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Legit Wraith King Build?

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Forum » Theory Crafting » Legit Wraith King Build? 34 posts - page 1 of 4
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Blubbles » February 4, 2015 5:07pm | Report
Battle Fury / Mjollnir / Power Treads / Heart of Tarrasque or Satanic (depends on harass level)
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by KoDyAbAbA » February 4, 2015 5:22pm | Report
abyssal blade?


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Zerosaviour » February 4, 2015 6:17pm | Report

Don't like BF on him. Also he could use a blink dagger on him due to him being somewhat slow. Also could use an AC and Refresher.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Dimonychan » February 5, 2015 6:00am | Report
Sriously, Battle Fury and Heart of Tarrasque, what the hell? You have zero mobility and zero damage, even if you will have 10000 slots ans 100000 hp enemies will just ignore you.

Wraith King is naturally the most durable hero in Dota 2. You either build a scary manfight machine( Blink Dagger, Armlet/ Maelstrom into Mjollnir later/ Skull Basher int Abyssal Blade/ Assault Cuirass), or use your tankiness to deal huge AOE damage and punish enemies for hitting you( Radiance, Mjollnir, Refresher Orb,. Blade Mail, etc). BKB and Satanic for both builds as situational.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by kkoopman3 » February 5, 2015 12:49pm | Report
Ummm... I think Wraith King is actually very versatile regarding what you can build on him. If you want a flash farmer, Battle Fury isn't the way to go though. Mjollnir paired with an AC is much much better for this and helps more in fights. My standard build on WK is this;

Power Treads --> Armlet of Mordiggian --> Skull Basher --> Assault Cuirass --> Finish Abyssal Blade --> Divine Rapier (yes I said that. Triple rampages don't lie baby).

As previously stated Battle Fury probably isn't the way to go on WK. Also, Heart of Tarrasque and Satanic will just take up space. He's already WAY tanky, and he gets passive lifesteal, so, even though it stacks, other sources aren't really necessary.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Hamstertamer » February 5, 2015 1:06pm | Report
Only case I'd ever build the Creep Exterminator (oh I mean Battle Fury) on WK is if playing against Phantom Lancer. Otherwise it doesn't fit the hero that well and he still farms slowly with it anyways. Besides Radiance is really an item made for him so get that instead and make YOLO plays.

Am I the only one who thinks Eye of Skadi >>> Heart of Tarrasque on any hero with native lifesteal? I mean he can heal up with lifesteal anyways so what's the point of having heart regen? And if you forget heart regen skadi is just a better item. The slow is awesome against kiting, and the free mana is awesome as well especially against mana burn.
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Fedorable » February 5, 2015 1:14pm | Report
>Sees a thread about Wraith King builds
>Looks at the items suggested to make a "legit" build
>Notices that only one of the builds suggested the inclusion of a Blink Dagger
>Also discovers the complete absence of a Black King Bar
>Implying that Wraith King doesn't need mobility or magic immunity


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by kkoopman3 » February 5, 2015 1:15pm | Report
Fedorable wrote:

>Sees a thread about Wraith King builds
>Looks at the items suggested to make a "legit" build
>Notices that only one of the builds suggested the inclusion of a Blink Dagger
>Also discovers the complete absence of a Black King Bar
>Implying that Wraith King doesn't need mobility or magic immunity





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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Timminatorr » February 5, 2015 1:30pm | Report
Hamstertamer wrote:

Only case I'd ever build the Creep Exterminator (oh I mean Battle Fury) on WK is if playing against Phantom Lancer. Otherwise it doesn't fit the hero that well and he still farms slowly with it anyways. Besides Radiance is really an item made for him so get that instead and make YOLO plays.

Am I the only one who thinks Eye of Skadi >>> Heart of Tarrasque on any hero with native lifesteal? I mean he can heal up with lifesteal anyways so what's the point of having heart regen? And if you forget heart regen skadi is just a better item. The slow is awesome against kiting, and the free mana is awesome as well especially against mana burn.

In that case mjollnir still completely outclasses it, i really hate when people want suggest to buy BF against PL, seriously, you want to change your playstyle, timing and build for a PL? On a carry it is SOOOO important to itemise well, one wrong item can easily lose you the game.

There is literally no hero that i would suddenly get a BF on just because PL.

Ond of the best aspects of mjollnir on wraith king is the static charge. You almost cant attack him at some point unless you have a BKB activated. And even then he kills everything around him with LAZORBEAMS that isnt magic immune.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Hamstertamer » February 5, 2015 1:39pm | Report
Mjollnir is not that good against illusion heroes.

Same problem as Radiance, it's non scaling damage. Illusions scale, while your item doesn't. Therefore, it's pretty bad in late game. While BF is good at any stage.

Example, if you have 300 attack damage, Bfury = 100 AOE pure damage each hit. Mjollnir = 25% chance to deal 160 magic damage = 40 magic damage in average, make that 30 damage with reductions.
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