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45 Votes

Hamstertamer's guide to ganker / semi-carry Wind

December 20, 2014 by Hamstertamer
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Ironwood the reaper | February 21, 2017 2:08am
Very well written guide! +1.

I would like you to mention that current diffusal blade in enemy's hands is her worst nightmare. That purge completely destroys her skill 3, windrun. Since she is super squishy almost Lina, a windrunner without windrun is hypothetically a dead.

Current diffusal blade burns 50 mana per hit no matter whether melee or range(Click to see Dota2 wiki page...). Her ulti attack speed is average 4 hits per a second then she is burning 200 mana per second plus 160 physical damage (80% as physical damage per mana burnt).

Noticeably, I played with silver edge + diffusal blade level 2 at average 5K ranked match against spec (I was semi carry btw), break the scariest late game carry spectre (solo farming at that time) by silver then shackle, ulti on her and enjoyed how she melted (she left no mana for dagger and manta)xD.

Just want to mention that Diffusal is not that bad! It is pretty good to go and grab.
Hamstertamer (89) | February 22, 2017 9:59am
Very well written guide! +1.


I would like you to mention that current diffusal blade in enemy's hands is her worst nightmare. That purge completely destroys her skill 3, windrun. Since she is super squishy almost Lina, a windrunner without windrun is hypothetically a dead.

It sure is.
It's a deserved nerf though. Windrun was OP.

Current diffusal blade burns 50 mana per hit no matter whether melee or range(Click to see Dota2 wiki page...). Her ulti attack speed is average 4 hits per a second then she is burning 200 mana per second plus 160 physical damage (80% as physical damage per mana burnt).

Diffusal: 40+10= 50 damage for 3150 gold
Demon Edge : 46 damage for 2400 gold

Since diffusal can't purge yourself anymore, I hardly see a reason to go diffusal over DE. Crystalys is even more cost-efficient.

If you absolutely need mana burn against WK maybe? That's the only case I can think of.

Noticeably, I played with silver edge + diffusal blade level 2 at average 5K ranked match against spec (I was semi carry btw), break the scariest late game carry spectre (solo farming at that time) by silver then shackle, ulti on her and enjoyed how she melted (she left no mana for dagger and manta)xD.

That'll teach him to not go Eye of Skadi on Spec, he'd have enough if he did :)
Tosh8 | February 5, 2016 6:22am
Great build, I like it. I didn't buy the Blink Dagger, but still with the other stuff it's crazy.
Creep Crusher | August 25, 2015 2:52pm
thank you for this amazing guide, now windranger is my most favored hero and I just raping the enemy team almost every game!
ChiChi (47) | April 2, 2015 12:18pm
Man, awesome guide, both gorgeous and complete! As I also agree with everything you said, +1! She's a very fun hero to play.
cassioozn | December 20, 2014 9:47am
The best thing about wr is that people always underestimate her ult. They don't care about Focus Fire, they just go straight to kill you... and die. Awesome guide, she is one of my favorite heroes because of it.
Hamstertamer (89) | December 20, 2014 8:48am
Small 6.83 update :

- More attack speed, nice! Skull Basher is even better than it was before, get it!

- Powershot range. It's really good because it allows to offlane better. You can almost sit right under your tower and spam Powershots while taking literally zero risk. There's really no way you can lose your lane now, since you can farm from a 2600 (!!) range. Added Soul Ring as situational to spam powershots in lane. Try to stay in XP range if possible though.
Xenith | November 27, 2014 4:39am
I really like this guide, and it's very helpful. +1
musekorn | November 26, 2014 10:27pm
+1 for you
for i will try u'r guide for my hero chalengge
after me win it with ES 1st :)
Hamstertamer (89) | October 17, 2014 3:05am
BrecMadak wrote:

We need a changelog

I just made one.
It's actually the first time I actually change something about the guide (small details don't count)
BrecMadak | October 17, 2014 2:45am
We need a changelog what is being changed every now and then since you are regularly updating this guide which is positive Hamstertamer. Otherwise quite enthusiastically well thought-out guide, +1!
TheSofa (54) | October 13, 2014 2:23pm
Hamstertamer wrote:

The god of Zeus math has spoken, I am honored :)

And Brewmaster math.

I really like the guide, it's no wonder it's the top guide... Even tops Sando's guide, which is saying a lot
Hamstertamer (89) | October 13, 2014 2:07pm
Safecyn wrote:

+1! Well written guide, very persuasive, and there was even math! Will attempt to become less n00b on WR using this guide, fo sho.

The god of Zeus math has spoken, I am honored :)
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