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17 Votes

TheSofa's guide to Sagan

May 10, 2015 by TheSofa
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TheSofa (54) | January 12, 2016 5:08pm
Hi theFALLEN3.

First of all, the title clearly says "do not read," so I'm not sure what you're doing here.

Second, this isn't a Bounty Hunter guide, it's a Mirana guide.

theFALLEN3 (1) | January 12, 2016 12:52pm
i think that all agility heroes who rely on their magical damage in the early game MUST have an orchid and this are the reasons:
1- insane mana regane so if u meesed up the first time u have a second chance
2- insane spammability to thier low CD damage abilites so the can mae most DPS early game
3-boost the damage by 30% so u if u sarted with it and the hero is 100% hp and u could drive hes hp till less than 20% u can leave him to die
4- easy to assemble
5- effective even in late game so u can just damage thier carry and slince thier support(if the carry is so important to kill)

i bought orchid evey time i played bounty hunter and belive me it was extremely effective to land three shirikens in a row :)
Synthetics | August 9, 2015 5:05am
Hmm. By the way. Zeus ultimate "Thundergod's Wrath" can be countered with Mirana's "Moonlight Shadow". So take note of it down below your guide too. ^_^ It happened to me once. I was Mirana and Juggernaut was low hp. So I ulti before Zeus ulti. The ulti only showed my team's whereabouts but the lightning did not hit them in any way. :P
TheSofa (54) | July 30, 2015 6:23pm
Yeah, I'll do a completely remake after August the 7th and after the FoC. Thanks though!
GGnet.Ace (4) | July 30, 2015 2:40pm
Huge yes +1 from me since I saw medallion that's it you have my support.
No better item than medallion to followup a 5 second stun
You should upgrade it to solar crest
TheSofa (54) | May 12, 2015 2:20pm
ChiChi wrote:

Nice guide, +1 from me!

Also, if you have the time consider adding the new mango in your build, it's really good for Mirana until the mid game :)


This guide is really old, will do some major updating after my Morphling guide is released. *wink *wink
ChiChi (47) | May 11, 2015 2:13pm
Nice guide, +1 from me!

Also, if you have the time consider adding the new mango in your build, it's really good for Mirana until the mid game :)
wangyuphing (9) | January 2, 2015 8:09pm
Hey TheSofa!
Just a little bit of a thing I found
In the ROAMING section you haven't finished Urn of Shadows' explanation......

TheSofa (54) | September 1, 2014 9:25am
Xyrus wrote:

You should probably just stick with Builds #2 - 4, #1 is unviable as you can be easily locked down without any defensive Items and have no HP, #3 needs completing and I'm not even sure what #5 is meant to be. 8{(

Mirana is pretty squishy throughout the game and easily Bursted if Leap is on Cooldown, or you get hit Locked down by something with no Cast Time, e.g. Dragon Tail, Orchid Malevolence, etc., so you'll probably want a Black King Bar in most games, for all the others, Linken's Sphere and or Manta Style can also help in certain Situations.

Before that though, you'll want to consider an Early Item, Hand of Midas if you want Levels, Malestrom if you want to stay in the Lanes and Push/Farm or Drum of Endurance if you need to fight early on. A Ring of Aquila goes nicely with Drum of Endurance as well, but isn't needed if you're focusing on Farming as it'll just delay your Hand of Midas/ Maelstrom. Maybe even an Urn of Shadows if you're Roaming. As always, Magic Stick/ Magic Wand is Core. 8{D

After those 2 Items, there are a lot of choices, your Stats Mirana build is good if you're Split-Pushing, once you have Manta Style just bulk up your Satts with Eye of Skadi, Butterfly, Heart of Tarrasque and maybe even Assault Cuirass for the Aura. Otherwise Mjollnir, Desolator, Diffusal Blade, Monkey King Bar, Daedalus, Boots of Travel or maybe even a Scythe of Vyse may be called for...maybe even... Divine Rapier!!! 8{0.

Abyssal Blade and Blademail are a definite no-no, though.

As for Maxing Starstorm VS. Sacred Arrow, you forgot the biggest benefit to Starstorm. It's Mirana's Flash Farming Skill, clearing Creeps faster allow you to Push and Farm a lot better. Not only that, but bear in mind the secondary part of Starstorm, 75% Damage on a random target within a 175 AoE, so the damage increase is actually:-

75 + (75 * 0.75) == 131.25 per level <|8{D

Thank you!

About the flash farming, I think I did put it in there...

No Abyssal or Blademail. Ok.
Xyrus (104) | August 31, 2014 9:38am
TheSofa wrote:

Did that not update? There should be 4 and a tl:dr if you get cunfuzzled. Thank you for the comment, Yzreel, I will edit it after I get my computer back. :D

You should probably just stick with Builds #2 - 4, #1 is unviable as you can be easily locked down without any defensive Items and have no HP, #3 needs completing and I'm not even sure what #5 is meant to be. 8{(

Mirana is pretty squishy throughout the game and easily Bursted if Leap is on Cooldown, or you get hit Locked down by something with no Cast Time, e.g. Dragon Tail, Orchid Malevolence, etc., so you'll probably want a Black King Bar in most games, for all the others, Linken's Sphere and or Manta Style can also help in certain Situations.

Before that though, you'll want to consider an Early Item, Hand of Midas if you want Levels, Malestrom if you want to stay in the Lanes and Push/Farm or Drum of Endurance if you need to fight early on. A Ring of Aquila goes nicely with Drum of Endurance as well, but isn't needed if you're focusing on Farming as it'll just delay your Hand of Midas/ Maelstrom. Maybe even an Urn of Shadows if you're Roaming. As always, Magic Stick/ Magic Wand is Core. 8{D

After those 2 Items, there are a lot of choices, your Stats Mirana build is good if you're Split-Pushing, once you have Manta Style just bulk up your Satts with Eye of Skadi, Butterfly, Heart of Tarrasque and maybe even Assault Cuirass for the Aura. Otherwise Mjollnir, Desolator, Diffusal Blade, Monkey King Bar, Daedalus, Boots of Travel or maybe even a Scythe of Vyse may be called for...maybe even... Divine Rapier!!! 8{0.

Abyssal Blade and Blademail are a definite no-no, though.

As for Maxing Starstorm VS. Sacred Arrow, you forgot the biggest benefit to Starstorm. It's Mirana's Flash Farming Skill, clearing Creeps faster allow you to Push and Farm a lot better. Not only that, but bear in mind the secondary part of Starstorm, 75% Damage on a random target within a 175 AoE, so the damage increase is actually:-

75 + (75 * 0.75) == 131.25 per level <|8{D
TheSofa (54) | August 28, 2014 3:21pm
dylf wrote:

Amazing guide I made an account just to upvote this guide. I don't really understand the thing you write about using ghost scepter with boots of travel, why are you not suposed to use a tp?

Thank you so much!

Town Portal Scroll will dispel Ethereal form, whereas Boots of Travel won't. Like, you can't teleport to safety while physically immune using a TP, but you can with BoTs
dylf | August 28, 2014 2:00pm
Amazing guide I made an account just to upvote this guide. I don't really understand the thing you write about using ghost scepter with boots of travel, why are you not suposed to use a tp?
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