December 15, 2016

Some Very Fedorable Insight On 7.00

Views: 2092 Fedorable
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Hello! It has been some time I know, but I've just now had the time to goof around with 7.00 and figured I'd write a blog about my thoughts (Since everyone is entitled to my opinion).

New UI
In keeping with the OSFrog philosophy of "If it ain't broke, thoroughly **** it up." The complete butchering of the UI was disorienting for me and absolutely unnecessary. The previous UI had all the info you needed with requring you to hold down keys or hover your mouse over a microscopic icon.

Ultimately, the changes mean I will have to learn how to play this game again.

Hero Remodels:
I love the new models for Viper and Slardar, but I didn't think that Enigma really needed a new model, especially when Jakiro is in desperate need of a visual overhaul.

I haven't had time to test out all of the talents (Though I've gone through Shadow Fiend's and while his level 10 talents are a tad redundant for those who favor the casual Yasha, the rest are fairly solid) but I find it interesting that OSFrog would want implement a mechanic from a dead game (Unless if he's now OSVulture, picking apart the carcasses of dead MOBAs for "new" mechanics) but ultimately this should give Dota a fresh new feel to it for people like me who felt that the game was getting stale.

But it will probably just create some more imbalance, which will please Leshrac.

Oh, and you can't take points into stats, but only time will tell if that really will make a difference.

If Mask of Madness wasn't garbage before, it is now. Oh and Booty Runes only grant two Bottle charges and the rune timings are all messed up.

So, while a busy schedule hasn't allowed me to play much these past few months, hopefully I'll be able to some more in the future and overcome a UI that makes the game literally unplayable.