November 20, 2014

The 3 Entities- an Introduction

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entity  |  into  |  politics  |  world  |  ignorant  |  ignorance  |  entities  |  chamber  |  algazt  |  dark  |  vile  |  wicked  |  terror  |  form  |  being  |  shape  |  ball  |  transparent  |  mystery  |  hood  |  veil  |  robe  |  black  |  white  |  grey
Darkness enveloped the land of Algazt. What vile creatures of considerable size and terrorizing form walked the ground on daylight now stalks their prey on the night. Ages past, Algazt was a place of beauty and peace. But wicked entities emerged from time to time and corrupts the once wonderful land.

Hidden from even the hardiest of animals, a being of humanlike-not human- form dwells in a dark chamber. The being wore night black robes, fashioned with a talisman of wicked gemstone. It raised it’s pale and skinny hand, a transparent ball of magic formed above it. On the ball formed images of the worlds- kings, peasants, bandits, wizards. Deafening roars and screams of battle, pools of blood and corpses.

Oh, mortals. So foolish... so... ignorant’ muttered the being.

Out of the sudden, two spheres of light formed floating on the air behind it. The magical ball dissipates from the being’s hand, his gaze turned upon the two spheres. At first, the balls of light float around rest…
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