Lumen is a purely spell-based intelligence carry, or "ability power carry".
He is made to dish out high amounts of scaling spell damage, something no hero can do in the game currently. The closest thing to INT carries in dota right now are either right-clickers (Silencer, OD, Ench), those who only have one real damage spell which can be juked (Invoker, Timbersaw), or have high single target damage but lack teamfight presence (Tinker). I can also mention Skywrath, who had great potential as an INT carry with his 0 second cooldown aghs ulti, but sadly it was removed by the frog, and his 2 second cooldown Q, while being a "scaling" skill, is still terrible in the late game.
Lumen is made to have none of these weaknesses, and have both high single target damage, great skill scaling, and powerful teamfight presence. To …
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