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6.85 pseudo-patch, Hamster version.

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Forum » General Discussion » 6.85 pseudo-patch, Hamster version. 42 posts - page 1 of 5
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Hamstertamer » August 20, 2015 6:04pm | Report
Ok guys, time for my own 6.85 wishlist. Let's go!

Gameplay changes

- Solo kills now grant 100 bonus gold (this compensates for the increased assist gold and reduced kill gold in 6.84)

- AoE Bonus Gold component based on Team Net Worth difference increased by 10%

- Bottle refill buff no longer lingers for 2 seconds, it instantly stops when the holder leaves the fountain .
(Bottle refill abuse by giving it to a teammate is now officially over.)

- Any skill that would trap a hero in an unpathable location such as a cliff ( Telekinesis, Skewer, Recall, Relocate...) now gives the targeted hero 5 seconds of free pathing whenever it does so.
(Cliff abuse at runespots is now officially over, as is teammate trolling)

- In the picking stage in ranked matchmaking, the highest MMR in the game is still shown, however the identity of the highest MMR player is no longer shown (this prevents this guy from thinking he's too cool to play support or think his team should be wiping his *** all game)

- The Aegis of the Immortal now show the timer before expiration on the item icon

Hero changes


- Mist Coil damage/heal rescaled from 100/150/200/250 to 100/160/220/280
- Mist Coil cast point reduced from 0.45 to 0.25

Am I the only one who thinks coil is horribly weak?


- Acid Spray now slows every unit in the AOE by 0/6/12/18% (Slow doesn't go through magic immunity)
- Starting agility increased from 11 to 20 (also increases starting armor)
- Base attack time improved to 1.55 (still 1.4/1.2/1 in Chemical rage)
- Aghanim's scepter on Alchemist now reduces Chemical Rage cooldown from 45 to 33
in addition to the stats. Casting it on Alchemist makes this bonus permanent.

Allowing him to give Aghs is nice and all, but he still needs buffs as a (semi)-carry, and Acid Spray needs to be less usless outside of the laning stage.


- Flamebreak damage instances increased from 1/2/3/4 to 2/3/4/5
- Flamebreak mana cost reduced from 140 to 100

The point is not to nerf Bat to unplayable level, it's to make him farm heroes instead of creeps to get his blink, by maxing flamebreak.


- Primal Split cooldown reduced from 140/120/100 to 120/110/100
- Thunder Clap no longer lasts 8 seconds on creeps, duration on creeps is now 4 seconds like on heroes

Small cooldown buff in a constant fighting meta. And have you ever played Lone Druid against Brew? This bugged duration of clap on creeps that works on the bear needs to be removed, badly.


- Bloodrage no longer increases damage dealt or taken to creeps or buildings, only to heroes.
- Base strength reduced from 23 to 20
- Strength gain increased from 2 to 2.3

Laning nerfs. He can't use his Q to get free last hits anymore, and his reduced strength makes it finally possible to burst him down when he uses Q on himself.

Bounty Hunter

- Shadow Walk mana cost increased from 50 to 90/80/70/60
- Jinada cooldown reduced from 12/10/8/6 to 10.5/8.5/6.5/4.5 ; Slow duration reduced from 3 to 2.25

And the reward for lamest hero in 6.84 goes to...booty hunter. Only thing he ever does is go around spamming invis in the early game being annoying. His kill potential at low levels is kind of a joke so nothing he does is really impactful...but seriously this invis spam can be limited by giving an actual mana cost to the skill. Since nobody even uses Jinada, buffing its cooldown not only gives Bounty better laning (so people actually play him offlane), but also actually gives him damage scaling. Maybe the ability to use double Jinada will finally convince people that an Abyssal Blade is a 10000000 times better (and cheaper) item on Bounty than a dagon 5...well everyone can dream right :)

Centaur Warrunner

- Damage reduction buff from Aghanim's scepter Stampede is now purgeable (speed buff still isn't)

Chaos Knight

- Intelligence gain increased from 1.2 to 1.6
- Chaos Strike now has a 16% chance on CK himself (still 10% on illusions)

His crit is the weakest part about the hero by far. Personally I don't even skill it, I skip drum, go straight armlet or SnY, and skill stats to solve his mana issues. Seriously there's no point in even skilling the crit until the late game. Now with more INT you can actually skill his buffed crit and still have mana.


- Intelligence gain increased from 1.55 to 2.2
- Skeleton Walk fade time reduced from 0.6 to 0.3

Icefrog gave Clinkz some completely useless buffs in 6.84 while nerfing him significantly behind our backs by buffing deathball strats, buffing dust, nerfing sheepstick to no longer disable evasion, buffing ghost scepter to allow TP, reducing solo kill gold by 100...typical Icefrog **** move. At least give him some INT so he doesn't have to go orchid or sheep anymore for mana.

Dark Seer

- Wall of Replica illusion damage dealt increased from 60%/75%/90% to 60%/80%/100%
- Aghanim's Scepter reworked :
* No longer increases illusion damage dealt to 100%/120%/140%
* Instead reduces illusion damage taken from 400% to 350%/300%/250%
- Vacuum cooldown increased from 28 to 28.000001

Icefrog, I just don't get it. Why buff Dark Seer's laning in 6.84? His offlane was already insanely strong. The reason I don't pick Dark Seer isn't because of his's because his ultimate is just too easily countered : illusions die instantly to AOE. Making his Aghs tank up his illusions is far more useful than increasing the damage, since right now they die instantly anyways so they deal no damage in the first place.
Still, Vacuum needs a major cooldown nerf.


- Shallow Grave cast range rescaled from 550/700/850/1000 to 650/700/750/800
- Aghanim's Scepter Weave now instantly applies a 2/4/6 armor shift on cast (to both allies and enemies), in addition to the armor shift over time.

To counter-initiate, you should put yourself at risk, not sit back at 1000 range. And since nobody can afford Aghs on Dazzle there's no problem with buffing it.


- Scorched Earth cooldown rescaled from 60/55/50/45 to 45 at all levels
- lvl? death mana cost reduced from 110 to 80
- lvl? death now deals pure damage to Doomed units
- Doom now disables permanent invisibility and the passive bonuses from Spin Web.

Doom is really a walking ultimate so you can buff his other skills without risk. Scorched earth is a bit underpowered because of the long cooldown since you only max it second, and lvl? death is downright trash, since you have to max it third and by the time you do the nuke damage is negligible. Now you can go for 1 or 2 early value points in lvl? death and actually go for the level gamble.

Drow Ranger

- When an enemy hero gets close to Drow, Marksmanship agility bonus is reduced to 10/20/30 instead of completely removed.
- When Marksmanship is disabled, the buff icon is now removed


- Fissure cooldown increased from 15 to 20
- Aftershock now deals 30% bonus damage to creeps

The free 100 assist gold for supports and the overbuffed clarities finally put him in OP territory (after getting buffed in like 10 patches), since he now has a guaranteed 15 min blink as a support. Nerfing Fissure cooldown not only reduces his ******** double fissure first blood potential, but also nerfs his teamfight later in the game. And if people want to play him offlane, why not buff it?

Ember Spirit

- Starting strength increased from 19 to 22
- Searing Chains mana cost reduced from 110 to 85
- Activate Fire Remnant now has a 0.4 second cast point
- Activate Fire Remnant now disjoints projectiles

Well-needed buffs to his manfight in the early-mid game, and fixes his ******** 0 cast point instant escape ultimate.


- Nature's Attendants mana cost rescaled from 125/140/155/170 to 110/120/130/140
- Nature's Attendants radius increased from 275 to 350
- Aghanim's Scepter now reduces Impetus mana cost from 55/60/65 to 45 at all levels

Buy Bloodstone on Enchantress...and still be constantly out of mana despite having 15+ charges, been here done that. Icefrog please reduce her absurd mana costs to make her playable.


- Rocket Barrage now has a 0.3 second cast point (again!)
- Rocket Barrage cooldown increased from 7/6.5/6/5.5 to 7 at all levels
- Homing Missile mana cost reduced from 120/130/140/150 to 120 at all levels
- The Homing Missile now starts moving 2 seconds after cast (instead of 3)

Gyro right now has the worst balancing ever between his skills. Barrage is OP as hell with no cast point, and missile is completely trash since Gyro doesn't even have the mana to use it. So what happens is that people don't even skill missile and go for the AFK farming flak build. Instead it would be nice to finally make ganking Gyro (who maxes missile and barrage and goes for mana regen items like arcanes or euls) viable. A 3 second delay stun is also pretty useless, make it 2 seconds.


- X Marks the Spot is now purgeable when cast on allies or on Kunkka himself (still unpurgeable when cast on enemies)
- Torrent now deals pure damage (still blocked by spell immunity)
- ghost ship mana cost rescaled from 150/200/250 to 150 at all levels
- ghost ship rum duration reduced from 10 to 7
- ghost ship now deals pure damage (still blocked by spell immunity)
- ghost ship damage rescaled : instead of dealing 400/500/600 magic damage, instead deals 300 + 50%/75%/100% of Kunkka's current attack damage as pure damage (not just base damage, also takes damage items into account)

Yes, Kunkka needs to be buffed, but instead of buffing Xmark which is literally the most ******** skill in the entire game and Kunkka's only good skill...buff the rest of his kit. Buff the bad skills, nerf the broken ones. Also...Kunkka is a ganker not a hard carry so it would be nice if people finally started maxing Torrent instead of Tidebringer.
Don't forget that pure damage instead of magical increases damage by 33% so Kunkka now has significantly more early burst.


- Lightning Storm cooldown increased from 4 to 6
- Lightning Storm slow reduced from 0.7/0.8/0/9/1 to 0.6/0.7/0.8/0.9

...and leave it there. Seriously he's not that broken, lightning is just a bit overbuffed so tone it down a notch and he's fine.


- Reworked Open Wounds :
* Lifestealer rends an enemy unit, dealing minor damage, slowing the victim's movespeed and allowing all allies to lifesteal on that unit. All damage dealt will steal life, including damage from spells. The slow starts out weak, but increases by one level for every 350 units of distance moved by the victim. If the victim moves more than 2500 units while the spell is active, he is stunned and Lifestealer gains vision of the unit until Open Wounds wears off.
* Cast range : 200/300/400/500
* Damage on cast : 50
* Duration : 4/5/6/7
* Lifesteal : 50%
* Move speed slow : 10%/20%/30%/40/50%/60%/70% (increases by one tick for each 350 units moved by the target)
* Stun duration after 2500 units traveled : 2 seconds
* Cooldown : 24/20/16/12
* Mana cost : 90 (down from 110)
* Blocked by spell immunity and by Linken's sphere. Is purgeable (like the current skill).

I think this fits the concept of "open wounds" much better : the more you move, the more you bleed and become incapacitated, until the point when you can't budge anymore. Besides, the current skill is kind of useless, since Naix doesn't really need a slow : he just runs people down with a SnY anyways. Now this skill 1) disables Blink Daggers on cast with the damage, 2) gives him some resistance to kiting by highly mobile heroes (who move faster so they get slowed more and eventually stunned and revealed) and 3) maxing Open Wounds first now actually makes sense on Naix. The move speed slow ticks are the same for each level of the skill, however the duration increases with levels meaning that with a higher duration it is far more likely to get the high values of the slow.


- Attack range reduced from 600 to 500

A well needed laning nerf. Lion played as a zoning support is plain broken, there's no way you can offlane against this high base damage support with a mana drain and 5 seconds of stun.


- moon glaive number of bounces rescaled from 1/2/3/6 to 1/3/4/6
- Lunar Blessing passively increases Luna's base damage by 0/5/10/15 in addition to the aura
- Aghanim's Scepter now reduces the cooldown of Eclipse from 160/150/140 to 100 at all levels

Put 2 value points in glaives for farming, and max the other skills. Makes her far less level-dependent. Also more damage.


- adaptive strike base damage increased from 20/40/60/80 to 50/100/150/200 when Morphling is full agility (still 20/40/60/80 when Morphling is full strength)
- Skilling morph agility gain now gives 2/4/6/8 of each stat instead of 3/4/5/6 strength and agility. Strength and agility gained by skilling morph agility gain are now considered base stats and can now be morphed.
- Waveform now has unit targetting. Still has 1000 cast range, however Morphling in waveform will follow the target until he has travelled 1300 units.
- Morph Replicate cast point increased from 0.25 from 0.6

Let's be honest, with the Eblade nerfs and the introduction of imba cape, shotgun Morphling is now absolute trash. Buffing his shotgun and giving him 8 intelligence to actually use it (and nerfing imba cape) would make him playable again.


- Death Pulse now only heals Necrophos for half the amount (still heals his allies for the full amount)
- Heartstopper Aura health loss rescaled from 0.6%/0.9%/1.2%/1.5% to 0.3%/0.7%/1.1%/1.5%
- Sadist health regen per stack from 1/2/3/4 to 1/2/4/6
- Reaper's Scythe respawn time penalty reduced from 30 to 15 seconds ( Aghanim's Scepter increases the penalty back to 30 seconds)

Icefrog, please, if you want to nerf Necrophos, you nerf freaking Necrophos ; you don't make up an item called Glimmer Cape that makes the hero completely unplayable. Yes, Necro was a bit OP in 6.83 because his laning is way too good, but there's no reason to make him garbage because of glimmer. Now that glimmer has been made completely useless against Necro (look up the new glimmer below with a 1.5 second delay), a few direct nerfs to his laning stage make the hero perfectly balanced again, especially given that the indroduction of Nectarine Core and the buffs to assist gold were important buffs to him.

outworld devourer

- Now has a sub-ability to end all existing Astral Imprisonments (both from his W and his Aghs ulti)
- Octarine Core now makes Arcane Orb ignore evasion (see below)

Phantom Lancer

- Doppelganger no longer has a dispel
- Doppelganger target area radius reduced from 325 to 225
- Doppelganger now has a 0.4 second cast point
- Doppelganger reappear delay reduced from 1 to 0.6
- PL illusion damage dealt increased from 16% to 20%

Less abuse of doppelganger OPness, more presence as a hard carry.


- The ministun from Meat Hook no longer goes through spell immunity

The fact that Pudge has 2 different ways to interrupt BKB+TP is ******ed.


- null field now passively increases Rubick's base magic resistance to 25/30/35/40% in addition to the aura
- Intelligence gain increased from 2.4 to 2.8

Buffing the aura for his whole team is probably OP but making Rubick himself resistant to burst sounds balanced.

Shadow Fiend

- Shadowraze damage reduced from 100 to 70 at level 1 (damage at higher levels unchanged)

A well-needed laning nerf, because right now SF autowins his lane at level 2 in pretty much every matchup. Now he needs to wait until level 3 to get guaranteed souls...or actually be good at last-hitting. I mean right now any scrub can own pretty much every matchup with SF : sap XP until level 2, then get CS with raze and before you know it you have 90 base damage and you just wreck the lane.


- Pounce duration reduced from 3.5 to 2/2.5/3/3.5 seconds

No more ******** first bloods at rune spots with his 3.5 seconds of lockdown at level 1. And actually gives incentive a reason to max pounce first over Dark Pact.


- Primary attribute changed to intelligence
- Complete rework into a scaling nuker


- Added Aghanim's Scepter to Spectre. Adds an additional ability : Ubiquity.
Ubiquity : Spectre summons a Watcher for each enemy hero, following their footsteps and giving vision to Spectre. Unlike illusions, Watchers cannot attack, do not carry Spectre's auras or items, and cannot deal damage in any way. However, Watchers will always follow enemy heroes' positions, no matter how fast they move : they travel at infinite speed. At any moment, Spectre can use Reality to switch her place with a Watcher.
Duration : 5/6/7
Mana cost : 150
Cooldown : 220/200/180
Ubiquity is *not* refreshed by Refresher Orb.

Ganking Spectre! Her Aghs essentially gives her a second Haunt, except that it deals absolutely no damage and does nothing in teamfights, however it can be used for scouting and pickoffs *without* having to waste her precious Haunt cooldown, allowing to keep it up all the time for teamfights and especially to defend against pushes. Solid mid-game item, but also becomes a good late game item with the new items (look up Heart of Aghanim below). Also solves her kiting issues against blinkers in teamfights. Balanced out, of course, by the HUGE cooldown..

Spirit Breaker

- Greater Bash now follows the pseudo-random distribution

"17%" ******** triple bash significantly reduced :)

Storm Spirit

- Base damage reduced by 3
- Ball Lightning cast point increased from 0.35 to 0.45

Laning nerf, since he can't have both 2 last-hitting skills with his Q and E AND a good base damage. The cast point increase is because this guy shouldn't have a better cast point on his escape skill than Anti-Mage (0.4 second cast point on blink), since Storm already has a zero cooldown blink.


- Illusion damage taken reverted from 425% to 300%
- Reflection is now AOE. 600 cast range, 25/30/35/40% slow, 2.5/3.5/4.5/5.5 second duration, 400 AOE.


- The Snowball can now be attacked during its formation time. Attacks needed to destroy : 2/3/4/5. When the snowball is destroyed, all heroes inside including Tusk himself take the snowball's damage and stun. Enemies are unaffected.
- Walrus Punch multiplier rescaled from 350% to 300/350/425%
- Walrus Kick range increased from 900 to 850/950/1050

This hero right now is literally limited to being a walking Eul's Scepter of Divinity for the rest of his team with snowball, it's just so lame... Now you can actually attack the snowball to break it and turn it against himself. Gave him some better scaling too, he kind of drops off way too fast besides being a walking Euls.


- Poison Nova expansion speed increased from 500 to 700
- Poison Nova now applies the debuff to invulnerable units

Veno ult is a bit too easy to dodge or juke with other skills or just by being fast, now you can't escape the poison :)

Winter Wyvern

- Cold Embrace cast range reduced from 1000 to 700
- Cold Embrace cooldown increased from 17/16/15/14 to 22 at all levels
- Winter's Curse mana cost increased from 250 to 250/300/350


Witch Doctor

- Death Ward cooldown increased from 80 to 100/95/90

Item changes

Glimmer Cape

- Cast range reduced from 900 to 600
- Delay before the invisibility and magic resistance are applied increased from 0.4 to 1.5 seconds
- Cooldown increased from 16 to 26 seconds
- Glimmer duration increased from 5 to 7 seconds

Blink Dagger

- Blink is now disabled whenever the holder gets affected by any debuff originating from a source present at less than 1500 distance from him, even if no damage has been dealt.
Among others, getting hit by Rod of Atos, Diffusal Blade, Heaven's Halberd, Orchid Malevolence, Medallion of Courage or Force Staff debuffs now disables blink. Other hero skills such as silences or non-damaging slows also disable it. Blink is supposed to be an *initiation* item, not an escape item, so it's normal to give us a lot of ways to disable it.

Ethereal Blade

- Ether blast damage increased from 75 + 2*primary attribute to 140 + 2*primary attribute

Octarine Core

- Spell lifesteal increased from 25% to 35% on heroes, and from 5% to 10% on creeps
- Now gives an additional ability : Autocast attack modifiers can no longer miss. (even if an attack misses because of evasion or blind, the damage from modifiers such as Arcane Orb, Glaives of Wisdom or Impetus will always be applied despite the attack dealing no physical damage).

Now that Scythe of Vyse no longer disables evasion, you need another item on INT carries to deal with miss chances. There's no way I'm buying Monkey King Bar on outworld devourer...we need another choice.

Rod of Atos

- Active is no longer dispellable even by strong dispels (magic immunity still removes it)
- Active now gives +10% movement speed to the holder for the duration
- (active now disables blink dagger)

Lotus Orb

- Active no longer has a dispel
- Now gives +6 to all stats
- Cooldown reduced from 17 to 12

Ability to dispel sheeps and other debuffs without a charge limit is pretty OP, the point is really to use it as a linkens. Better stats so that people actually want to buy it.

New items

== New item : Stasis Orb ==

Components : Drum of Endurance, 1500 gold recipe (total : 3450 gold)
+13 all stats
+15 damage
+75% mana regeneration

Passive : Swiftness aura. Gives +5% movement speed and +5 attack speed in a 900 radius
Active : Stasis. Inflicts a curse on a target enemy hero that prevents any form of displacement from affecting this hero outside of standard movement. The hero cas still move, cast spells or attack normally, however any form of movement initiated by an enemy source will no longer change the target's position in any way (effects other than positionning still apply). For example he will not be moved by Geomagnetic Grip ; Blink, Ball Lightning or Teleportation will have no effect when cast, Burrowstrike will still damage and stun but SK's position will not be changed, Force Staff will not move the targeted hero, Nether Swap will have no effect, Time Lapse will heal Weaver but not move him, etc.

4.5 second duration.
Debuff doesn't go through magic immunity, and is blocked by Linkens.
Debuff is NOT purgeable, however becomming magic immune will remove it (same as Heaven's Halberd)
10 charges. Buying the recipe again will refresh the charges. 30 second cooldown.
Effect does not affect Anti-Mage's blink (because he doesn't care about magic...and the item would kind of make him unplayable). However affects all other movement skills including QoP's blink.
Does not affect Town Portal Scrolls and Boots of Travel.

Some time ago, there was a discussion where I proposed an item that disables any kind of mobility on an enemy hero. Here's this item.

When you nerf 5-man push like what was done after the deathball meta with tower buffs and constant Mekansm nerfs, what you get is an ultra-mobility meta. Before, high mobility heroes were countered by 5-man pushing, because if enemy heroes can kite you, their towers can't. Now, they have essentially no counter besides picking hard lockdown in every game otherwise you essentially lost, and mobility is just absolutely necessary in every game and has no counter whatsoever besides...more mobility. Stuns are bad because mobility skills can disjoint them, so stuns are actually *weaker* against mobile heroes than against usual manfighters. And silences are bad because there are a billion ways to dispel them. Only option is to buy sheeps...but they come online wayyy too late on supports and are no longer really viable on carries anymore since they no longer disable evasion giving them a pseudo-MKB.

So this item is a way to give you a *reliable* way to counter the mobility meta. It's viable on both carries and supports (and actually gives a good reason for supports to buy drum without it being a complete waste of gold), however it's not a late game item on carries, more like a mid-game item to get early stats and mana regen.

== New item : Heart of Aghanim ==

Components : Drum of Endurance, Aghanim's Scepter, 700 gold recipe (total : 6750 gold)

+22 all stats
+22 damage
+200 HP
+150 mana
Passive : Ultimate upgrade (same as Aghanim's Scepter)
Passive : Greater Swiftness aura. Gives +8% movement speed and +10 attack speed in a 900 radius
Passive : Mana Flare. Whenever the holder casts his ultimate, he gains +15% movement speed, +50 damage and +50 attack speed for 6 seconds. Heroes with a passive ultimate gain an active ability with a 80 second cooldown which activates this ability. Mana Flare cannot be used more than once every 50 seconds.

Makes Aghanim's Scepter finally viable on carries, because now it builds into this item that actually gives good stats. Allows to invent all those carry Aghs without saying "but carries don't buy Aghs".
Strategy guide : Anti-pubstomper guide.
Hero guides : Spectre , Windranger and Clinkz
== Broodmother guide out! ==


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Wulfstan » August 20, 2015 6:53pm | Report
Let's start:

Gameplay changes - agreed with everything except the free pathing. If people are stupid enough to get close to a cliff with those heroes around, they deserve to get stuck on a cliff. If anything, reduce the time of free pathing they receive so they actually have a chance of remaining stuck there.

Abaddon - Agreed, but I believe he needs more of a push at level 1 as well. Make it 110 or something at level 1?

Alchemist - Why just eating aghs grants the stats? Have him get the bonus even if he doesn't eat it. It just doesn't seem logical.

Batrider - Again, I don't think it is the proper change. Revert the damage nerf to Firefly and he should be just fine. Because as of now, if Batrider doesn't get blink, he doesn't farm heroes, and if he doesn't farm heroes, he becomes useless because he has no blink. (mostly because he is played in the offlane, if he was to be mid, situation would be a tad diferent)

Brewmaster - Totally fine. And while I don't play Lone Druid against him, I know the pain when I play Visage.

Bloodseeker - Don't nerf the strength, he has enough problems actually manfighting anyway. Instead, make of his strengths one of his weaknesses - Increase the damage taken and dealt by Bloodrage - make it even more high risk high reward when you cast it later in the game.

I'll continue later. (after ESL)

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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Sanvitch » August 20, 2015 7:41pm | Report
This was.... reasonable. Much more reasonable than I was expecting if I'm honest.

Stuff I disagree with or think can be done differently;

Leshrac, you are right in the only ability of his that's wrong is Lightning Storm, and whilst what you've done is pretty similar to what I'd do, pls for the love of god nerf the bounce range as well. It's a little wrong when the jump distance is 650 off of a 800 cast range spell.

Shadow Fiend is a slight over-nerf to his early lane, you could essentially just revert it back to being 75 damage, but it doesn't make much difference.

Increasing the illusions damage of PL; The hero is fine in a late game situation as it is, I don't think you need to buff it, even if compensating for the Doppel nerf.

Lowering the cast range of Splinter Blast isn't a bad idea either to hurt WW, since the spell is incredibly solid risk free depush as it stands.

Octarine Core - I do not think you should buff the life-steal on the item whilst Lesh exists. Yes, the hero wouldn't be that bad with a weaker lane, but buffing the peak timing window of a hero whose incredibly powerful in that timing window generally isn't the best way to go about things, especially when said hero is as valued currently as Lesh is.

Clarifying question; Does Stasis Orb prevent just plain old TP scrolls?

I also disagree with the free pathing thing for much the same reasons that Wulfstan listed.

EDIT; Two more things.

1) Have you considered nerfing Gyro's move-speed so he can't run people down? Like he has above average move speed as it is, and lowering that drastically reduces his ability to bully solo laners against him out of the lane by himself. It doesn't reduce his kill potential with rotations, but you cut down on his solo kill ability hugely.

2) No Techies nerf? You might think the hero is still trash, but I mean I'm expecting some kind of nerf to his ability to push, since it's really good as it stands. Like lowering Remote Mine damage so that level 2 with Ag's does kill creep waves by itself.

Since you just can't have enough Chaos Breaker.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by KrDotoBestDoto » August 20, 2015 8:30pm | Report
Disagree with everything except leshrac


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Califocus » August 20, 2015 8:42pm | Report
I must agree with krdoto


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Dimonychan » August 20, 2015 8:43pm | Report

Disagree with everything except leshrac

Really? I mean, a lot, a lot of controversial and unnecessary stuff, but how can you disagree with Drow Ranger, Spirit Breaker and With Doctor changes? Like, these are 100% correct and intuitive, how can you not do the same if you actually play Dota?


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Sanvitch » August 20, 2015 8:46pm | Report

Disagree with everything except leshrac

Can you elaborate as to why you disagree with the changes, and anything you'd suggest doing instead? That helps further the discussion a little more than just saying 'I don't like it'

Since you just can't have enough Chaos Breaker.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Califocus » August 20, 2015 9:17pm | Report
I will post my qualms with some of these later. I've partially written it up, however I want to post it all at once.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Fedorable » August 20, 2015 9:29pm | Report
I'd like to suggest a buff for Phantom Assassin:

Coup de Grace crits now work with dagon

Gimmicky, yes, but fun.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by ChiChi » August 20, 2015 9:49pm | Report
Stop messing with Glimmer Cape!! Why, why would you do it!!

Credits to Janitsu!

Ammateurs coaching channel iei!


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