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Public: Post your Buff/Nerf Idea Here

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Forum » Hero & Item Ideas » Public: Post your Buff/Nerf Idea Here 23 posts - page 2 of 3
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Hamstertamer » November 26, 2014 2:56am | Report
No matter what his leap shouldn't be usable as an escape. It should be only targettable on enemy heroes like Phantom Strike. And even then an instant jump on any enemy hero is already OP as hell.

And if you do this instant jump thing Reflection is now completely useless so you'll have to rework it as well.
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Kyphoid returns » November 26, 2014 3:48am | Report
Terathiel wrote:

Sure, Sunder can save you many times, but as always the best way to get out of a bad situation is not be caught in that situation to begin with. It seems ridiculous but it is a 'win-more' ult as I explained before. Besides, the Demonic Leap ability attached to the new Metamorphosis is an escape as well as a positioning tool. I'd generally consider the rework a ridiculous buff that won't make it two days in beta before being nerfed.

I've been in situations where Sunder has turned around teamfights as well, and ******** does it feel good. But those fights would also have been turned around if I had been able to Force Staff myself and had increased DPS to work with.

And I'm CERTAINLY not that great. My Terrorblade winrate is ****ing humiliating... I have this hangover of fail from when I first started him :)

Oh yes you are! Be proud man!

While we can debate over what is better, i think playing tb is an addiction for both you and me. Hot damn it feels good when you wreck that whole enemy team late game.
I have 30% winrate with him. Do you think i will quit playing him even then? Nah. Hes my trump card, when it works i have been known to wreck face kick *** and take names with him while pushing towers at breakneck speeds.
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Terathiel » November 30, 2014 10:39pm | Report
So after thinking a bit more on the 'PA Problem', that is, the Hero is actually really weak, I've come up with a few more suggestions.

Coup de Grace critical strike chance improved to 20%.
Phantom Strike can now be cast on spell immune units, but will not give bonus attack speed when attacking them.
Phantom Strike still grants bonus attack speed after switching targets.
Base damage increased by 5.

I think it's concluded that my Terrorblade suggestions are well and truly ridiculous and should never be implemented for the sake of balance unless nerfed considerably.
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Nubtrain » November 30, 2014 10:41pm | Report
That Vendetta buff is OP lol


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Hamstertamer » November 30, 2014 10:48pm | Report
Blade Mail : can now be purged
(Seriously, this item needs a nerf)

Vengeful Spirit : Wave of Terror deals double damage to creeps.
Pls make Venge a viable solo mid :)
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by DzikaPanda » December 1, 2014 3:36am | Report
Terathiel wrote:

So after thinking a bit more on the 'PA Problem', that is, the Hero is actually really weak, I've come up with a few more suggestions.

Coup de Grace critical strike chance improved to 20%.
Phantom Strike can now be cast on spell immune units, but will not give bonus attack speed when attacking them.
Phantom Strike still grants bonus attack speed after switching targets.
Base damage increased by 5.

I think it's concluded that my Terrorblade suggestions are well and truly ridiculous and should never be implemented for the sake of balance unless nerfed considerably.

Wow man, how can you say something like that, PA is completely on par with other carries, any buff to her will instantly make her OP.
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Bunkansee » December 1, 2014 5:17am | Report
Crystal Maiden

Base int. increased to: 21]
Movement Speed increased to 290

Freezing Field
Duration Decreased to 5 seconds
Ice Shards Per Second changed from 10 to 14
(this buff essentially makes freezing field deal the same amount of damage but in a shorter amount of time.)

Crystal Nova
Cooldown Rescaled to 10
( I feel the cooldown on Crystal Nova is pretty high, if you compare it to something like Frost Blast, which has a cooldown of only 8 seconds, and can slow + damage multiple enemy units.

I actually genuinely think Crystal Maiden is fine as is, but buffs are still always nice! :D


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Hamstertamer » December 1, 2014 11:29pm | Report
Ok, there's this one I've been thinking about for some time now :

- Add a 7th item slot for utility items. Every hero now has an additional item slot in his inventory, however this slot can only be filled with the following items : Dust of Appearance, Observer Ward and Smoke of Deceit.

- Shadow Blade : price reduced to 2600 gold. Mana cost reduced to 40.

- Bounty Hunter, Riki, Clinkz, Broodmother, Weaver : small buffs to their carry potential (let's say base attack time to 1.6 for example to simplify)

Idea is to buff supports in general by giving them an additional item slot to work with, so they can have space for both wards and their own items, but also to allow carries to store utility items.
Main point is to re-balance invisibility in the game and remove the economic cost of having to "freeze" an inventory slot for Dust of Appearance against invisible heroes, which currently doesn't make much sense : why can't a 6-slotted Antimage solo-kill invisible heroes?
With this "nerf" to invisibility (since everybody can now walk around with dust in their spare slot), you can now buff Shadow Blade to be a respectable cost-efficient ganking item like it's supposed to.
Note that Sentry Wards are *not* available for the 7th slot so the ganking potential of invisible heroes isn't nerfed.
Strategy guide : Anti-pubstomper guide.
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Smuggels » December 2, 2014 12:48am | Report
Hamstertamer wrote:

- Add a 7th item slot for utility items. Every hero now has an additional item slot in his inventory, however this slot can only be filled with the following items : Dust of Appearance, Observer Ward and Smoke of Deceit.

kinda like this^^



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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by PokerKid » December 9, 2014 4:12am | Report
Smuggels wrote:

kinda like this^^

This is starting to be like League of Legends though, they have a seventh slot especially for wards and stuff.
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