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63 Votes

Razor, Path of least Resistance

March 23, 2012 by dresmasher
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DonnyDonnowitz (3) | February 11, 2014 4:08pm
Great guide!

I'd just say update the counters/effective section by moving Outworld Devourer from the counter section to the effective section. Razor seems to be one of the most popular counters to Outworld Devourer being that Plasma Field has a relatively low mana cost and Static Link continues to work through Astral Imprisonment
PrimarchXIII (1) | January 9, 2014 9:23pm
Very good guide, dresmasher. +1
BMEhybrid (1) | October 2, 2013 2:19am
Often I simply go three iron branches and a tango, save the rest and then get a early bottle and start grabing the runes, then start working on phase boots, finish wand, ring of basi, Ring of health, bKB, refresher, agahnim and often the battle is already over by then as there is no stopping thelighting storm, but then movze on with a heart or yasha (NOT sange!)
BMEhybrid (1) | October 2, 2013 2:03am
Was a good build until I saw the Vanguard... Its way better to just go some drums or even get a preserver by starting with a ring of health, later you can then use it to build a refresher an deal some massive dmg without being too weak, even better is a refresher with a agahnim, bkb and power threads to support you if feeling weak. Again, vanguard.... ****ty item and overpriced as hell..
4444 | July 13, 2013 1:02pm
this is the way how i play Razor.

early game : 6 tangos + 1 healing salve + 1 bracer . then , rush phase boots and vanguard.. its help u a lot for escaping or chasing enemy :) dont feed too much. cause u r helping ur friend for gank. if nearly dead, got 200HP left turn back + plasma field ( assist)

mid game: Go killing & please dont get killed. this will help you to get more gold. go for Maelstrom. got more gold, take Eaglesong then rush Butterfly if u get advantage of gold. If not, go directly for Mjollnir :) Or Sange&Yasha. ur choice. both can give attack speed.

Late game: take HOT. its help you a lot for restoring ur HP in short time to help ur friend ganking back. surely its can save ur ***. :)

comment please. :) ty
*but this is the way how i play Razor. i made him a little bit TANKER. bit tanker can kill more + gank more + help ur friend win more on the game.

Hope u'all can give more ideas for sharing with me. :)
seroquelXrRebV | May 5, 2013 12:42pm
if only physics were this easy :(
gone_full_retard | April 19, 2013 1:10am
good guide,but you might want to add Desolator into the situational extensions
dark_fire | November 10, 2012 3:20am
i would just like to say manta is a pretty nice item on him. of coarse it is situation (depending on if u can dodge projectiles or remove debuffs or not), but the attack speed and producing 3 tanky razors is horrifying. the point is not to go in solo and show off, but to go with ur team and dominate and confuse when a bunch of spells are flying both ways. in that sense manta provides more survivability than give raw hp boost.

first it gives attack speed to use ur bonus damage more effectively. to go 'bam bam bam' rather than 'bam...bam...bam...' manta is probably the only good attack speed item that gives u some survivability.

the other that comes to mind is AC which is awesome with ur ultimate in decreasing armor. drums is obviously nice on every hero and more so on razor is things are going bad.

drums also gives a nice stat boost which can help. drums also helps ur team rape towers. so its not a bad item on him. it goes well with manta too. just go manta and activate drums. ur images are attacking faster now.
dresmasher (24) | November 2, 2012 9:16am
Nyne wrote:

I'd think Shadow Shaman would be a good ally for Razor with Shackles.

disablers are a powerful asset in general, I don't think I need to make that any clearer
Nyne | November 1, 2012 2:11pm
I'd think Shadow Shaman would be a good ally for Razor with Shackles.
dresmasher (24) | November 1, 2012 1:45pm

I admit this is a nice guide, it's complete and good-looking, but I don't unterstand why you don't like Sange and Yasha very much: you're right, with a pair of Phase Boots the speed bonus is negligible, but don't forget it gives you more both attack speed and damage. I think it's more useful than Heaven's Halberd if you focus on ganking and your team already has some disables (including both abilities and item disables, such as Scythe of Vyse or Orchid Malevolence): the Halberd gives you more damage and tankiness (and also the maim and an intresting active), but I think it fits better with other Heroes, though is never wasted on Razor.

Overall, nice guide, it helped me a lot in my first plays with Razor.

I just find an early Manta Style or a Heaven's Halberd more cost-effective than Sange and Yasha
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