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6 Votes

The effects of boredom

November 26, 2013 by NinjaFatcats
Comments: 13    |    Views: 16518    |   

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DotA2 Hero: Bloodseeker

Hero Skills

Sanguivore (Innate)


3 8 12

Blood Rite

1 4 5 7


2 9 10 13 14


6 11 16


15 17 18


I am not a hardcore Bloodseeker player. So don't tell me how to play him, because I can play him anyway i want, and you can choose to accept this guide or not. Please read to WHOLE guide first before questioning my actions.

I think he is a chicken...cos if his feet...and his feathers...

Pros and Cons


-Noob friendly

-Quite easy to lane

-starting armour is decent

-Good ganker


-lacks ranged stuff

-can be out carried quite easily

-lacks AoE stuff


As you can see, my Core items compose of Power Treads, Orchid Malevolence, Dagon and Crystalys. I'd rather choose Power Treads rather than Phase Boots because the attack speed suits well with Bloodrage. Strength is good as it provides health during 1v1 fights. Dagon...underrated for Bloodseeker.

You may think, "WTF...Dagon?...Really?

It is good because it provides 300 burst damage including magic resistance. This really helps in those TP chases, where they are <300 hp, but can't cancel their TP in time...ZAP!!! I suggest upgrading this item when you have fully upgraded all your other items as in each upgrade, Dagon provides an extra measly 75 damage...for the price of 1250.

Orchid Malevolence compliments with the dagon, forcing them to absorb more damage. Orchid Malevolence also provides alot of mana and goof mana regen. During late game, when you silence yourself with Bloodrage, you can use Orchid Malevolence to silence the enemy. This can also be used with conjunction of Mask of Madness as they cannot burst you down with magical damage. Though this only works effectively in 1v1 attacks. You don't want to rely too much on magical damage as he was suppose to built as a physical "damager". So get a Crystalys too compensate it. Mask of Madness works well with this as it provides a higher chance of them being critically hit. The damage provided for something of the cost of 2150 is quite efficient. Daedalus is the upgraded version of this sword, so go for it if you have the cash. Monkey King Bar is a pretty good item as it gives a 35% chance to do a mini stun and to inflict 75 damage to the enemy, including magic resistance.

Mjollnir amplifies the effects of physical damage. Because physical damage has a better long term effect over magical damage, you can sell the dagon to get another weapon. I recommend Desolator because of its ability to reduce armour on heroes and structures, so you can backdoor a bit easier, though ask any of your allies if they are getting another Desolator and the effectiveness is halved...unless you guys are pushing 2 different lanes.

I'll skip the starting items cos it is obvious what it is used for. A common tip is to build a Magic Stick rather than a Magic Wand as a Magic Wand is not cost efficient, as the money can be used to get core items faster.

You should only get Abyssal Blade where it is at the point of the game where you Rupture is virtually useless and you need to perma stun the enemy to kill them. The active is extremely useful if they have Black King Bar because it provides a lasting 2 second stun which goes through magic immunity. Good to disable the initiator or carry.



For the core items, there is alot to choose from. A special mention is the two Vitality Boosters, as the cost is about the same as the rest of the items and provides a MASSIVE 500 HP boost! Some of these stuff can be used in combos, such as

Urn of Shadows + Force Staff = Semi Support

Drum of Endurance + Yasha = Speed Racer

Hand of Midas + Maelstrom = Gold Miner

Vitality Booster + Vitality Booster = Wannabe Heart of Tarrasque

Sange + Armlet of Mordiggian = Red is my favourite colour

Sange + Yasha = Sange and Yasha (duh)

Vladmir's Offering + Drum of Endurance = Trying to outpush a Nature's Prophet?

Sange + Blade Mail = Tank it up

Dagon + Hand of Midas = killing creeps for da hp

Dagon + Urn of Shadows = Can't seek blood if they are zapped on a molecular level mate


Radiance is a common item used within the game, and people say it saves their lives several times. They aren't wrong, but it ain't cost efficient. Why not buy items which KILL SECURE (KS)? With that chunky 5150 gold, you can get better damage items. Though, you may think that you will get hp from the creeps you kill during team fights. Not all team fights are near creeps. Additionally, it is quite hard to farm up 3800 gold for the Sacred Relic, so its a high risk and a low gain, since you ONLY get 60 damage. Even a Desolator which cost 4100 gold alone deals more damage, and is more diverse.

Linken's Sphere is also a no no as red is your favourite blue. Another reason is that it offers little damage for its price. Try to offer lots of damage in a time frame.

Battle Fury should not be chosen as you are a ganker, not farmer. Same reason for Bounty Hunter.



Be an emo and apply this to yourself mid-late game. Look at your damage sky rocket. Do not apply to ANY enemy DPS hero, like... Phantom Assassin, or Drow Ranger or Huskar or Lycanthrope. Doesn't surprise me if you help them get a rampage.

Be smart when to use these skills on allies. For example, there is a Faceless Void who hasn't cast Time Walk and Chronosphere yet, then you silence him. There is no point if he can't hit anyone. Another example includes Sven, so use it AFTER he uses God's Strength and Storm Hammer.

Blood bath

Excellent skill for laning presence. Makes you able to shake off harassment. Do not tower dive unless you are absolutely certain you get get a kill. Do not tower dive for stunners or massive slowers, or they can ring around the rosie you to death. This is also an excellent excuse to get the last hits for yourself.

This can also save your life several times, as you can dagon or Hand of Midas a lane creep or a big creep controlled by Enchantress or Chen.


This is an incredible skill, as you gain true sight over the enemy once they are 50% hp or lower. This helps you team mates land their Sun Strike or Rocket Flare. The most notorious feature of this skill is that there is no movement speed cap, so you can can move 1000+ speeds.


Good for early game, bad for late. Gank as much as possible once it is off cd, as it is often a guaranteed kill with a good slower or stunner.

Friends and Foes

Your buddies are some dota drug lords, like Magnus's Empower and Ogre Magi's Bloodlust. These are good cos they allow YOU to get the kill, which is important.

Bad guy are guys who can kite you, like Drow Ranger or Sniper. Evasion is a real problem too, but if you get Monkey King Bar, it should be no problem.


I don't really like jungling with Bloodseeker but it's your choice. Instead of getting Poor Man's Shield, get 2 stout shields, cos of the higher chance to block some damage from camps and you have a lower chance in encountering heroes. So, dont get Slippers of Agility and get sone Tangos or Healing Salves instead.

Jungling is overall easy, but since you do little damage early game, pull the creeps, then when they come back to the camp, you can hit the a couple of times. However, you should not do it around the minute mark as more creeps are annoying and try picking the slower camps or else this does not work.

Team Work

No one cares about team work because it is pub, but if you are playing with friends and want yo help each other, look at the friends and foes section.

Key rules

-Target a single target every time, as you would rather make 1 hero useless rather than delay the farm of everyone fractionally.

-Don't use Ruptre's initial damage to kill the enemy. it wastes you mana and it could be used for another gank.

-Keep Quelling Blade unless you need the slot for a good item. This is because if Spectre and a blinker (namely Anti-Mage or Queen of Pain) tries to escape in the trees, try to somehow get vision then silence then with Orchid Malevolence and Bloodrage as long as possible, so they can be silenced at a maximum of 14 seconds. With this time, you can cut like 2 trees then be in range to dagon them.


25/11/13 - added the rejected section, and added some stuff in the items and skills part


Wee, that's about it. I might update it more if i'm bored again. This burned a couple of hours...I hope you learnt something new today. Good day SIR!!!

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