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Kyphoid returns's Blog
Blog Posts: 6     Views: 11514     Comments: 52
Kyphoid returns
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DotA 2
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July 03, 2016
So today, this is my last post before the international. I like to remove myself from.the public eye, so here goes nothin

Phantom lancer, people think, is an underpowered hero. What with direct and indirect needs. Doppelganger, juxtapose, agi, all were nerfed to his detriment but I feel there is hope for this behemoth of a snowballer that he should be played as.

People tell me that diffusal nerf buried him. Some fellow members say it is true, that it cut down his output by 30% or so. But 30% of what?
30% of awesome is still awesome so here it is, how manta into heart is one of the new meta (I know you hate this word) way to play cancer lancer.

Why manta is a viable alternative to diffusal?

Well let's say that phantom lancer can do the same on ratting if not better than diffusal.

A diffusal roughly gives you 240 awesome damage with 8 rillusions , manta early game gives you less ( around 100 damage)but reliable damage over time as the 66% increase is guaranteed instead of depending…
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May 29, 2016

The Dota theory-2 A

Views: 2010 Kyphoid returns
I made a blog post named dota theory 2.
And i cant see in my blog posts or saved blogs. Asked hades and lets just say bug reported...... Annnnnnyyywaaaaayyys

So what is the deal with Abaddon?borrowed time look less like a cheat death and if you hit me.

You ever wonder why?
How about we attempt to reinvent borrowed time?
Here is mine!

Borrowed time is an instant cast ability that allows Abaddon to come back to the previous HP state 4/5/6 seconds , before casting the ability.

I know it sounds like time walk, but you can cast it while being stunned. And here is the kicker

Borrowed time allows Abaddon to cheat death when it is off cool down and returns him to 4/5/6 seconds previous to his state and allowing him to steal 15/25/35% current HP from his attempting killer.

Looks like borrowed isn't it?.....

Now how about his aghs upgrade?
Casting borrowed time allows Abaddon to heal back 50% of the damage done to his allies 5/6/7 seconds back. Range:900

So your mag…
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May 15, 2016

The Dota theory

Views: 2167 Kyphoid returns
Hello dotaforeans!

To increase the quality of posts here at dotafire, i am creating a small series of blog that may run big if you lot come to love it. The series of discussions will concentrate on what would happen if certain hero abilities or game mechanics are tweaked.

The general objective is to challenge people to think new and break boundaries and find new ways to play Dota. If not play better, understand the how and why of a hero or an ability better.

How this blog will progress is that it will present a question, and the complete discussion shall happen in its comments. Which means interaction, collaboration and some light jokes!

Without much further ado, here it goes:

Lets talk about Tinker's Rearm. It is a refreshing ability(get the pun).Sacrificing your mana and channeling delay, you get your items and abilities refreshed.

What do you think, would happen if, instead of having a ~2.5 second channel time, it had a similar cooldown and did instant refresh?

Or how would …
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December 18, 2015

Official Acknowledgement Thread

Views: 1958 Kyphoid returns
Thank you dotoforeans. Thanks for the wonderous insight. Thanks for your imagination. You require so less yet you do surprisingly good. A small pat a small thanks a smiley makes you happy. Its so rare to come by these days. When i say thanks, i say for all of us who work so hard to keep this game interesting. You make our work a little less hard and a lot more interesting.
Perfection is an obsolete concept for us, for our perfection is in constant evolution. There cant be a perfect patch but all these think tanks make for a perfect game. And you have a great hand in fuelling these think tanks. We are proud of you. Believe it.

We are on the verge of releasing all heroes to the Dota verse and believe me we need all the help we can get to reimagine old heroes and introduce new ones. We are looking at you. Know that you handful activemembers are always at the back of our minds. That even if you stop posting, we'll remember you.

We have imagined a new concept and are eager to show it to t…
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April 09, 2015
+Rep Report
Dota2  |  thanks
Excess of something good is bad.
When you get tired of DoTA you take a break
When you get tired of Forums, you take a break.

Some recent exchanges have gone the undesirable way. Makes me realize that there is a mix of people bias and some communication fiascos on my side as well. So while I work on that, I wish to Thank each and every one at dota fire for extending their site to me; once again.. For some inexplicable reason, whenever I come here it always felt like being in the presence of family. I never understood why.

I hoped as I started writing my first posts with this account that I do not offend Hades.
I hoped as I came to be a regular poster here, that people might change a bit of their perceptions about me. I think I partially achieved it, as porygon and smuggles could attest to it with their signatures.
I hoped that I gain some good friends here and make this good site my permanent place of Serious residence, contributing to good sirs' and madams' thoughts.
I hoped to rede…
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