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16 Votes

Aria's Requiem - A Guide to Slithice

June 22, 2013 by Yasutsuna
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DAYBREAK_404 | July 11, 2014 10:26pm
1 question, so is the armlet better than drums? cos it provides sustainability in lane?
Yasutsuna (51) | June 12, 2013 7:53am
mak1rby wrote:

I suggest if you are playing naga and going mid get a bottle.
Demon plays naga mid alot nowadays and he builds arcanes because of the new cooldown and the nature of spamming skills as a mid hero.
Than proceed to the normal naga build, I disgaree with building bloodstone on naga, it gives you too much mana regen that you don't need.
And for Tranquils a bottle will cover up the needs of regen at mid.
A diffusal 2 will do more dps than a daedulus.(at the earlier stages of the game, if you get daedulus as your first big item)
Manta vs SnY always get manta if you get diffusal as the illusions will do ****ton of damage and manta debuffs btw,
You said you are so good at dota 2 but the fact you played a lane against huskar + sniper means your MMR says otherwise.

The ego... Anyway, that was my brother's account. I just used it to enter pub games once in a while for stomping. Anyway, thanks for your info. A agree with the Arcane Boots. Since, it have a new cooldown now, Tranquil Boots is not important anymore since the damage output of Rip Tide will be sufficient to harrass them back.

A Bottle? Not a bad idea, I will try this out as soon as I can. Aiming for Daedalus instead of Diffusal Blade in the early game is quite a good suggestion since the Crystalys costs only 2050 gold and the critical can aid you a lot.

Yup, agreed with Manta Style and Sange and Yasha. I still can't forget the clan in garena who keeps pestering me to get Sange and Yasha.

Erm, about Bloodstone, it seems good on theory but as you say, a tad bad on paper. Now that I think of it, grabbing a Linken's Sphere instead of Bloodstone is a good idea.
mak1rby | June 12, 2013 7:16am
I suggest if you are playing naga and going mid get a bottle.
Demon plays naga mid alot nowadays and he builds arcanes because of the new cooldown and the nature of spamming skills as a mid hero.
Than proceed to the normal naga build, I disgaree with building bloodstone on naga, it gives you too much mana regen that you don't need.
And for Tranquils a bottle will cover up the needs of regen at mid.
A diffusal 2 will do more dps than a daedulus.(at the earlier stages of the game, if you get daedulus as your first big item)
Manta vs SnY always get manta if you get diffusal as the illusions will do ****ton of damage and manta debuffs btw,
You said you are so good at dota 2 but the fact you played a lane against huskar + sniper means your MMR says otherwise.
un oaie | June 11, 2013 8:32am
hm nice guide , but u forgot to mention that if u are against multiple silence heroes or they build orchid , u must get manta first since it dispells silence instanlty .
Shinko96 | April 23, 2013 6:10am
Nice Naga Siren guide. +1 Favourited
Yasutsuna (51) | April 20, 2013 3:33am
Hmm. I'll give it a shot and review this in a later date. Thanks for the suggestion.
mnoi (2) | April 19, 2013 10:18pm
I can understand your reasoning if you like lifesteal, but try this build order out instead. Since you seem to get vlads every time you get an armlet:

Arane/Tranquil Boots (Disassemble as needed) > Helm of the Dominator (Disassemble after taking over creep) > Armlet or Vlads

Free neutral creep + HoTD gives a nice damage bonus until you finish armlet
Yasutsuna (51) | April 19, 2013 8:46pm
Illusions early as Yoda said, have very ****py health. But maybe there is some sense in what you say since people always want to first blood. Maybe I'll put one point in level 4 instead of Ensnare.

However, nobody really starts ganking until level 6. So, if the enemies are early gankers, then getting an early Mirror Image will help. If they're not, Ensnare is always better.

The reason I take Vladmir's Offering is because of the lifesteal. No matter what way you look at it, you need the lifesteal, unless you want to carry Healing Salves around with you. If you have a good supporter that gives you heals like Dazzle, Warlock and so, you can skip the Vladmir's Offering.

The point of Armlet of Mordiggian is because it is good. It offers survivability like hp regeneration and armor. Furthermore, if your enemy has average base damage, you can prevent yourself from getting killed by turning the armlet on and off.
mnoi (2) | April 19, 2013 12:45pm
Why don't you take a point in illusion early? You realize you can stack camps, dodge stuns, and remove debuffs like Open Wounds and Track.

Also why do you have vlads on the non-support build? Illusions do not benefit from lifesteal (regardless of animation), flat bonus to damage and armor. Vlads only benefits the main hero and I feel stuff that benefits illusions would be better.

Also with the armlet you only give your illusions 475 health for about 2.6k, but you can get a causal vit booster for 1100 gold and give 300 hp. Again illusions don't benefit from flat bonuses to attack speed and damage and armor. I can understand buffing up your hero but naga really benefits from items that benefit her illusions rather than the main hero.

Source: (scroll down)
TenshiN (6) | April 16, 2013 12:59pm
Awesome guide, i dunno why it has so few votes...
+1, favourited.
Yasutsuna (51) | April 13, 2013 5:25am
I haven't typed the details about the builds and will within this week.
Yasutsuna (51) | March 27, 2013 9:55pm
Alright after some... gameplays... I agree with Yoda, early Mirror Image are just ****py so I'll change the skill build slightly.
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