June 21, 2014
+Rep Report
Pudge  |  Flamers  |  pro  |  pub

The pro pub player's pudge experience

So here we are again, waiting to laugh at my misfortune of being stuck with stupid/hateful/passive-aggressive teammates. We've done this twice already, here's the next instalment.

Regular pub game (New UI is freaking BALLER, by the way) with a surprisingly good team lineup (for a pub game):
- Pudge
- Clinkz
- Witch Doctor
- Slark
- Skywrath Mage

Now, I normally don't play pudge, but the heroes they picked just BEGGED for a hero like Pudge:
- Queen of Pain
- Venomancer
- Sniper
- Crystal Maiden
- Faceless Void


Anyway the moment I last pick Pudge (I'm a prick, I know.) and join the game, the Witch doctor and Venomancer both say: "Wow. Pudge playing prick." Yeah, not giving me high hopes for the game. I was later justified in thinking this.

So obviously I go mid and farm, vs QoP. I did surprisingly well against this Qop, and landed three hooks on her (only one of them netted me a kill though :P).
The QoP player was …
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