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16 Votes

Aria's Requiem - A Guide to Slithice

June 22, 2013 by Yasutsuna
Comments: 15    |    Views: 45677    |   

Build 1
Build 2
Build 3
Build 4
Build 5

Semi-Support + Gank

DotA2 Hero: Naga Siren

Hero Skills

Eelskin (Innate)

Mirror Image

9 12 13 14


1 4 8 10

Rip Tide

2 3 5 7

Song of the Siren

6 11 16


15 17 18

Introduction to Yasutsuna

A little music before we start off anyone?

I have played DotA 1 for about five years ago and I can say I'm pretty darn good at it. Just, pardon my ego. Anyway, after DotA 1 is filled with leavers and dc-ers, I decide to pack my stuff and move to DotA 2, which is about the end of last year.

The reason why I did not start earlier is because I thought Steam was a hassle (and still think it is). Well, at least I get the enjoy the games in DotA 2 due to the anti-leaving system.

Some asked why I don't play LoL. Well, I did actually but I didn't like the BUSHES. It defeats the purpose of map awareness. Furthermore, the heroes are kind of translucent. THe only one I found fun to play with is Ahri.

Anyway, that's about it.

Other Guides by Yasutsuna:
- Support-Killer - A Guide to Tresdin
- Slam And Death - A Guide to Slardar

Introduction to the Songstress of the Seas

This guide is dedicated to Naga Siren one of my most favorite heroes. The first is Phantom Assassin and third is Doom Bringer.

Naga Siren is a pretty versatile heroes, due to her skills, mainly Mirror Image. This enables her to play multiple roles. The most well-known are carry, jungler and pusher.


Among the high-sworn of the Slithereen Guard there is a solemn vow oft repeated before battle: No Slithereen may fail. In truth, these words are equal parts oath and enforceable covenant, for those who fall short of their duty are banished from the order. To fail is to be other than Slithereen.

Once most highly esteemed of her race, Slithice for many years commanded a battalion of her fellows, using her formidable voice as her greatest weapon. Powerful, sinuous, serpentine, she lead her deadly Guard in defense of the Deep Ones, and the great wealth of the sunken cities. But in the final battle of Crey her forces were driven back by a marauding army of levianths intent on finding tribute for their god Maelrawn.

After the long and bloody onslaught, as the bodies were cleared from the sunken halls, a single jeweled chalice was found missing from the trove. Of her hundred Guard, only a handful survived, but their bravery and sacrifice was of little consequence. What mattered was that the treasure was taken. Honor destroyed.

And so Naga Siren was cast out. Banished to search for the stolen chalice. Though she might add a hundred times her weight to the golden trovem she is doomed to live apart until that day she returns that which was taken. For no amount of gold is equal in honor to the honor she lost.

6.78 Major Patch

All levels of Rip Tide now have a cooldown of 10 seconds.

Nothing major, in my opinion. Since Naga Siren suffers severe mana problems in the early stages of the game, the cooldown doesn't make much of a difference.

- Yasutsuna

Merits + Demerits

+ Fun hero to play with.
+ High movement speed.
+ Dual disables.
+ Awesome Skill Set.
+ Good AoE nuke with high damage potential.
+ Images makes good scout before ambushing.
+ Can kill towers, although not as fast as Tiny.
- Item-dependant.
- Pretty much useless in early games.
- Her images get nuked pretty easily.
- Requires a lot of farm.
- Requires more farm.
- And, more farm again.
- You need a small bit of micro-management.
- Can become deadweight to your team if not utilized properly, especially Song of the Siren.
- Need more mana!

Picking + No Picking

Pick when:
+ Your team needs a carry.
+ Your team needs a pusher.
+ There is not more than two carries (excluding you).
+ Your team needs a disabler.
+ You know you can troll with Naga Siren and get away with it.

Don't pick when:
- Your team has too many carries.
- You are new to this game (you need a fair bit of micro-management and map-awareness, two or three games and you're ready to pick her).
- There's Pudge on the enemies' team.
- Nobody wants to babysit you.
- There's no support is your team.

The She-Snake Skills

What do you call a female snake? I mean, seriously.

From left to right:
Mirror Image, Ensnare, Rip Tide, Song of the Siren, Song of the Siren Cancel



The Naga Siren creates multiple copies of herself, confusing enemies. Images take more damage.
































Deals 30% damage, takes 600% damage.

Deals 35% damage, takes 500% damage.

Deals 40% damage, takes 400% damage.

Deals 45% damage, takes 300% damage.

Mirror Image is quite a good skill. However, it should not be touched in early game due to its excessive low hit points and damage, unless there is an annoying Lifestealer that keeps wanting to kill you with Open Wounds or Axe with Battle Hunger. Know that in middle to late game, this will be your primary source of damage, coupled with Diffusal Blade. Using this skill, you can dodge skills that will otherwise kill you. For example, a Hellfire Blast is heading your way and assume you have 1 hit points. If you Mirror Image and during the 1 second, the Hellfire Blast hits you, you will take no damage and will not stun. Practice makes Perfect for this.



Enemy Units
Interrupts the target and traps them in place, preventing movement or blinking.
































Locks a target to the ground, hindering movement.

Locks a target to the ground, hindering movement.

Locks a target to the ground, hindering movement.

Locks a target to the ground, hindering movement.

This skill is picked early game to avoid getting early ganked by Ursa and so on and so forth. Know that this skill can be used to cancel non-combat consumables, such as Healing Salve and Clarity Potion. If you know there are invisible heroes such as Rikimaru, Clinkz and Bounty Hunter in the enemy team, net these guys and kill them first. Hopefully your teams AoE skills will damage them enough to let you kill them in time. Even if they didn't die, their hit points will be too low to continue participating.



Enemy Units
The Naga Siren and her images hit all nearby units with a damaging wave of water that lowers armor.
































130 damage, -2 armor.

160 damage, -3 armor.

190 damage, -4 armor.

220 damage, -5 armor.

Know that this is Naga Siren's bread-and-butter skill. Rip Tide is one of the few nukes in the game that doesn't lose out in late game due to its armor reduction. A good early game nuke for harassing and last-hitting. Know that DotA is actually a semi-psychological game. If you keep your enemies hit points low by blasting them is the face, they will eventually get scared of you and this will screw up their farming, a lot.





Enemy Units + Towers
All enemies in range of the Naga Siren are put into a magical stasis where they cannot act or be attacked. Using Song of the Siren again will end the duration early.


























Sleeps all enemy units and towers.

Sleeps all enemy units and towers.

Sleeps all enemy units and towers.

Pretty much an anti-ambush skill. However, never simply use this because you are dying. Remember, it sets every enemy-related thing to invaunerable, this can mess up your allies combo and is the most common mistake done by Naga Siren players. Only use this when your whole team needs to escape.




Release enemy units from your song so they can be targeted again.














Stops Naga Siren from singing.

Turns your Song of the Siren off and allows enemies to be attacked and attack. - 'nuff said.

Items + Their Builds

As you all know, there are SIX item builds in this guide. Before saperating into their respective builds and the items, I'll first list out the items that will appear in nearly every build because I have repeating and bet you guys too.

As we all know, Diffusal Blade is the only orb effect that melee illusions can trigger. It burns 24 mana per hit and adds that as damage, too. Since it gives AGI, it also means it gives damage, attack speed and armor to Naga Siren and her illusions. It is also wrapped with a lovely Purge, a slow that can also dispels any buffs on enemies and possibly yourself and/or allies. A core for Naga Siren no matter what you plan to give her.

Yasha gives additional AGI, which is explained above, along with 16% movement speed, making you one of the fastest movers in the game (Exclude Thirst, Surge and Hunter in the Night, please.). It's full potential comes along when upgraded into Manta Style.

Giving two extra allies for you, Manta Style can make you even meaner and harder. You can burn a heck lot of mana with 6 units attacking a single target. The movement speed from Yasha along with the stats bonus can benefit you greatly.

Vladmir's Offering is actually quite crucial to Naga since she she will be able to stay in lanes and/or fights. If gotten earlier, you can easily go to the jungle to get the gold for your other items, mainly Diffusal Blade. On Variation II: High Risk, High Reward, you need this to maintain your hit points when using Armlet of Mordiggian.

Variation I: Semi-Support + Gank

Headdress is quite a decent starting item since it gives regeneration which is a sucker for Naga Siren, especially in early game. More potential to be seen when upgraded to Mekansm.

Mekansm, a support item that gives mana and hit points. Use this in the middle of combat for the hit points and the armor bonus. Only get this if there is none or only one Mekansm on your team. Never activate this if your ally used it before you.

Buy Arcane Boots and spam Rip Tide as much as you want! This can also act as a emergency supply of mana for Song of the Siren, if needed. Can be used to support your lane mate if he/she needs mana.

Oblivion Staff gives 75% mana regeneration which Naga Siren dearly needs after early game since her INT growth isn't all that good. It also gives a minor attack speed bonus. When upgraded to Orchid Malevolence, it will be quite useful.

Orchid Malevolence is what I think will be useful for this build since it gives 150% mana regeneration which you really need, along with a good little Silence. Very good to prevent heroes like Ursa to Overpower you twice.

Variation II: High Risk, High Reward

Poor Man's Shield is another good item for Naga Siren early game since it gives AGI which you know what it means. It lets you take a few more hit from creeps (not towers, mind you.) so last-hitting will be slightly easier.

Arcane Boots - As stated as above.

Helm of the Dominator can be assembled before you get Armlet of Mordiggian once you acquire Morbid Mask. Accroding to mnoi, you can gain an additional creep to help you in kicking other people. After that, dissemble this to make Vladmir's Offering and Armlet of Mordiggian.

Armlet of Mordiggian gives nearly the same power as Vanguard, minus the damage block. On the other hand, you get an active which gives you +STR. This is good since it allows your illusions to benefit from it too. REMEMBER TO TURN OFF WHEN NOT IN USE! Can be turned on and off to give you 425 hit points. You can't suicide with this, unlike Rot.

Variation III + IV: Carry (Offensive + Defensive)

Vanguard is used in the defensive-type carry where your ally doesn't really heal you efficiently or they can't at all. Basically, you can get hit a few more times before officially dying.

Power Treads - In this build, we would assume a supporter on your lane purchases an Arcane Boots and uses it regularly. Treads can be changed according to your needs.
  • Running away and lack of life? Use STR.
  • Normal last-hitting? Use AGI.
  • Out of mana and/or require more mana? Use INT.

Assault Cuirass is a good luxury item for Naga Siren, it gives attack speed and armor. The negative armor aura is good together with your Rip Tide armor reduction.

Ring of Aquila This is the only item from the offensive carry. Originally, I wanted to use three Wraith Bands, but after some discussions and games, I have found that Ring of Aquila is indeed better. It gives a good AGI bonus and with the empty slot you can carry a TP scroll and Magic Wand. Thanks potm_plz for this tip.

Variation V: Mid Naga


I chose to take Tranquil Boots early on so I can soak up the mid-lane damage. The heal can come in handy early-on especially if you're against painful ranged heroes like Drow Ranger and Nature's Prophet.

Urn of Shadow is another good extention since it offers 400 hit point per charge and a minor 50% mana regeneration. Once, you get this, you can break the Tranquil Boots since you need to harass your enemy since you can't kill them.

Arcane Boots's point is to harass enemies and last-hitting with Rip Tide. You can get these from the broken Tranquil Boots.

Perseverance is another good item for this build since it gives hit point regeneration and that massive mana regeneration. (Okay, maybe not that much.) But, it does help you.

Daedalus is taken for this build since you need to dish out the damage hard enough. The critical can benefit you and your illusions to tear even a tanker down.

Bloodstone, using the Energy Booster from the Arcane Boots along with the Vitality Booster and Point Booster, you can completely cover your craving for mana with 200% mana regeneration. The regeneration provided can be quite a good alternative, too.

Note: Personally, I don't think Naga Siren should take middle since she is a melee hero with no early realiable disable (a 2/3 seconds Ensnare doesn't really count). You main job if you somehow end up here, is to farm up as fast as possible and then, turn to the side lanes and blow them up.

Manta Style vs. Sange and Yasha

I remember in a recent match, I brought Manta Style and my friend ask why don't I get Sange and Yasha since it slows (Greater Maim). I gave it a thought and this what I came up with:

  • Gives massive AGI bonus compare to SnY.
  • 2 additional allies on your side.
  • Additional attack speed + damage (AGI).
  • About 1000 gold more compare to SnY.
  • Is an active skill.
  • Ultimate Orb can be quite hard to get.


  • Easier to assemble: Requires Sange and Yasha.
  • Cheaper.
  • Gives a little of everything (ms, AGI, STR)
  • Greater maim requires chance and luck.
  • Greater maim can't be proc by images.

Well, basically, I think Manta Style has things that synergizes with Naga Siren. A Greater Main that can't be used by Images are slightly a waste, actually. And with two additional images, you can burn harder and faster thanks to the +AGI bonus.


Haste: You're fast as it is. Leave it unless Night Stalker is chasing you with Hunter in the Night.

Illusion: Is there a rule that says you can't have more illusions? No. Take it.

Invisibility: Now this is a dilemma, perhaps you can grab it for ambushing? I think better left for others though

Double Damage: Your illusions don't benefit from the +raw damage. Better left for others!

Regeneration: Only grab it when you need it.

Jungling + Roshan


Jungling is pretty easy for Naga Siren due to Mirror Image and Rip Tide. Alternatively, you can do creep-pulling if your lane mate is faring well. Creep pulling is good since the amount of experience earned is nearly the same as farming on a lane. This would make you and your lane mate have a pretty decent level.

One game I played there was both Lycan and Naga Siren on my team. What happened was the two of us did creep-pulling. Lycan used the enemy's creeps and pull them to enemy camp as i pulled the creep to Radiant's Creep. At one point, our level was like (according to lanes) 7-7-7-7-6 and the enemy was like 5-5-7-5-5.

You can pretty much go against any form of creep. DO NOT START JUNGLING WHEN YOU'RE LEVEL 1. IT'S ******ED AND PLAIN SUICIDE. Using your Mirror Image against Centaur Khan is pretty useless since his AoE attack can kill them easily. Just remember not to die while jungling.

This a video on how to perform creep pulling and double pulling. It requires some preactice, though. Credits to the owner.

Roshan-ing or Ro3-ing

Naga Siren is not a hero to mess with Roshan. She is not build like Ursa or Nature's Prophet to go against Roshan. The most annoying part is her illusions are annihilated before they can do anything. Due to a skill call Image Break on Roshan. (That's what they call it in DotA 1)

Team Fights + Solo Fights

Team Fights

DO NOT ATTEMPT TO INITIATE. Well, useless you want to send an illusion in to Rip Tide for you. Basically, you will move behind the initiator. Which means the formation will look something like that

--x-- (Initiator)
--x-- (You, Naga Siren)
-xxx- (Other people)

Once the initiator does his job, you Rip Tide and hang around. Try not to stay in a position that is hard for you to move, since your job is to chase too. Just Rip Tide and Mirror Image then change any running person down.

Solo Fights

There are two types: against tanker and against non-tanker

Against tanker

1. Enemy Spotted!
2. Rip Tide him!
3. Mirror Image!
4. Stab him!
5. Ensnare him, if he starts running.
6. Rip Tide!
7. Job's done.

This is assuming you are going against a pretty dumb tanker. If the tanker is a good one that has AoE attack which can nuke your illusions to death, like Axe, preferably wait for your allies to help you.

Against un-tankers

1. Enemy spotted!
2. Rip Tide him!
3. Ensnare him!
4. Mirror Image!
5. Stab him!
6. Rip Tide him!
7. Mission accomplished.

Pretty much is something like that though I can't guarantee it will always go like that. You might want to activate Mirror Image first before actually attacking though. Just be careful against nukers like Lina Inverse and co.

Heroes You Will Meet

Difficulty: Easy or Hard
Now, Sniper. The nightmare of all melee heroes. A good Sniper can literally kite you and kill you with Assassinate. If so, why did I put his as easy and hard? If you have a good support or stunner, you can easily kill him because he is squishy (as shown in the section below this). Now, the true problems lie in if you don't have a support or stunner and/or your mate is also melee. He will take turns to shoot between you two and literally forcing you to be undergold and/or underleveled.
Solution: Swap lanes or ask the middle lane to get the kill.

Difficulty: Medium
Drow Ranger and her annoying Frost Arrows. She is quite easy for you to kill, provided you ambush her before she ambushes you. Naga Siren's skills have the potential to kill her since Mirror Image confuses her, Rip Tide adds to her squishyness, Ensnara makes her Shadow Blade useless and Song of the Siren you can run to safety.
Solution: If you really can't kill her, consider a Blade Mail and let her shoot herself to death or let you have enough time to kill her. (Yes, you can kill Drow Ranger in 4 seconds.

Difficulty: Easy
Huskar is actually pretty simple for Naga Siren to kill. The only thing you need is Diffusal Blade and probably Vladmir's Offering. The thing is Huskar will drain a portion of his life when he jumps on you, this gives you a chance to launch your arsenal against Huskar, your Rip Tide and Diffusal Blade combo will tear him down in no time.
Solution: Remember to Mirror Image as soon as you see him, whether he is going or not going for you, it doesn't hurt to take precaution.

Difficulty: Hard
Pudge is one of Naga Siren's worst nightmare. Since she is very squishy in early game, a single hook will leave you half dead and you can't do anything about it once he starts Rotting you since your illusions will most likely be killed, too. Your mana burn isn't fast enough to kill him before he turns you into sushi.
Solution: We're lucky, in fact. Since Pudge takes middle lanes, we are most unlikely to meet him. You can dodge him by warding the area (preferred by a supporter) or Song of the Siren or Black King Bar the half-second he hooks you. You need to be fast.

Picture Replays

This is a fight where Jakiro and I, Naga Siren was laning during the laning phase against Huskar and Sniper.

At this point, Huskar decides to disappear. (We assumed he went back to base, seems like he didn't actually) We took this chance to advance.
Jakiro spits Ice Path, hoping I catch on to what we plans to do. Thankfully, I did and move in to kill Sniper.
To start with, I Rip Tide him in the face and hit him while waiting for Ice Path to off.
And the second it did, I Ensnare him and... (Oh, Huskar reappeared)
BAM, he's dead and we got the kill. BOOM BABY!

Friends + Enemies

Friends (yay!)

Basically, Naga Siren's friends are those who can babysit her in early game (1st row), stun or disable her enemies in early and middle game (2nd row) since she is item-dependant so she needs early kills. And, middle to late game (possibly early, too) silencers since they can shut down enemy spells from interrupting Naga Siren's massacre.

Enemies (boo!)

Her friends are also her worst enemies. If the stunners or disablers (1st row) hit you, you can't do much since you're probably dead by then unless you managa to Song of the Siren in time. A silenced Naga Siren (2nd Row) is quite useless since you rely on your spells to actually get kills. Like wise, Mana-burners (3rd Row) also post a threat towards you since your mana is damn important. Nukers (4th Row) can also easily nuke you and your images to death within seconds and taste a fresh piece of sushi.

Special Mentions
Doom Bringer

A good Sniper can harrass you from far, making you unable to farm and when the time is write BOOM! you're dead. Doom Bringer is every spell-casters worst nightmare. His Doom will literally make you useless, turning off all your skills and active items and dealing damage to top that off.

Final Words

Well, as we all know. DotA will keep on changing. So, I will constantly update this guide as long as I find anything new to add or edit. Nobody can do a one-man show so I would appreciate it if you guys give me feedbacks or comments. Thanks.

A special thanks to:
- Dr. D for his formatting guide!
- Nubtrain for his tips about guide writing!


16.3.13 - Guide started.
19.3.13 - Guide published.
24.3.13 - Edited some mistakes.
26.3.13 - Added section: More frequent fights...
28.3.13 - Edited skill sequence.
30.3.13 - Added Doom Bringer to more frequent fights...
31.3.13 - Added section: Friends + Enemies.
03.4.13 - Change title from 'Songstress of the Seas' to what it is now.
05.4.13 - Changed section: More frequent fights...
13.4.13 - Remake Item Build and added Semi-Support + Gank.
17.4.13 - Fixed the builds.
20.4.13 - Added Pudge to Heroes You Will Meet
28.4.13 - Added the section: All the Items
12.5.13 - Makeover complete!
11.6.13 - Reworked Rip Tide

To-Do List

1. Add a little colors to Skill Builds.
2. Retype all Item Build sections. (It's a tad messy)
3. Dig for more replays.
4. Make another crazy but working build. (SEE BUILD V)

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