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Forum » General Discussion » 6.87c 28 posts - page 2 of 3
Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by YellulzQuiet » May 7, 2016 8:48pm | Report
One thing is for sure, Eternal Envy is loving this patch(although hidden nerfs to PA), expect his monster Terrorblade back


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Kyphoid returns » May 7, 2016 9:30pm | Report
Y'all can thank me later.
TB buff is due to a very special request I got, there was no point in bat nerf. I told you all about conjure image durability from 425 to 400 a while back(perhaps 8 months now)

Beast master always irked me. He has physical damage, an attack speed skill and his boar decreases AS thru spell immunity and then he stuns thru spell immunity. Too much stuff going on there.

And radiance manta is not yet pepperoni on alchemist. You don't get bonus gold from illusions, you still get creep bounty(which will secretively add to your greevils counter,kappa).

Arc is still ****ed though. And I don't care.
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Dimonychan » May 8, 2016 12:17am | Report
Actually, it's probably for the first time I can say that Icefraud is doing a good job. A lot of heroes are viable and no heroes are ridiculously overpowered, or at least yet discovered to be.

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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by TheGhostReader » May 8, 2016 12:43am | Report
A TERRORBLADE BUFF ! OH GOD I'M SO HAPPY... now if only they remove the movement speed slow during Metamorph...
I read what you wrote there buddy ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Hamstertamer » May 8, 2016 12:53am | Report
Terathiel wrote:

Oh GOD those TB buffs. Not what I expected to see in a .c buff at all! Not that I'm complaining. 1.5 BAT in Meta is going to be silly and now I can go 3 skadis without any guild at all :)

IKR. I hope TB doesn't become patch cancer tier. Because I think OSFrog went slightly over the top on that one.

Dragon Lance, Yasha, Eye of Skadi, and then go full ****** and stack as many skadis as you can. Linkens and BKB situational. Then buy Refresher Orb, put it in base, and when meta is down you BoTs to base, refresh, heal up, and BoTs back. Ez almost permanent uptime 1.5 BAT ranged illusion carry with base damage higher than Morphling -> Ez MMR.

BTW if a few months from now people start coming up with contrived explanations for why TB starts getting picked in every game in competitive because he "fits the meta", you heard it here first, this is the exact moment when he crossed the line.
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Dimonychan » May 8, 2016 1:00am | Report
You say it like TB lacked lategame power and it was the reason he was not picked for such a long time. When you're lategame it means that there is already a high chance you'll win, it was early-mid game that was a problem.

Plus now that Drum and SnY on him are terrible there will be a problem chasing people down in Meta. You'll need Butterfly 100% because otherwise you're a ****ing snail.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Hamstertamer » May 8, 2016 1:02am | Report
You do realize that Metamorphosis is one of the best early game skills in dota, right? 4-shots heroes. Melts towers.

TB has amazing early-mid game as well. The only moment when TB is weak is if he gets completely shut down in lane and has to teamfight with 600 HP to defend his base. But now heroes are much tankier than before, and there's the 300 HP from Dragon lance, so even that isn't a real issue anymore.

I really don't remember seeing many drum/SnY Terablyats back in 6.80 something when EE picked him every game. Manta/skadi was the norm back then already. Besides Hurricane Pike gives mobility, doesn't it?
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Dimonychan » May 8, 2016 1:13am | Report
How does it change the fact that he is complete garbage when played from behind early-game? You can only trikshot ppl when you're allowed to, but when your mid feeds a killing spree to the enemy or there's a roamer in the enemy team/jungler in your team that made you lose all the lanes I think you'll find it pretty uncomfortable using one the best early game skills in dota.

Like, whatever you say about his ridiculous tower damage, he is still really easy to prevent from getting near a non-T1 tower. You cant even kill a defending support if they're not ******ed, you have no catch up, q doesn't work on invis/fog of war and it only takes one TP to a tower to make you run for your life because you have like 1k hp at most if you're behind.

The only way this "my team is getting dumpstered 10 mins into the game, I go rat Terablade and win the game" strat will work is if they do not TP to towers, which actually happens quite often. Just yesterday I played a game where Juggernaut got our T2 from 100 to 0 in one go and nobody went to stop him though he was there for like 30 seconds and there were no fights occurring. So this can actually work more often that expected.


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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Hamstertamer » May 8, 2016 1:28am | Report
Jugger rat is kind of a different thing, now there's no way to interrupt BKB + TP since basher/abyssal was put in the dumpster. So ratting with Jugg or Naix is pretty absurd against the right lineup.

Of course you run away with TB even on a crystal maiden TP. Who cares? You rat to delay the game, not to get towers. Enemies still can't push you if you do that. I agree that I've seen a lot of 4K TBs feeding while doing that, but you can play it ultra conservatively Bulldog style, sending an illusion on the side to scout and retreating at the slightest hint that heroes are missing. Like a real rat. And committing meta only when enemy team is pushing one of your own towers.

Actually you DO want ppl to TP to the towers you're pushing. Then you TP back and keep farming and defending towers.

The purpose of rat dota is not to take towers. The purpose of rat dota is to split up the enemy team and prevent them from taking objectives when 5-manning. It's all an art that has to be perfected. Only practice can make it right. Squeak squeak :)
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Permalink | Quote | PM | +Rep by Terathiel » May 8, 2016 4:30am | Report
Hamstertamer wrote:

The purpose of rat dota is not to take towers. The purpose of rat dota is to split up the enemy team and prevent them from taking objectives when 5-manning. It's all an art that has to be perfected. Only practice can make it right. Squeak squeak :)

Quoting this because it's eloquent, extremely well-put and completely correct.

1) If you ever went SnY on TB you were doing it wrong. Mathematically and in practice Manta has always been better. Just don't even try and argue this.

2) Slark, Invoker, even OD. All terrible when played from behind. Didn't stop them from being OSFrog heroes, did it?

3) TB isn't OSFrog... yet. He's getting close though, because previously he was OSFrog despite having a terrible design. Now, his design has improved and he's still getting buffed.
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