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Windranger is generally considered to be the jack-of-all-trades of DotA.
She can have her place in any team, lane anywhere, play virtually any role (support, pusher, ganker, utility/initiator, semi-carry...), and she has an extremely flexible item build and playstyle.
...or, at least, that's the theory.
In practice, Windranger is a hero who really struggles to have game impact. In lots of games you see, she can feel a bit like a Rubick who has stolen Shukuchi : annoyingly hard to kill, but not very useful. Sure, Shackleshot is a great stun that can be gamechanging in a lot of ganks and teamfights if you use it well, but honestly...it appears that it's pretty much the only thing going for the hero. Let's be honest, nobody picks the ginger girl anymore, and she's sitting at some abysmal winrate that I don't even want to mention here.
So...what can be done? Does she have to be forgotten and give up her place to some overpicked "in the meta" heroes like Mirana?
Nah, no way. Something has to be done about that. This is what motivated me to write this guide.
So, to get it out of the way, this guide focuses primarily on playing Windranger as a play-making ganker, similarily to a Mirana or a Puck, who progressively turns into a semi-carry with adequate farm.
Why play her as a ganker/semi-carry? Because this is what she's the best at honestly. There are a lot of ways of playing her but in my opinion this is definitely the role she excels at. I'll try to explain why in the following.
While reading I recommend this really cool theme song :
Have a nice read!
+ A two-man Shackleshot usually means a won teamfight
+ Strong long-range counterpush with Powershot (think Keeper of the Light)
+ Extremely flexible laning. Can lane almost anywhere and fit in every lineup.
+ Great pusher. Focus Fire melts towers in seconds with proper items
+ Strong at any stage of the game, from early game (good lane presence) to mid game (good ganking/initiation/push potential) to late game (semi-carry and disabler). Hero starts off strong and never drops off.
+ 6 seconds of immunity to right-clicks! Counters right-click heroes like no other.
+ Insane DPS potential from Focus Fire, especially after the 6.81 buffs.
+ Amazing ganker with pretty sick snowball potential. Can solo-kill almost any hero with proper farm - or just set up ganks for her team.
+ High skill cap & very fun to play!
- No armor. Very squishy in the early game.
- Only disable/initiation skill Shackleshot is unreliable
- Both level dependent and farm dependent
- Escape is countered by silences, heavy slows and long stuns/roots
- Magic nukes ruin your day
- Only defensive skill is easily countered by Monkey King Bar
- Purely single-target damage. Can only focus a single hero in a teamfight
- Huge kiting issues when using Focus Fire (enemies can just walk away when you ult them)
- Cannot deal any damage in the mid-late game without DPS items.
- Mediocre utility hero (explained below)
- Not a hard carry. Don't try to be one, it doesn't work ^^
- Jack-of-all-trades, master of none.
Shackles the target to an enemy unit or tree in a line directly behind it. The two units are stunned for the duration. If no unit or tree is present, the stun duration is reduced to 0.75. |
Increases movement speed and adds evasion from all physical attacks, while slowing movement of nearby enemies. |
If you're going offlane, Tango + Healing Salve are recommended because you should expect to be harassed a lot. Good regen allows you to trade hits with supports. If going mid a single Tango is more than enough because you're rushing Bottle anyways. |
Double Clarity is recommended if you're soloing a sidelane, especially the offlane. It allows you to spam Powershot a lot more for farming/harass. You can skip the clarities if going mid because you'll have Bottle for regen anyways. |
Mainly useful if you're soloing the offlane. Gives you mana regen to spam Powershot and allows you to have non-zero armor which is always useful to avoid feeding :P |
Another great option if you're soloing the offlane, especially in a difficult lane. Soul Ring gives you infinite mana to spam Powershot in lane. Just sit back and spam your nuke from a safe distance to farm and harass. |
Bottle used to be an item for solo mid heroes. ...And then came the 6.82 patch. Now it's core on every hero ^^ Even if you're offlane or support Wind, bottle is really good. |
Magic Stick/ Magic Wand are good on any hero but especially on Wind who really benefits from the mana regen and the burst heal in early engagements. |
Phase Boots are your go-to boots on Windranger. The +24 damage are exactly what she needs for Focus Fire, and the movement speed boost is extremely useful on her as well for positioning, chasing and escaping. There is really no reason to get Power Treads because you need damage and not attack speed. Tranquil Boots are just way too defensive, you don't need regen that bad. Arcane Boots are the only possible alternative to phase, but I'd only recommend arcanes if you're playing support or if you're getting a Mekansm. |
Maelstrom is insanely good on Windranger. Typically it should be your first damage item. Not only does Focus Fire allow you to get a ton of lightning procs, even better, the lightning damage is NOT reduced because the damage reduction only applies to your physical damage, it does not reduce the damage from item procs. So even a level 1 Focus Fire will do the full lightning damage. It also gives you good AOE presence in teamfights ; your Focus Fire is no longer purely single target. Maelstrom is also great as a farming item, one or two lightning procs + Powershot allow you to clear a creep wave easily. Don't bother upgrading to Mjollnir, there is no point, the Maelstrom is enough. |
The best item in the game. A core item on every hero ^^ Blink Dagger has an amazing synergy with Windranger because Wind is one of the most position-dependent heroes in the game. Blink is your best initiation, ganking or even escape item. Land the best Shackleshots, jump on any hero in the enemy team to solo kill him, escape ganks, etc - the plays you can make with this item are endless. Typically get blink just after Maelstrom because maelstrom is a farming item, but blink rush before maelstrom works as well. Discussion of blink versus other positioning items |
The more defensive alternative to Blink Dagger. Not as good as blink to land perfect Shackleshots, but better for escaping. With a forcestaff ganking you is almost impossible. Discussion of forcestaff versus other positioning items |
Windranger's Aghanim's Scepter got a huge buff in 6.81 which makes it a very strong item on Wind. The item is a must if you're trying to deal any kind of damage with this hero. Typically get it after your first damage item. |
You need BKB on Windranger. Trust me, you really do. Black King Bar is heavily recommended in about 3/4 of your games. Wind has absolutely no defense against stuns and nukes, and her playstyle requires her to get in *close range* in order to use Focus Fire. Against a team with any kind of stuns and nukes, in teamfights you'll just get chainstunned and blown up in seconds if you don't have one. Black King Bar + Windrun makes you (almost) immune to everything for 6 seconds. Take advantage of this to deal your Focus Fire damage with impunity. |
Linken's Sphere is a possible alternative to Black King Bar if you're mainly facing a few single-target disables, especially those that go though BKB. A good item against Legion Commander, Beastmaster, Pudge, Vengeful Spirit, Naga Siren, Bloodseeker or Batrider. Also good against single-target stuns in general like Sven and friends. |
What the hell? Skull Basher on a ranged hero? Well...if basher is to be viable on a ranged hero it has to be Windranger : with the maximum attack speed from Focus Fire and her 1.5 base attack time, she attacks faster than any other hero in the game. But what can you do with only 10% bash chance? Well, actually, there's another hero with "only" 10% bash chance : Troll Warlord with his berserker rage. And Troll is still known for perma-bashing enemies with his insane attack speed. So it's way better that you might think. So...how much does Windranger bash? Windranger with Skull Basher keeps her target stunned 31% of the time. For the math : math behind basher on wind
So, is it worth it? Well, frankly, basher Wind is pretty much the only viable ranged bash in the game, so it's good for the originality alone. But honestly since this bash is basically the equivalent to a 31% slow (because a stunned hero doesn't move ^^), it's similar to the disable from Eye of Skadi (35% slow), but it's better than Skadi because the target is actually stunned about one third of the time, making it better for manfights. |
An additional disable. Especially useful in the Force Staff build where you still have pretty big kiting issues. Solves your mana issues completely. Main use of this item during ganks is to cyclone enemies in the air and allow your team to catch up to them. Use it on yourself to dispel silences ; then Windrun away. |
Another disable, especially useful in the Force Staff build. Prevents enemies from just walking away from your Focus Fire. Pretty underrated item that gives a 60% slow for 4 seconds with an insane cast range and almost no cooldown - this active is really good. However it only works against heroes with no mobility skills and without a Force Staff. |
An item that is a bit overbuilt on semi-carry Windranger. It's perfectly legit but it's only a situational item - it's definitely not core by any means. Only recommended if you need the silence. Either you want to gank heroes with escape skills like Ember Spirit or Weaver, or you want to silence annoying disablers like Earthshaker or Lion - in both cases it's a good pickup ; but if you just want burst damage honestly there are infinitely better items. Biggest problem of Orchid is that it doesn't prevent enemies from simply walking away from Focus Fire. Therefore it works well in the Blink Dagger build but notably less so in the Force Staff build. |
A great snowaballing item. Perfectly viable as a alternative to Maelstrom for your first damage item. Best to pick it up early, and a strong choice if facing low-armor enemies. Melts supports in a few hits. Also really good for pushing. |
Arguably the best DPS item in the game. |
Less DPS that Daedalus, but it counters evasion, and the mini-stuns prevent enemies from TP'ing out after you used your shackle. |
Turn enemy heroes into pigs and start doing some animal abuse. Of course it does far less damage that real damage items, but the disable is a great way to keep enemies in range of Focus Fire. With a sheep you can probably solo kill any single hero, not to mention the utility of the item for initiation - especially used with Blink Dagger. |
Your luxury upgrade to Skull Basher : more damage and the active stun. The active is melee range so best use Blink Dagger to land it. A bit like Anti-mage does, the combo Blink Dagger -> Abyssal Blade -> Windrun -> Focus Fire is pretty legit. |
R[A]t dot[A] best dot[A]. Windranger is one of the best split-pushers in the game and Boots of Travel help a lot here. Also, please don't be like those people who drop their Town Portal Scrolls in the late game because they don't have a slot, instead just sell your Phase Boots and get BoTs. Don't throw the game by wandering around without a TP and then rage becuase Lycan took your base. |
Stats! Gives you tons of HP and mana and a bit of armor. Eye of Skadi is your go-to item if you need lots of HP, much better than Heart of Tarrasque. The slow is just awesome on Wind, for chasing enemy heroes during your Focus Fire. A great item to get if you want to kite heroes like Ursa or Lifestealer. But who am I kidding...you just want to shoot BALLING SNOWBALLS OF DEATH (^^) |
A pretty overkill item. Maelstrom is fine as it is, there isn't that much point in upgrading to Mjollnir honestly. You don't really need the attack speed, and it doesn't improve the lightning procs by that much. Essentially it gives you good attack speed when Focus Fire is down with your 1.5 base attack time. Only get this as a luxury when you're out of slots :) |
Pretty overkill item as well. Satanic allows you to lifesteal from your insane DPS, and heal instantly with the active. Really good manfight item, best used with a Black King Bar. An ultra-luxury if you're ridiculously fed. |
Great sustainability item. Heavily recommended if you're offlaning and you're not making Mekansm. If you're solo mid you'll probably not need it because you already have Bottle. Incredible synergy with a ganking playstyle on Windranger ; 150 pure damage is nothing to laugh at. |
Never miss a single kill on an invisible hero because you didn't have Dust of Appearance. Be sure to punish those n00bs who think that Shadow Blade will save their ***. |
Just because you decided to semi-carry with Windranger doesn't create an impenetrable forcefield that prevents you from buying wards. |
For your team, Mekansm is a very strong teamfight and pushing item and a huge help in winning early engagements. For yourself, it's best to see Mekansm as the equivalent of Vanguard for ranged heroes. It gives you a total of +345 HP (the stats + the heal) and +5 armor, making it the best early tank item. The armor is especially effective on a hero with horrible armor like Windranger. So...does this mean that Windranger is a good Mek hero? Well, actually, no, not that much, Mek is OK on her but not exceptionally good. Unlike "core" Mek heroes like Necrophos, Wind doesn't need HP, she needs positioning. It's a bit the same problem as making Mek on Crystal Maiden, or Rubick...Mek is not bad, but you're just delaying your positioning item. The redeeming feature of Mek on Wind is that she can farm one pretty quickly e.g as an offlaner, and still get Blink Dagger or Force Staff not long after - but then you need damage items otherwise you risk to just become useless. Get Arcane Boots if you're worried about the mana cost (which is admittedly pretty heavy in addition to your skills). |
Gives you more pushing power...as if you didn't have enough of it already. Great item for split pushing. A good pickup if facing invisible heroes also : send the minions on that Riki and make him regret his pick xD |
Blade Mail is extremely situational, but can be deadly against the right heroes. Windranger's HP is actually surprisingly high, with good strength gain and the bonus HP from Aghanim's Scepter and other items. The point of Blademail on Wind is to punish squishy DPS heroes and burst damage heroes such as Tinker, Phantom Assassin, Huskar, Invoker, Zeus, Skywrath Mage, Bloodseeker, Sniper, Queen of Pain, Slark... Essentially it's a way to counter your counters. Extremely cost-efficient item, and the damage, intelligence and more importantly armor are exactly what you need. |
Did I say that magic nukes ruin your day? Pipe of Insight can be the answer against teams with heavy nukes but few hard disables, e.g if facing heroes like Zeus, Venomancer, Luna, Doom, Phoenix, Earth Spirit, Skywrath Mage, Meepo... Your best defense against burst damage, and good utility for your team. Against a team with several stuns Black King Bar is really needed however. |
Don't forget that Windranger has no armor. Sure, she has Windrun, but at some point if the enemy heroes aren't completely idiot they will pick up Monkey King Bars. If they do, you need armor so that you don't get two-shotted by their carries. Shiva's Guard is your best option here, you're not really an Assault Cuirass hero. Shivas has a great synergy with Blink Dagger and Force Staff which allow you to apply the shivas slow effectively. That slow is absolutely great on Wind and allows you to keep enemies in range of Focus Fire longer. Pretty good item for escaping also, slowing the enemies until your Blink Dagger comes off cooldown. |
Experience speaks better than words. If you want to see how to play a good Windranger, check out these really nice replays from professional players : SmAsH, EGM and XBOCT playing the hero in pub games. Enjoy!
A really nice Singsing replay :
Arteezy and Meracle are currently playing really effective Windrangers. You can check out their Dotabuff accounts and watch their recent games from the DotA client - just copy the match ID.
Arteezy's recent games with Windranger
Meracle's recent games with Windranger
You'll notice that during the whole guide I kept referring to Windranger as a ganker and an initiator. Of course there are a lot of possible ways to play the hero but I found that ganking is really what she excels at : blink on a hero, stun him for almost 4 seconds, and start attacking him at max attack speed while chasing him at max movement speed and slowing him. She does this better than any other hero, and it's a really effective way of playing her. And if the enemy team is sticking together, initiate teamfights with 2-man shackles.
Don't look at her like a farming carry, don't look at her like a defensive support, instead look at her like a playmaking offlaner or solo mid in the likes of Puck, Clockwerk, Mirana, Magnus, Brewmaster and friends. Gank, initiate teamfights, and make stuff happen.
That's all there is to it really :)
Thanks for reading, I hope that you found this guide useful, and that you had as much fun reading it as I had writing it. I'm open to any kind of constructive feedback, so don't hesitate to share your thoughts in the comments.
Thanks to SadOnionDota (Youtube) for the Windranger theme song. Check out his channel!
The credits for the pictures go in order to :
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