Some of them are pretty easy to guess, they're the same as other smileys but with an "8" for eyes instead of ":" + a moustache, represented by "{" or "}"
8{) == :)
8{( == :(
8{0 == :O
8{D == :D
X{D == XD
<}3 == <3 - it's hairy love baby!
D{8 == Horror 'Stache - I am deeply surprised/upset/confused about what I am seeing
Why would you buy

>8{D == Raised Eyebrow 'Stache - for when I'm making fun of someone/something or am deeply aroused
Peppo, y u so n00b >8{D
8{3 == Kappa 'Stache - because why doesn't Kappa have facial hair? 8{3

B(D == Shades 'n' Stache - because the only way to make moustaches cooler is to add sunglasses B{)
Played Roaming Support

<|8{D == Mathmagic…
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