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ok this is what i thought would be a good exercise.
basically. someone writes a draft and where they will lane and why and then the next person writes a counter draft where they will lane and why. then people comment on what would have been better or worse. just a little exercise in counters, synergy and viability.
plus i love the discussion that drafting invokes among us. :)
Kunkka - Mid
Magnus - Offlane
disrupter - roaming/safe lane trilane support
faceless void - safe lane hard carry
Ancient apparition - safe lane support
kunnkka does well against ranged heroes in mid as well as melee.
magnus offlane allows his lvls plus he has an escape.
disrupter roaming and safelane has good ganking potential with glimpse and kinetic field.
faceless void late game wipes the floor
ancient apparition safelane support owns with slows harass and a global presence.
plus .... imagine that team fight...
draft checks?
space creation.
why? Invoker is a pretty good counter to kunkka due to his passive hp regen and you can't get off any shiny combos if you have no mana, EMP. also provided he stays back can disrupt your wombo combo with Tornado aso giving Rubick time to steal awesome spells Rubick-Gives the lockdown for weaver to get kills and reduces damage from your high damage heroes, also steals nice spells like Reverse Polarity and ghost ship Lich-Putting him solo offlane isn't a bad lane due to exelent creep control and the early Chain Frost will be great, you chrono on top of rp, meh Chain Frost and Spell Steal Weaver-Gives split push and can dodge out of the big wombo combo, also does a lot of damage allowing to take down your many squishy heroes
doom bringer is the tanky component, completely counters initiation and wombo combos as he can just Doom the most dangerous hero. Also like weaver can take down squishy heroes easily and with Devour some really nice bonus auras for the team like an alpha wolf letting weaver dish out huge damage without to many items
Wraith King because not only is he a good Carry with adequate Farm, but he is amazing in an Aggressive Tri-Lane since he can easily secure Kills with Wraithfire Blast, especially with a good Support to follow up with Chain Stuns Shadow Fiend, because an Aggressive Tri-Lane gives him plenty of breathing space to get Farm and become uncontrollable after a while. Also, if Invoker goes Quas- Wex, he'll have an easier time getting those early Souls at lvl1 Batrider, because he can take any lane, but the Safe Lane + Jungle will give him an easy 8 minute Blink Dagger allowing him to get waaaaay ahead of the Lich in terms of effectiveness. He's also ideal if the Aggresssive Tri-Lane...somehow fails against the Dual Lane + Jungler...pff 8{3 Ancient Apparition, because he has amazing damage output from a lvl1 Chiling Touch, he has plenty of setup for Cold Feet, add in Ice Blast and he really hurts. Vengeful Spirit, because she offers Vengeance Aura to stack with Vampiric Aura for amazing Pushing potential. She is a powerful Ganker. After getting some Kills on the Weaver and the Doom Bringer, she can march up to Invoker and give Shadow Fiend some easy Kills 8{3
I think the doom is legit in fleets draft becouse the ganking potential of smoggels supports is pretty damn bad.
No-Stun-Doto, a common mistake -.-
However, something as greedy as only 1 Support only works as a Counter to Passive lineups, imagine if that Support had to buy Sentries and Dust to counter a Bounty Hunter 8{(
Position 1 - Wraith King - Aggressive Tri-Lane Carry
Position 2 - Shadow Fiend - Solo Mid
Position 3 - Batrider - Solo Safe Lane
Position 4 - Ancient Apparition - Semi-Support
Position 5 - Vengeful Spirit - Hard Support
Anti-Mage because Xyrus's team cannot deal with the split push. Split push fast, take objectives, win the game.Also good against the Wraith King and all the magic damage his team can dish out.
Bristleback because again, the burst damage on Xyrus's team is quite high if executed properly. Bristleback has an inate ability to reduce this, and dish out tons of damage around him, while also protecting his allies with a possible Pipe of Insight.
Lion, because he pairs well with Earth Spirit's initiation, and toghether they make quite the ganking duo. He is also good against the squishy supports Xyrus has, and counters Wraith King with Mana Drain.
Anti-Mage because Xyrus's team cannot deal with the split push. Split push fast, take objectives, win the game.Also good against the Wraith King and all the magic damage his team can dish out.
Bristleback because again, the burst damage on Xyrus's team is quite high if executed properly. Bristleback has an inate ability to reduce this, and dish out tons of damage around him, while also protecting his allies with a possible Pipe of Insight.
Lion, because he pairs well with Earth Spirit's initiation, and toghether they make quite the ganking duo. He is also good against the squishy supports Xyrus has, and counters Wraith King with Mana Drain.
I can't help but feel that there's a better alternative to AM though. He can burn Mana, but only if he doesn't get rekt but Chain Stuns 1st. A Mirana with a Diffusal Blade would be much more fearsome imo 8{3
Fyi, I can deal with Split-Push, it's called Push before they can Split-Push! 8{D
I can't help but feel that there's a better alternative to AM though. He can burn Mana, but only if he doesn't get rekt but Chain Stuns 1st. A Mirana with a Diffusal Blade would be much more fearsome imo 8{3
Fyi, I can deal with Split-Push, it's called Push before they can Split-Push! 8{D
No-stun Doto again!
Anyways, I'm gonna answer with some uncommon picks (besides Brew) because it's more fun. This is the order in which I'd pick them in an average CM match, probably:
Mid lane: Brewmaster as he can build both Shiva's and Cuirass to mitigate the physical DPS and does a lot in the mid game. Off-lane: Nyx Assassin because he can scout while invisible and get easy kills versus lone Heroes. Plus, he'll punish those late game carries (Spectre) with early game presence. Semi-support: Sand King because his ultimate will wreck everyone in teamfights and, usually, isn't stopped by the Silencer as he initiates first. SK + Brew should be more than enough to cover early game teamfighting, so the carry I listed below won't need all the damage "common" carries need. Hard support: Bane because he can keep Heroes in place and helps Nyx, plus he can reduce physical damage and is an excellent roamer. Carry: Necrophos because - again - he can build Shiva's and an Agh's will make him super strong versus a late game Spectre; he's also good at pushing early towers and forcing early 5-man teamfights with an early Mek. Plus, Necro vs OD... You know OD's Intelligence won't do much to him.
Dunno if that's the best team you could get, but I kinda like carry Necrolyte and all the mid game aggression versus a Spectre + Slardar. I guess they'd run an aggressive trilane, and Necro is also excellent at keeping his lane healthy.
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