October 31, 2014

The celestials

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dota  |  dota2  |  Ember spirt  |  fight  |  haiku  |  help  |  ignorance  |  poem  |  Raijin  |  Storm spirit  |  war  |  Xin

"Flower of jasmine,so fair!
flower of jasmine,so fair!
budding and blooming here..."

It was stuck in his mind.And with it, were stuck the memories of a time long past.What could he do, it was a beautiful song...

"sweetness for all to share.."

No! This would not do! This was war, not a wealthy merchants house!But then, he was dancing among the waves of minions...dancing like the delicate petals of a fragile Jasmine flower...

"oh Xin you unbearable romantic, stop playing with them!", said Raijin, the outspoken and jovial Spirit of Thunder, who was with him on a journey up the treacherous banks of the falfarren. Ah! the Falfarren! Xin remembered with great fondness the time that he had spent here, on the once gentle slopes which marked the beginning of the beach of the most beautiful river on the realm. Sure, the Seine was more scenic; the Ganges,more serene; but Falfarren was from another world indeed!

As the duo made their way to the secret shop of the radiant, they made sure th…
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