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Who is the Grand Poobah of 1 VS. 1 Mode?

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Forum » Theory Crafting » Who is the Grand Poobah of 1 VS. 1 Mode? 42 posts - page 3 of 5
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by jawbreaker261 » August 19, 2014 7:11am | Report
Ult isn't why OD is good in 1v1. It's that there are only two heroes that can deal with having no manapool while also dealing with OD's ridiculous base damage (as stated above, these are razor and lone druid).


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by jamesShajam » August 19, 2014 7:18am | Report
Umm, I think Viper should beat OD easily. Kunnka Can also win mid without too much problems.
Outside Decorator only counter's INT heroes, and mana hungry or Mana-less heroes.
Gr8 b8, m8. I rel8, str8 appreci8, and congratul8. I r8 this b8 an 8/8. Plz no h8, I'm str8 ir8. Cr8 more, can't w8. We should convers8, I won't ber8, my number is 8888888, ask for N8. No calls l8 or out of st8. If on a d8, ask K8 to loc8. Even with a full pl8, I always have time to communic8 so don't hesit8.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Xyrus » August 19, 2014 7:19am | Report
Hades4u wrote:

I'll go with Razor again. You can't last hit and he keeps you off the lane, very durable too.

Okay, I had one game with Razor... Invoker got so mad he intentionlly fed just to end the match... Razor too much fun 8{3


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by jawbreaker261 » August 19, 2014 7:44am | Report
jamesShajam wrote:

Umm, I think Viper should beat OD easily. Kunnka Can also win mid without too much problems.
Outside Decorator only counter's INT heroes, and mana hungry or Mana-less heroes.

Viper does better than most. He can match lasthits with nethertoxin, but no orb means no harass, and no harass means he's not winning lane.

Kunkka does no better than any other melee hero. Tidebringer isn't a factor until level 5 and he takes way too much harass.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Dimonychan » August 19, 2014 7:54am | Report
Xyrus wrote:

Okay, I had one game with Razor... Invoker got so mad he intentionlly fed just to end the match... Razor too much fun 8{3

But... you can... just... type "gg"... whatever.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Hamstertamer » August 19, 2014 7:57am | Report
I'm surprised that nobody mentioned Broodmother, the queen of 1 vs 1. She wins her lane easily against the most unfair solo mids :

- Brood vs Viper, Huskar, Bane, Templar Assassin, Lion, Silencer, outworld devourer, any solo mid with no counterpush = instant free win. Get Soul Ring, spam spiders, send spiders on guy, guy dead. Or guy goes back to base and tower dead. GG. Soul ring counters OD and Silencer mana drain also.
She beats Lone Druid just as well by simply focusing the tower.

- Brood vs Pudge : he has the choice between Rotting himself to death to damage your spiders slightly (he needs to lose 450 HP to kill your spiders and you can pull them away before they die anyways), or simply dying from the spiders. Either way spiders wreck him. Not to mention that even if he gets sentries he'll just hook some spiderlings.

- Brood vs Shadow Fiend : don't even skill spiders, just go manfight him. With bonus damage, 60% lifesteal and 60% miss chance there's no way he can win.

- Brood vs Razor : she can get out of Static Link easily with the movement speed bonus. Plasma Field is not enough damage to farm the spiderlings, so she can still swarm Razor easily with spiders because plasma cooldown is very long.

What makes Brood so good is that any hero with good 1 vs 1 kill potential like Bane has no AOE so you can win by pushing. And any hero who *does* have AOE will lose manfights because of that slow, miss chance and lifesteal.

Even against heroes like Puck and QoP she can do decently because she has good rune control with dat max movement speed. Sure Puck/QoP/Tinker/etc can spam down spiders but if you control runes they'll run out of sustain at some point and you can win an attrition war and just take the tower.

There are very few solo mids she would lose to, even Bristle-hack I think she can manfight with lifesteal.
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== Broodmother guide out! ==


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Krwiozerca » August 19, 2014 9:15am | Report
Hamstertamer wrote:

I'm surprised that nobody mentioned Broodmother, the queen of 1 vs 1. She wins her lane easily against the most unfair solo mids :

- Brood vs Viper, Huskar, Bane, Templar Assassin, Lion, Silencer, outworld devourer, any solo mid with no counterpush = instant free win. Get Soul Ring, spam spiders, send spiders on guy, guy dead. Or guy goes back to base and tower dead. GG. Soul ring counters OD and Silencer mana drain also.
She beats Lone Druid just as well by simply focusing the tower.

- Brood vs Pudge : he has the choice between Rotting himself to death to damage your spiders slightly (he needs to lose 450 HP to kill your spiders and you can pull them away before they die anyways), or simply dying from the spiders. Either way spiders wreck him. Not to mention that even if he gets sentries he'll just hook some spiderlings.

- Brood vs Shadow Fiend : don't even skill spiders, just go manfight him. With bonus damage, 60% lifesteal and 60% miss chance there's no way he can win.

- Brood vs Razor : she can get out of Static Link easily with the movement speed bonus. Plasma Field is not enough damage to farm the spiderlings, so she can still swarm Razor easily with spiders because plasma cooldown is very long.

What makes Brood so good is that any hero with good 1 vs 1 kill potential like Bane has no AOE so you can win by pushing. And any hero who *does* have AOE will lose manfights because of that slow, miss chance and lifesteal.

Even against heroes like Puck and QoP she can do decently because she has good rune control with dat max movement speed. Sure Puck/QoP/Tinker/etc can spam down spiders but if you control runes they'll run out of sustain at some point and you can win an attrition war and just take the tower.

There are very few solo mids she would lose to, even Bristle-hack I think she can manfight with lifesteal.

Or you can get Kunkka versus her and farm with getting XP and you can't push that much. It will be hard to stay in lane, get XP and not get killed by Tidebringer later. I see that you are very excited about Broodmother, but she isn't that strong as you think. Battle for Sentry Wards on the river is also something that can put Broodmother down.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Bunkansee » August 19, 2014 9:29am | Report
Hm actually maybe Enchantress? I mean, she doesn't have much damage but 1v1 against a ranged hero, with Impetus and Untouchable she can own, and they get destroyed even more the more they run away. Plus the healing sprites for an extra top-up if you get low.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by jawbreaker261 » August 19, 2014 9:33am | Report
Brood's good, but she's not that good. She beats most heroes that don't have AOE, and loses to everything that does. Also loses to OD (soulring doesn't help when manapool maxes out at 13) and Razor (she's melee, she can either eat link or not get any lasthits).


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Dimonychan » August 19, 2014 9:37am | Report
Bunkansee wrote:

Hm actually maybe Enchantress? I mean, she doesn't have much damage but 1v1 against a ranged hero, with Impetus and Untouchable she can own, and they get destroyed even more the more they run away. Plus the healing sprites for an extra top-up if you get low.

Too many heroes rek her. First that come into me mind are Lina, QoP, Nyx Assasin, Tinker.


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