1. | Introduction |
2. | Pros / Cons |
3. | Roles |
4. | Skills |
5. | Skill Build |
6. | Stat build (Safer build) |
7. | Roaming |
8. | Support/Fun/Troll/Other |
9. | Situational Items |
10. | Sample Builds |
11. | Teamwork |
12. | Gameplay |
13. | Spots for shooting arrows |
14. | Allies |
15. | Enemies |
16. | Mirana's Balance Changelog |
17. | Responses to comments |
18. | Credits |
19. | Note to general public |
Mirana can be played in almost every role:
#1 role: This takes advantage of her high primary attribute gain (+2.75 agility) and the fact that she can farm fast with Starstorm. However, this does not maximize on the effectiveness of her
Sacred Arrow early game, and will not be setting up ganks with her
Moonlight Shadow.
#2 role If your team already has a carry ( Anti-Mage,
Medusa etc.) you can take this role. Usually you will build the armour reduction build, but more on this later.
#3 role Although Mirana is not very good at initiation, she can initiate a gank with a
Sacred Arrow though the fog. In this role, you will be expected to set up ganks with
Moonlight Shadow, and follow-up stuns with long-range arrows.
#4 role This is where your build starts changing. Because you do not need to farm, you can leave Starstorm until later. Now you should focus on maxing
Leap (unorthodox) for the movement and attack speed buff. You will be expected to help with the courier, and carry dust etc.
#5 role If you're playing all-random and all your teamates got carries, you can play this role. Mirana is not the most suitable (like
Dazzle, etc) for this role, but she can do it. Just take 1 level in Sacred arrow for the stun, and focus on
Leap. Help teamates escape with
Moonlight Shadow.
Mirana is usually played as a roaming support, because Sacred Arrow is a really great stun that will almost guarantee kills if landed.
"It was not luck, but skill!"
Let me get to the skills before we rush on to all the items, shall we?
![]() |
Type: Targets: |
Active |
Calls down a wave of meteors to damage nearby enemy units. The closest enemy unit will take 75% more damage. |
Level 1 2 3 4 |
Mana 100 120 140 160 |
Cooldown 12 12 12 12 |
Radius 625 625 625 625 |
AoE 625 625 625 625 |
Duration N/A N/A N/A N/A |
Effect 75 damage, (*131) 150 damage,(*263) 225 damage,(*394) 300 damage,(*525) |
Level 1 2 3 4 |
Mana 100 100 100 100 |
Cooldown 17 17 17 17 |
Range 3000 3000 3000 3000 |
AoE 115 115 115 115 |
Duration 0.01-5 0.01-5 0.01-5 0.01-5 |
Effect 50 damage, up to 140 bonus damage and up to 5 second stun 140 damage, up to 140 bonus damage and up to 5 second stun 230 damage, up to 140 bonus damage and up to 5 second stun 320 damage, up to 140 bonus damage and up to 5 second stun |
![]() |
Type: Affects: |
Active Self |
Mirana empowers allied units with a ferocious roar, granting bonus attack and movement speed before leaping forward into battle. Speed bonus lasts 10 seconds. |
Level 1 2 3 4 |
Mana 40 35 30 20 |
Cooldown 30 26 22 18 |
Distance Leaped 600 700 800 900 |
Roar Radius 775 775 775 775 |
Buff Duration 10 10 10 10 |
Effect 4% movement speed and 8 attack speed bonus to all allies. 8% movement speed and 16 attack speed bonus to all allies. 12% movement speed and 24 attack speed bonus to all allies. 16% movement speed and 32 attack speed bonus to all allies. |
Level 1 2 3 |
Mana 75 75 75 |
Cooldown 140 120 100 |
Range Global Global Global |
AoE N/A N/A N/A |
Duration 15 15 15 |
Effect Turns all allies invisible after a 2.5 second delay Turns all allies invisible after a 2 second delay Turns all allies invisible after a 1.5 second delay |
The skill build I provide is probably the only orthodox thing in this guide. 1-1-1, then max Starstorm first, then max
Sacred Arrow, then max
Leap. Let's look into the details.
Starstorm's damage is more
Sacred Arrow. Assuming the arrow get's max damage and the second star hit, that would be 460 compared to 525. Granted, the arrow has longer range, and it stuns for a long time, but
Starstorm does damage in an AOE and is your farming skill. Let's put it into a chart.
Roaming Mirana is one of the few roles that
Mirana can play. Due to her long stuns with
Sacred Arrow, it is surprisingly effective.
Sometimes, you really have to deviate from these builds. Sometimes, a certain situation requires a certain item, and I can't give you all the situations you are going to face. However, I can guide you and give you examples.
If you have these in your Allies:
A request from Yzreel. In no particular order.
These boots will allow you to push with your team, and saves you an inventory slot. A pushing item.
Works well with: Mjollnir, and Desolater.
Great against evasion carries (
Phantom Assassin) and great choice if your team struggles with getting the enemy tier 3's.
Good against: Butterfly,
Heaven's Halberd, and
Great against escape heroes (
Weaver etc.). Generally your Int. hero gets this, but if they refuse, you can. You do benefit from the attackspeed, and extra mana doesn't hurt.
Good against: Initiators, Escape, and intelligence heroes in general.
An extremely situational choice, hand of midas can be obtained if you wish to take things late game.
Good with: Carry build.
A great late-game choice, it can be obtained after an attackspeed item (
Assault Cuirass). The stun penetrates BKB, so it's great for taking down other carries.
Works well with: Attackspeed items
Good against: BKB users.
The ultimate tank item, it allows you to be much tankier than usual. However, I wouldn't recommend it, it is not
Mirana's playstyle. If you need HP, consider an
Eye of Skadi.
This is more of a support-y item.
Good against Roshan
Works well with Ghost Scepter
Physical immunity is extremely helpful, especially if you are playing support and do not want to be 2-shotted by an enemy carry. Be wary of magic damage, though. A neat trick is Ethereal Form > Boots of travel (NOT tp scroll).
Good with: Medallion of Courage,
Boots of Travel.
I have deleted the mana-burn build, and put it here, because it is situational. However, there are many situations where this item comes in handy. It give +25 agility and +6 Intelligence at level 1. That gives you 25 much needed damage and roughly 40 max mana to help with your mana problems. Compare it to an
Eaglesong, which is the same price. It give the same amount of agility, but gives mana, and it's active, Purge. Purge is a purge. Yeah. It instantly destroys illusions and summoned units, which is really great against
Warlock's Golems! This is usually my go-to item if there is a
Warlock in the opposition. Note that your illusions, whether from
Manta Style or a illusion rune get the mana-burn.
At level 2, it gives +30 damage from the agility, and 36 more damage from the mana-burn. This item actually gives +66 damage! That is more than a Sacred Relic, AND it gives +25 attackspeed, ~3.5 armour, and lots of mana. Not to mention the purge.
Good with: Manta Style
Good against: Summoned units, Warlock.
Do I really need to explain this? Generally you wouldn't be in the middle of the fight, you'll be in the outskirts, but if it's necessary, NO HESITATION.
Shoutout to EternalEnvy and SingSing. This is a glass cannon item, and is extremely situational. Only do it if you're crazy or otherwise extremely good.
Great if you have melee carries, the lifesteal is awesome, but don't overlook the armour.
Can be purchased if you are roaming, cheaper than
Urn of Shadows but doesn't have the 150 DoT.
If you're against nasty single-target BKB-penetrating spells (
Fiend's Grip etc.) this is the item for you. Gives nice regen and survivability.
Glass cannon/ Against Heavy armour
In order to figure out how Mirana interacts with the team, we need to understand her strengths and weaknesses in a team's point of view.
'Good' team attributes.
Levels 1-6
Generally I would stay in lane and last-hit. Once you hit 6, you can tell your team, and set up a five-man gank. Try not to die in these stages, you are really fragile and you need the farm. If you have a lane partner with a stun, you might want to try kill the enemy. However, this is risky, and can often be turned against you due to you fragile nature.
Levels 6-15
Adapt. Adapt. Adapt. Whatever you do, adapt.
Be sure to participate in teamfights. I like to stand back when a teamfight is on the brink of starting, and fire a long-range arrow as soon as it does. Then I Leap into the fray (or at least close to it) to provide attackpeed for my allies. Be sure to cast
Starstorm in teamfights, 300 damage in a AOE is nothing to laugh at. If your team messes up, or the other team is winning the teamfight, it's ok to cast your ulti and make a clean escape.
If you went the armour build, make sure to keep allies and enemies within the radius of your Assault Cuirass and tell your team to focus on the same guy to maximise on the armour reduction from your
Desolator. You can take Roshan, just don't do it alone. Make sure you use your
Medallion of Couragewhen you have the chance.
If you went the stat build, be sure to be in the middle of teamfights causing chaos and havoc with your illusions and slow! Remember to right-click their carry to slow his/her attackspeed with your Eye of Skadi.
If you went for the anti-caster build, then activate your BKB, and manaburn away! Be sure to purge any annoying debuffs with your Diffusal Blade, whether on yourself or your ally.
Level 16-25
By now, your team should be sticking together and pushing/anti-pushing. Use Starstorm to clear creepwaves, and your
Mjollnir should do the rest.
Enemy priorities (If you are playing semi-carry):
#1: Clean up enemy supports, particularly if they have strong teamfight spells ( Weave,
Black Hole,
Chaotic Offering etc. ). You really want to kill them before they use they're spells.
#2: Biggest damage dealer. Be it their carry, their nuker, focus them down so your carry can have a easy life.
The most important thing, however, is team-coordination. Pick out the most dangerous enemy, then then entire team focuses on him at once. For Mirana this means landing an arrow on him (with or without set up), then leaping into attack-range. Hopefully you catch them by surprise so you kill the poor guy before the enemy team reacts. See above for teamfight tips.
Mirana has been popular in the last few months, and was pick/banned a lot in The Internationals 4. Subsequently, she has been nerfed in the last two patches.
"Who should I arrow in a team-fight?" -Bunkansee
Probably the most dangerous target (ie. Their carry) or the guy your team wants to kill first. Sacred Arrow has an extremely long range, so you can make good use of that and stun their initiator from far away. You team will benefit from initiating first. If you miss, that's also fine, it probably messed up their positioning. :)
"Would Mirana be a suitable mid by any chances?" -Bunkansee
Generally, no. Mirana does not benefit from the pros of being mid: Rune control, relative safety, and solo exp. You would rather have an ally to help you set up a
Sacred Arrow, wouldn't you?
Icefrog- for making this game
Dr. D- for his guide to formatting
Special mention: Bunkansee- Thank you so much for editing this guide for me, and being the first person to 'befriend' me on DOTAfire!
This is my first guide, please go easy on me. Please provide constructive feedback, if possible (;D). Also, I do see people have voted down my guide, and I'm fine with that. I'm human. However, I would like to hear (or see) why my guide is not meeting your expectations. I have put a lot of effort into this.
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