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Huskar's place in the competitive scene

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Forum » General Discussion » Huskar's place in the competitive scene 87 posts - page 5 of 9

Poll Question:

What do you think Huskar's place is in the competitive scene?
Situational #1 Position
Semi-Carry/Ganker (core hero)
Niche Hero
Occasional Ban by Nuke-Heavy teams
Cellar Dweller (Not even worth a respect ban)
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Hamstertamer » December 29, 2014 12:54am | Report
Oh god, you're making my head explode guys -_-
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Unscathed » December 29, 2014 1:11am | Report
Kyphoid did u get phase and tranqs together or not because... Because double boots
Hamstertamer wrote:

Oh god, you're making my head explode guys -_-

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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Kyphoid returns » December 29, 2014 1:17am | Report
Unscathed wrote:

Kyphoid did u get phase and tranqs together or not because... Because double boots


I LOL'd so hard at this.
No,no double boots.
Please, dont make me go there.
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Kyphoid returns

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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Nubtrain » December 29, 2014 10:10am | Report
Hamstertamer wrote:

Oh god, you're making my head explode guys -_-

Sorry I like to challenge people's thought process and discuss things ^__^, stay tuned

Where did you get the idea that i was correlating Mekansm with his buffed ulti?
Mek still works fine on him and i told you how he plays it out as a ganker who regens off of mek and Tranquil Boots.

To quote what your previous comment:

He needs his ulti buffed so that the damage from ulti goes thru spell immunity.
That way he can be a viable situational #4 mek carrier that can die to weaken the enemy carry late game.

How does buffing his ult make him a viable mek carrier? Whether or not the ult goes through BKB, he's still a viable mek carrier. Where are you getting the idea that if it's buffed THAT is what solidifies him getting Mek? Is that something hard to understand? Getting Tranquil Boots is not a good idea, the effect breaks when taking damage and since Huskar is always in the front lines in combat, it's better to get Power Treads for stats or Phase Boots for the extra damage and burst of mobility. "Viable situational" is redundant, being viable doesn't mean you should always get it but it means it works if you do pick it.

That can be said about any ganker and not just nightstalker. Every ganker relies that there is not much cc that shuts him down. What you said can be said of Slark, Tiny, Nyx Assassin etc.
Night Stalker doesnt have that lane harrass that Burning Spear provides. With the day/night cycle change, even in solo offlane he wont be level 6 by 4 minute mark.
So i disagree that nightstalker can be equated with huskar.

What the hell are you talking about? Are you trying to use my own arguments against me and ignore my response to your reponse? Night Stalker is only an example to a response you made:

Now in competitive plays, with just a mek huskar can bring down small skirmishes with the help of coordinated supporting.
Now i dont say he is core because of his weakness to physical damage without good items. His crowd control is meagre in form of Life Break, i dont even consider that slow as cc.

Considerably relying on mek, if huskar can convert ganks into kills, he can get his items and then can be played as a threat to supports late game. If his ganks went especially well, there is a possibility that he has shut down the enemy carry leaving your teams carry a breeze of a late game.

You're essentially arguing against yourself and what does that show? You have no understanding of the information you're spouting. Any hero can be a ganker, what's more important is their objective. What they want to accomplish and if they can or how they do it is what's more important. This is something you don't realize and I know you don't realize it based on what you've told me.

In regards to Night Stalker, you can gank at first night time if you want, you don't have to wait till 6. That's why if you watch some higher level Night Stalker games, they sometimes buy themselves a Smoke of Deceit and gank early. Of course Night Stalker doesn't have the same harass it's just not as effective, nor is their playstyle the same. Their OBJECTIVES are similar, try to snowball and/or make room for whoever is in position #1.

Speaking of this quote, its literally redundant of you writing it. merely saying that 1 hero has same play style like that of another hero doesnt make the initial point go bad.

Ironic when your whole response is redundant

Again , i said nothing in my quote that points to me correlating mek with his supposed ulti buff. Let me ask you ,how crimson guard can do better than mek in case his ulti is buffed? . And about BKB, i already have said that BKB is indeed a requisite on him, but what of it in case his ulti is buffed? is there a correlation to it?

I've already refuted that first sentence so reread if need be. Unlike Mek, Crimson Guard doesn't have a mana cost and the active is pretty strong for his WHOLE team. Unlike Mek that is used to heal damage, Crimson Guard provides mitigation against physical attacks similar to how Pipe of Insight works against magic damage. Less mana used, more mana to sustain Inner Vitality thus better overall survival. Did you even read how Life Break works or Berserker's Blood? With CG, you trade damage for more effective health but that means easier to survive under threshold or when using ult, do you understand or realize your own shortcomings? Why are you asking me the question I asked you without answering that same question yourself? I've already provided that answer above so I won't be repeating myself.

I was talking about a hypothetic scenario where his ulti was buffed, and not correlating item choices with buff. My whole gameplay involves on getting mek because it is easy to build and builds from initial items that you buy at the start of the game, i.e. branches.

You did correlate Mek with a buffed ult, do you forget what you type? So far, with what I've seen you talk out your *** in regards to mechanics and have very little understanding of the game. You want to provide your insight where you don't have a good understanding of the game itself or why higher level players do anything, isn't that very arrogant of you?

It was a subjective opinion that can change according to a situation. For example in case the carry is Phantom Lancer, who doesnt rely on BKB.
It still inhibits the enemy cores from shutting him down once they buy BKBs.

Everything is situational and how you respond to a situation is what counts. There are priorities when facing certain comps, against heavy physical damage, you wouldn't go BKB as your early cores or at all. Against heavy magic damage it's an option if you want to get BKB but it's not a big priority since Huskar takes very little magic damage when around or below theshold. So WHEN do you get BKB? Against comps with a lot of stuns/hexes/roots. That's the reason you build BKB on Huskar.

2 meks dont stack and that one free slot can go towards something else, a utility perhaps. I am not saying that this will always happen. You most probably wont be 6 slotted and mek sale doesnt benefit you, i get that.
I am stating a scenario where he has significant amount of snowball, and has converted ganks into gold. In such a case a halberd and HoTD is better than a mek(if you still have a free slot, feel free to keep mek).

I know 2 meks don't stack, however that's not the problem and you've failed to realize it. You're forsaking team gold efficiency. If you're snowballing, that means you're winning fights then it's most likely the same for your other teammates. Since they're snowballing too that means they can get mek instead of you. If one of your other cores or support is going to get it then why are you getting it yourself? Focus on other items if that's the case.

You're only focusing on one situation that is highly inefficient and shouldn't happen in the first place.

Where do i say that he will ulti in and just stand there?

Where did I point out that you're telling players to ult and stand there?

in case his ulti is buffed, as the case you have replied to, he Life Break in, does his burning spear damage trying to stack more charges of spear on carry. In a certain case where he does indeed die, you still have made your carry's life easier by weakening the enemy carry. If he does survive after Life Break, it is just as you said start cleaning up weaker cores and supports.

Ok, you're just repeating how Huskar generally plays in general regardless if Life Break gets buffed in the future. You realize you're forcing players to buy a quick BKB and that's something of a merit on it's own.

I do not say he is #1 initiator, but rather a second initiate or in some cases a first initiate where you have found a circumstance which is a beneficial tradeoff for your team( you for the life of enemy carry). Buffing his ulti makes a better impression on teammates , as they wont be hesitating to follow up.

Yeah, you did not say he's a #1 initiator because you never did and you never meant it that way. Regardless if the ult is buffed or not, when you're jumping in like that you're forcing your teammates to make a choice, let you go in alone or help you depending on the situation. Either way if you're ganking you're suppose to communicate with your team and not do solo ganks unless you know for sure you can kill them before reinforcements come.

Tell me you dont shed a tear of thought on not grouping up in case there is an enemy Faceless Void or Enigma, Magnus, Earthshaker in an enemy team( ANY 1 of them, not talking of all of them together).
If his ulti is buffed, you will think of whats gonna happen if you see him walking towards you( not that you let them see you before you initiate). The simple pick of huskar will leiterally send you into a think tank of how to kite him or draft so that his ulti is not made advantage of by the enemy team.
Thats what i meant.

All these heroes that i wrote of, they ulti in or they dont ulti in.
The may succeed or fail.
But picking them does make the enemy team think of the pain they may bring if they do succesfully land 1 single ult.

Are you being serious? Regardless if his ultimate is buffed or not, if they see a Huskar picked or see him ganking the response will be the same. Again your inexperience is showing.

That last part adds nothing, that's one part of picking your heroes. What do these heroes bring to the table and how do they contribute to the strategy, this is a constant throughout competitive and casual Dota. You're putting too much focus on landing an ultimate, you don't pick Enigma or Magnus just for his ultimate.

What mechanics do you want to me to explain? It is beyond me.
My previous post was to clarify how i played Huskar because you said that i dont explain his journey into the late game.

That's the thing, it is beyond you. You only talk about big macro events and not small scale data that matter the most since it's those small actions that determine the bigger moments. You make very broad statements and that's not the point of a competitive discussion, why? It doesn't add nor help the discussion go further, with our conversation being the prime example. All I'm doing is trying to get you up to snuff with information that should be known by any experienced player but YOU don't.

I do know why someone builds mek, thanks for explaining that. Huskar builds mek because he needs armor and some burst heal that his inner vitality doesnt provide. Also when he ganks , you may want to heal your teammates as well as yourself. If you are against Mekansm on Huskar, please elucidate in depth.

That's still not a reason to go Mek, if that's what you wanted out of mek then a Magic Wand and a Helm of the Dominator is more than adequate.

Your response to my comment can wait until the time you are comfortable to respond. I wont expect an immediate reply. I dont want anyone to be irritated just by replying to me.

What's the point of this comment? Are you trying to belittle me lol? Get off your high-horse, I respond when I have the time. Nobody in a forum like this will expect an immediate response, are you openly being arrogant? Are you getting bothered?

I supplement my opinions with facts that make sense to me. It is your right to grill me if it doesnt make sense.
How does a greenhorn learn? By making mistakes thats how!
If by some chance i stop posting because i think it wont make sense to the vets here i should rather stop posting.

What facts are you basing your opinion around, information you can find on reddit? I have both facts and experience to know what I'm talking about, sometimes facts on paper look good but it doesn't work when put into trial.

Enough with the cooking innuendos. in any and all of your posts you still havent explained what kind of dish you want to eat or how much seasoning you would like.
I was hungry >__>

All these posts, would have been avoided if you simply would have said" pray tell kyphoid , how do you justify your gameplay style? and how is it same as how pros do it?.

That's the only one point of what I was doing. Challenging your posts because most if it is inexperienced half-***ed horse-****, to put it bluntly. I wanted you to realize the reasons on why some items are bought on different heroes not based your on personal ideas but how it contributes to the overall strategy for a particular period of time.

It's going to come down to these type of posts anyway based on what you've responded with. You're only focusing on your hypothetical situation and you're assuming I or nobody else understands what you're trying to elaborate. Another reason why I targeted your comment about buffing Huskar is to show MAINLY you that you have little to no idea of what Huskar is capable of nor have any real idea how a player responds.

Again, if there is something you don't understand, ask relevant questions. Not go into a tangent and only focus on that point. It's one thing to broaden your thoughts but it's another to be lost in it.

Hopefully the rest of you have enough popcorn.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Fedorable » December 29, 2014 10:14am | Report
I never thought such a simple question would escalate into a mini-lecture on Quantum Huskar Competitive Mechanics 101.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Nubtrain » December 29, 2014 10:15am | Report
Fedorable wrote:

I never thought such a simple question would escalate into a mini-lecture on Quantum Huskar Competitive Mechanics 101.


Well you did want a discussion so there ya go and let's continue the Huskar discussion if anybody else wants to respond


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Kyphoid returns » December 29, 2014 10:02pm | Report
You win nubtrain. I am going to be polite and stay clear from the speech you chose for your replies
I am not going to reply to your previous post.
Your supposed *challenges* are too big for me to handle and you won't empathize with what i am saying.

Mahatma gandhi advised to turn in the other cheek if someone slaps you, this is me turning in the other cheek. If you are a sane being, you will know what was wrong with how you wrote.
Go On, Feed Me.

Kyphoid returns

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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by KoDyAbAbA » December 29, 2014 10:27pm | Report
I will take up the mantle from here for Kyphoid albeit for my own opinion XD

I seriously think that a Veil of Discord on huskar will work wonders for him due to insane duration of Veil of Discord (20 seconds) and its short cooldown (25 seconds.Yes.It's that less).This is almost perfect synergy with Huskar's skills as Life Break has a 12 second cooldown, meaning that Veil of Discord>immediately Life Break>magic damage fuelled hits> Life Break again can be done.

This along with a Orb of Venom implies that nobody can run from Huskar even after Life Break's slow is over.



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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Nubtrain » December 29, 2014 11:07pm | Report

You win nubtrain. I am going to be polite and stay clear from the speech you chose for your replies
I am not going to reply to your previous post.
Your supposed *challenges* are too big for me to handle and you won't empathize with what i am saying.

Mahatma gandhi advised to turn in the other cheek if someone slaps you, this is me turning in the other cheek. If you are a sane being, you will know what was wrong with how you wrote.

I'm going to sleep after I respond to this post, brb next time. What was wrong with how I wrote, do you mean the tone? You have a very inexperienced mindset when you view things and how things should be done. You're stuck in this one perspective and I'm trying to open more doors for you, watch pros explain their actions instead of basing your logic on your level of experience. Look up Aui_2000's replay analysis, he and I have the same or similar thought process when it comes to viewing things. Even back then when you started trolling the forums, I've held the same thought-process and stance. Why are you trying to play victim?

If my words are harsh then I apologize but look at the message I'm conveying to you. Your thought-process hardly improved and that's why I mentioned your previous moments of trolling, there's a strong resemblance in regards to how you think. If you were trying to have fun then fine, I have nothing to say about that. However, when you try to partake in a competitive discussion and provide insight on how a mek huskar should be played for example you should expect people to "challenge" that idea and progress that discussion. Would a Mek Huskar help increase his competitive pick rate? The topic at hand was why he wasn't being picked a lot competitively and anyway to improve his pickrate but you've put so much focus on that idea and when someone like me that challenges that idea, you say broad statements.

Plus I'm not even being that mean to you, if you typed that **** in other forums you'll be ridiculed to oblivion. You've tried to play the victim card at least twice, stop.


KoDyAbAbA wrote:

I will take up the mantle from here for Kyphoid albeit for my own opinion XD

I seriously think that a Veil of Discord on huskar will work wonders for him due to insane duration of Veil of Discord (20 seconds) and its short cooldown (25 seconds.Yes.It's that less).This is almost perfect synergy with Huskar's skills as Life Break has a 12 second cooldown, meaning that Veil of Discord>immediately Life Break>magic damage fuelled hits> Life Break again can be done.

This along with a Orb of Venom implies that nobody can run from Huskar even after Life Break's slow is over.


You probably want to get it after a BKB rush (edit: or another core item). For 2650g, I don't think it's worth it to only increase your burning spear and life break damage. If anything get veil if your team comp packs a lot of magic damage.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Kyphoid returns » December 29, 2014 11:55pm | Report
for nubtrain and only nubtrain

Dont become the kyfoid nubtrain.
You are a good mentor afaik. You can always have something to argue with me and i will be okay since it adds to my knowledge. Next thing i know m gonna play a lot if huskar to understand more and come back to ask questions from you

But just bear in mind, how will you feel if someone tells you off without giving you a chance to explain?
Challenging thought process and criticising are two things that are worlds apart.

If you feel m inexperienced or that my thoughts are the same as before., i will prove you wrong in the near future.
Go On, Feed Me.

Kyphoid returns

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