to have activated your
Eye of the Storm beforehand.
You should easily dispose of one enemy with your autoatacks, if his ally sticks around, then you can probably focus him down in more or less 5 attacks with the huge damage boost from
Static Link and maybe a
Plasma Field to finish him off.
If the lane is pushed and you have creeps at the enemy tower use this opportunity to inflict some heavy damage on it with your autoattacks, perhaps even get a tower out of this if your allies can help you.
You can either gank with
Town Portal Scroll or simply by
Phase Bootsing all the way to the lane, the choice is yours, if the enemy warded though,
Town Portal Scrolls is the way to go.
Maintain some between farming and ganking while emphasizing on ganking and pushing.
Now you should decide what is your next item.
This is generally tricky for
Razor since he is rather flexible, it's true that he needs to keep tanking but there are many options for tanking that serve different purposes, so choose wisely.
If the DOTA Gods were kind to you and your team had a decent early-game you should be capable of ending the game now, waste no time and take those towers down with your new found powers!!
Late game, sabotaging carries and winning teamfights
If for some reason you were unable to finish it in mid-game then there's probably a unforeseen strategy that the enemy has been using to keep you away from their towers.
Things get difficult for
Razor at this stage of the game if he had a really bad start.
Reaching lategame means you are bound to meet the enemy carries face to face.
If you had a bad early game, you are probably easy to take out, so remain hidden in the fog of war before teamfights, you are still somewhat effective at this stage though even if underfarmed, getting big on
Static Link can still turn the tide of a battle, as long as you remain unnoticed. It's best
Static Linking isolated enemies if you want to keep a low profile.
You are probably best getting your damage from the enemy supports/tanks rather than the carries if you are in this type of situation, instead of neutralizing the enemy carry will should be mostly focusing on just killing the supports as fast as you can and then start giving the carry some hell with the damage that you got from his supports, all this while striving to remain alive. Spam your
Plasma Field as often as possible.
If you had a good early-game you are probably very hard to take out for the enemy team and also a main target.
You can afford to take the front-lines in these situations if nobody else is capable of handling the damage, and your allies support it (acting as bait for strong allied initiation, lots of supports/stuns). Instead of
Static Linking the supports/tanks you should be trying to get to the enemy carry and start sapping away his damage, be careful though, in lategame things are very different from early-mid-game.
Damage is high at this stage of the game and you can be focused down, it's a bit tricky but you need to have good timing when you start sapping away damage, if he can nearly kill you if he focuses then maybe you should wait first until the enemy carry commits to a fight with one of your allies, then
Static Link him and make him regret his choice.
If the enemy carry is kept safe inside his team then you need to fight a way to split them up, this is usually achieved by baiting and getting the team in uncomfortable positions.
You can easily bait or send a support to do it and then have your team come from the sides or behind and strike at their weakest links (the squishy guys).
Or if your team has good initiation, use this opportunity to catch them all in one shot.
Static Link has a 20 seconds cooldown at the last level so you'll only get to use it once, max. twice per teamfight, the way you pick your targets can win or lose the teamfight.
If you win the teambattle and are capable, continue with a push, otherwise go home while checking for runes and, if your team didn't die but was just severely wounded, maybe you guys could attempt Roshan before the enemy team re-spawns, this can be dangerous though so be sure you have the place warded and counterwarded.
Avoid getting caught alone, stick with your team and whatever you do, do it together whenever it's ganking with smoke, pushing or farming, one small mistake can cost you the game at this stage.
If the enemy carry is one of those type of heroes that is hard to keep up with and your team doesn't have many disables, then ignore them in the teamfight and get your damage from the enemy tank, or the hardest thing to kill, that way you're sure your allies won't instantly kill your
Static Linked target so you can actually get some damage in, then autoattack the enemy carry and the others as many times as possible, try to avoid focusing the tank unless your whole team is determined to kill him.
Item choice
Starting items
- 2 sets of
Healing Salve
- 4
Iron Branches
Healing Salve and the 2 sets of
Tangoes are there to get you through early game harassment.
Razor can play a aggressive lane with his
Static Link so even if the enemy can't harass you, you can force small skirmishes or make them take heavy harassment and lose xp and farm.
The 4
Iron Branches help you last-hit a bit better, seeing how
Razor has such low damage in the early stages.
Core items
Provides a good amount of hit points for the price you pay, Razor really needs some tankage because his natural health pool is so poor early-game, especially for the game-style his skills dictate.
Not truly a core item but the status this item offers along with that "extra life" in those marginal situations you might find yourself into, can easily make it worth it's price.
Total gold: 4134
Possible extensions
Good item to get after you already have some hp items. Good synergy with your Eye of the Storm and greatly helps your dps output.
Great against armor reduction.
What about
Manta Style or criticals and lifesteal ? How about
Drum of Endurance,
Blade Mail?
Most heroes that get this item don't make it out alive, they plan on getting focused and probably die, that's not really a good option for Razor.
I guess it can work well against nukers and the item isn't that expensive. Doesn't seem to do much against autoattackers. You should probably get some hp items before getting this.
I consider
Drum of Endurance,
Blade Mail and
Manta Style as ok items but most of the time you're better off tanking up imo.
I generally end most of my games with
Phase Boots,
Magic Wand and
Aghanim's Scepter if it's a game we end in mid-game. In lategame I go for
Heaven's Halberd and either
Heart of Tarrasque,
Assault Cuirass or
Eye of Skadi or a combination of two. I rarely needed
Black King Bar.
- In the original dota,
Static Link used to break instantly when a enemy entered in the fog of war while in DOTA2 it seems that the link itself gives vision of heroes trying to juke you which is, of course, a welcome buff to our Revenant.
- In our games we often used
Razor to counter stuff like skeleton king and
- Looking at his skill icons on full size makes me realize how beautiful they are lol...
- Teams composed of 2 or more heroes that have aoe skills and few single target ones are obviously going to have a easier time against
Razor than the ones which focus on targeting enemies directly. His speed is still going to prove quite useful though against stuff like
Avalanche and
Split Earth.
Aghanim's Scepter makes
Razor quite the pusher, his
Eye of the Storm turns into something like
Diabolic Edict.
- In most of the games I had, the moment
Razor starts going for damage items, that's when he starts to get owned at a increasingly steady pace. Coincidence? I think not.
- It's really ideal to end games mid-game with a
Razor around, he isn't as devastating in lategame imo. He practically peaks at level 16 but he already gets a very strong presence once he has his 3 main skills maxed out.
Shadow Blade is also popular on
Razor but I wouldn't waste so much gold on a item that gets countered by 180 gold :-|.
- Before his remake
Razor just a autoattacker with weaker a
Radiance as ultimate and chain lightning, can't say I miss the old him, the current concept he has is pretty interesting at it seems Icefrog is trying to push this one step further with
- In harder to win teambattles you shouldn't drop you link straight away, that will put a bounty on your head instantly, instead see how the battle goes, if your team can keep down the enemy team for some time, then that's when you should strike, try to synchronize the assault with your team so that you can get most of your damage in the teamfight.
On the other hand, if the enemy has high damage and is decimating your team, try to draw fire from them, cast a
Plasma Field and start draining their carry, if they don't help him, you're going to stomp them in the end, this applies when the carry is hard to get to ofc.
- Master the way you cast your
Plasma Field, try to get as many enemies as possible with the maximum damage, otherwise the skill isn't going to prove of much use later on, in teambattles.
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