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Fedorable's Blog
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June 29, 2015
+Rep Report
Troll Build  |  Pudka  |  Ez Katka  |  Doto  |  Illuminati  |  Dank Memes
So, I've been messing with bots recently (during which I may or may not have been drunk) and I decided to try something that had no valid reason to exist: A right-click Pudge build. Now, this might be a troll build, but it is one that could fool a scrub like me into thinking it is a super secret Illuminati-Tier build that will let me win TI6.

Now I've tried couple different routes but the one that I found to be the most "feasible" looks something like this:

And you will want to eat this as soon as possible

Yes, you're reading that right, and granted I have not tried this in a pub yet since I don't feel like getting reported (again) but I feel if I were actually a skilled player who could land hooks on a target that isn't stunned, hex'd or beyond point blank range, I could make it work.

So an overview of these items.

Boots of Travel is pretty straight forward as it gives Pudge 100 extra move speed and get around the…
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April 09, 2016

What a Random Turn of Events!

Views: 2310 Fedorable
Why hello there! I bet you're all wondering what I've been up to! Even if you're not interested, too bad! Because I'm going to tell you anyways! Since I've apparently managed to get a month ahead in classes, I decided to play some dota this past week... with a TWIST!

Sure, some of you might be curious about the #roadto2k and rightly so, but after seeing what happened to our good friend Xyrus, I've decided to put ranked play on hold for the time being, in order to avoid the burnout or worse, lose the ability to have fun playing this game. (But if you MUST know where I'm at, you'll be pleased to know that I'm sitting pretty at 1.5K, the halfway point so to speak)

It's actually convenient that I bring up the whole 2k Quest and the brutal MMR burnout because it does segue more or less into the aforementioned twist I've implemented this past week. What could this twist possibly be? I've done nothing press the Random Button for each match I played this week!

Before I get too into depth, l…
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