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Unscathed's Blog
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November 20, 2014

The 3 Entities- an Introduction

Views: 2434 Unscathed
+Rep Report
algazt  |  ball  |  being  |  black  |  chamber  |  dark  |  entities  |  entity  |  form  |  grey  |  hood  |  ignorance  |  ignorant  |  into  |  mystery  |  politics  |  robe  |  shape  |  terror  |  transparent  |  veil  |  vile  |  white  |  wicked  |  world
Darkness enveloped the land of Algazt. What vile creatures of considerable size and terrorizing form walked the ground on daylight now stalks their prey on the night. Ages past, Algazt was a place of beauty and peace. But wicked entities emerged from time to time and corrupts the once wonderful land.

Hidden from even the hardiest of animals, a being of humanlike-not human- form dwells in a dark chamber. The being wore night black robes, fashioned with a talisman of wicked gemstone. It raised it’s pale and skinny hand, a transparent ball of magic formed above it. On the ball formed images of the worlds- kings, peasants, bandits, wizards. Deafening roars and screams of battle, pools of blood and corpses.

Oh, mortals. So foolish... so... ignorant’ muttered the being.

Out of the sudden, two spheres of light formed floating on the air behind it. The magical ball dissipates from the being’s hand, his gaze turned upon the two spheres. At first, the balls of light float around rest…
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November 18, 2014
+Rep Report
 |  bloodstone  |  dead  |  die  |  energy  |  farm  |  health  |  help  |  heroes  |  items  |  life  |  mana  |  orb  |  percentage  |  point  |  price  |  raw  |  regenration  |  soul  |  stats  |  support  |  underrated  |  utility  |  vitality

Ah, Soul Booster. The one item that I have found very useful yet no one ever consider it once. It is a great way to increase your health and mana pool. It increases the health and mana by over 400 points, not to mention the regeneration effects. It made no sense to me as to how this simple item never picked up. I could see it be used on many heroes.

Axe- needs raw health, and mana problems solved.
Dark Seer- he builds tank items and needs mana..
Lina- needs mana and takiness, and builds later into a Bloodstone

So, why dont people ever thought of getting a simple Soul Booster? Was it.. price, perhaps?

This is, for me, a greedy and selfish support pickup. However, if only the price... of, the price. 3300 gold is hell of a lot to supports.

So, how to solve this problem? It may seem that this item is not the best pickup for non-cores. Changing the price, too, doesnt seem realistic.

So I thought of adding an item other than Bloodstone to the Soul Booster upgrade.

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October 22, 2014

The Watcher of the Hill

Views: 3299 Unscathed
+Rep Report
ball  |  bright  |  celebration  |  flesh  |  hill  |  illuminating  |  joy  |  light  |  skin  |  sphere  |  statue  |  stone  |  trick  |  unscathed  |  village  |  watcher
Hello... welcome to my 2nd blog post. Last time, I wrote horrendously. It may be cause of my arrogance, or my laziness. So here it is, feedbacks and comments are much appreciated.

So I want to write a dark story here, not sure if I make the picture quite clear, because I must admit the dialogs arent that good.

The Watcher of the Hill

Cold wind flows across the Egren village that night. Children ran around the block, playing a game of tag with their partners. Harmony blanketed the village, for it was a night to celebrate- a night to celebrate the Watcher’s work.

Near the village stands a looming hill. Steep road and rocky woods filled up the hill, giving it a unique character. Atop the hill lies the ‘Watcher’, the so called guardian of the hill. For centuries it has set its eyes onto the denizens of the village; ever caring to the land it resides. Whenever evil deeds came by, its doer looks above to the hill to gaze at the Watcher’s eyes. The stare of a Watcher is lik

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October 16, 2014

The Drunkard and the Wolves

Views: 2056 Unscathed
+Rep Report
drunk  |  drunkard  |  hunt  |  hunted  |  kill  |  killed  |  raided  |  ravaged  |  slai  |  slay  |  wolf  |  wolves  |  write  |  writing  |  written  |  wrote
Hello, Unscathed here. I like to write, that is. Here is a short story for an English assignment at my school for you guys to read. It has some editings, and I am VERY tired when I post this. Feedbacks are welcomed, and I hope you enjoyed!

The Drunkard and the Wolves

Jerry Williams is a drunkard. Once a proud soldier in the king's army, he now spend the rest of his life begging for coin in the streets of Jasper Town. He wore dirty, brown, and ragged clothes fitting for a beggar. With his wild beard and wrinkly skin, no eyes can unlock itself from this man.

One day, he was short of coin. No silver was given today- no mead shall be bought today. He must hold his wants for the day. But then, he saw the tavern. 'The Knight's Flask, the best tavern in town. The smell of the mead is irresistible, the tongue tastes without drinking. It is impossible, for Jerry. He can't go for a day without at least a glass of mead.
He braved to enter. He was not a respected figure, yet the customers

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